The deposition of calcium salts in body tissues that is part of the normal process of bone and teeth formation and the healing of fractures.
Calcification also occurs in injured muscles, in arteries affected by atherosclerosis, and when blood calcium levels are raised by disorders of the parathyroid glands.
n. the deposition of calcium salts in tissue. This occurs as part of the normal process of bone formation (see ossification). Compare dystrophic calcification; metastatic calcification.
The deposition of calcium salts in developing teeth. Primary teeth begin to calcify in a fetus at between 3 and 6 months gestation; calcification of permanent teeth (other than the wisdom teeth) begins between birth and 4 years. Abnormal calcification occurs in amelogenesis imperfecta, an inherited disorder of the enamel (see hypoplasia, enamel), and can also result from the absorption of high levels of fluoride (see fluorosis).... calcification, dental
the calcification of injured or necrotic tissue in the absence of systemic *hypercalcaemia. Dystrophic calcification is a characteristic feature in some cancers of the breast, ovary, and thyroid gland. Compare metastatic calcification.... dystrophic calcification