Capparis sepiaria Health Dictionary

Capparis Sepiaria: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Capparidaceae.

Habitat: Dry regions of the country, also planted as a hedge plant.

English: Indian Caper.

Ayurvedic: Himsraa, Gridhnakhi, Duh-pragharshaa, Kaakdaani, Kabara, Kanthaari.

Siddha/Tamil: Karunjurai.

Family: Cappariadaceae.

Habitat: Native to the Mediterranean region. Distributed in North-west India, Rajasthan, and Peninsular India.

English: Caper Bush.

Ayurvedic: Himsraa, Kaakdaani, Kabara.

Unani: Kabar.

Action: Anti-inflammatory, deob- struent to liver and spleen, diuretic, anthelmintic, vasoconstrictive. Bark—given in splenic, renal and hepatic complaints. Juice of leaves and fruits—anticystic, bactericidal and fungicidal. Dried flower buds— used in scurvy.

Plant gave glucosinolates—glucoi- berin, glucocapparin, sinigrin, gluco- cleomin and glucocapangatin. Rutin has also been reported from plant. The root bark, cortex and leaves gave stachydrine. Stachydrine, when given to dogs, rabbits and rats, quickened the coagulation of blood and reduced loss of blood.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Capparis Aphylla


Synonym: C. decidua Edgew.

Family: Capparidaceae.

Habitat: Rajasthan, Punjab and Sindh; southward to Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

English: Caper Berry.

Ayurvedic: Karira, Krakar, Apatra, Granthila, Marubhoo-ruuha, Niguudhapatra, Karila.

Unani: Kabar, Kabar-ul-Hind, Kabar-e-Hindi; Tenti.

Siddha/Tamil: Chhengan.

Folk: Tenti.

Action: Anti-inflammatory (used for enlarged cervical glands, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis; externally on swellings, skin eruptions, ringworm). Fruits and seeds—used for urinary purulent discharges and dysentery. Flowers and seeds— antimicrobial. The fruit is used as a pickle.

The root bark contains spermidine alkaloids, used for inflammations, asthma and gout.

Activity of the seed volatiles against vibro cholerae has been recorded.

Aqueous extract of the plant exhibits anthelmintic activity; seeds contain antibacterial principles—glucocapparin; isothiocynate aglycone of glucocap- parin.

The blanched fruits, when fed to rats at 10% dietary fibre level, showed a significant hypocholesterolaemic effect, which is attributed to its hemicel- lose content.

Pickled fruits are use for destroying intestinal worms.

Dosage: Leaf, root—50-125 mg (CCRAS.)

Folk: Hains, Kanthaar.

Action: Antiseptic, antipyretic. Used for eczema and scabies.

Leaves contain taraxasterol, alpha- and beta-amyrin and beta-sitosterol, erythrodiol and betulin.

Dosage: Root—5-10 g powder. (CCRAS.)... capparis aphylla

Capparis Spinosa


Capparis moonii Wight.

Family: Capparidaceae.

Habitat: Indigenous to New Zealand. Now distributed in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Ayurvedic: Rudanti.

Action: Fruit—used in puerperal sepsis and septic wounds, also for debility and cough.

EtOH (50%) extract of aerial parts is CNS depressant.

Fruits contain l-stachydrine, rutin and beta-sitosterol.... capparis spinosa

Capparis Zeylanica


Synonym: C. horrida Linn.f.

Family: Cappariadaceae.

Habitat: Common in plains as a hedge plant.

English: Ceylon Caper.

Ayurvedic: Ahimsra (Himsraa and Ahimsra are synonyms). Vyaaghranakhi.

Siddha/Tamil: Aathondai.

Folk: Kareruaa.

Action: Root bark—sedative, stomachic, anticholerin, diuretic febrifuge. Leaves—applied as poultice to piles, swellings, boils.

The plant contains a saponin and p- hydroxybenzoic, syringic, vanillic, fer- ulic and p-coumaric acids. The leaves contain beta-carotene. The leaves and seeds contain glucocapparin, alpha- amyrin, n-triacontane and a fixed oil.

Aerial parts exhibited spasmolytic activity.... capparis zeylanica

Flacourtia Sepiaria


Family: Flacourtiaceae.

Habitat: Kumaon and n the dry forests of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and South India.

Ayurvedic: Vikankata (related species), Kinkini (provisional classical synonym).

Folk: Kondai, Kondari.

Action: The bark of the plant, triturated in sesame oil, is used as liniment in gout and rheumatism.... flacourtia sepiaria

Ipomoea Sepiaria

Koen. ex Roxb.

Synonym: I. maxima (Linn. f.) G. Don.

Family: Convolvulaceae.

Habitat: Throughout greater part of India.

Ayurvedic: Banakalami, Hanumaan- Vel, Manjika. (Also equated with Lakshmanaa.)

Siddha/Tamil: Thaalikeerai (Laksh- manaa of the South).

Action: Juice of the plant—de- obstruent, diuretic, hypotensive, uterine tonic, antidote to arsenic poisoning. Seeds—cardiac depressant, hypotensive, spasmolytic.... ipomoea sepiaria

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