Baill.Synonym: B. sempervirens Linn.Family: Buxaceae.
Habitat: The Western and Central Himalayas and Punjab.
English: Himalayan Boxwood tree.Folk: Chikri, Shamshaad. Paapari (Garhwal).Action: Wood—diaphoretic. Bark— febrifuge. Leaves—purgative, diaphoretic; used in rheumatism. Poisonous. Not a safe drug for "purifying blood". Symptoms of poisoning are severe—abdominal pain, vomiting, convulsions and death.
The mixture of alkaloids is referred to as buxine. Buxenine-G is cytotoxic.There is preliminary evidence that a specific Boxwood leaf extract (SVP 30) might delay disease progression in HIV-infected patients. The extract is available through internet sources or AIDS Buyers' Clubs. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)