White Walnut. Juglans cinerea L. French: Noix de beurre. German: Butter Walnuss. Italian: Noce cenerino. Root bark and leaves.
Action: cholagogue, hepatic, laxative, blood tonic, anthelmintic, reputed anti-tumour.
Uses: Chronic constipation associated with liver disorder. To increase flow of bile and its release from the gall bladder. Toxic liver disorder. Skin diseases with pus. Worms in children. Piles.
Combinations. (1) equal parts, with Yellow Dock and Burdock for chronic skin disorders. (2) with Figwort 2; Butternut 1; for piles. (3) equal parts with Mugwort for worms.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Decoction. Half a teaspoon to each cupful water gently simmer 15 minutes. Dose, half-1 cup.
Liquid Extract. 2 to 4ml in water.