Cardi Health Dictionary

Cardi: From 1 Different Sources

Cardiac Arrest

Absence of a palpable pulse, and thus of circula tion of blood around the body by the heart contraction. The cause may be asystole or ventricular fibrillation.... cardiac arrest


Relating to the heart... cardiac

Cardiac Cycle

The various sequential movements of the heart that comprise the rhythmic relaxation and expansion of the heart muscles as ?rst the atria contract and force the blood into the ventricles (diastole), which then contract (systole) to pump the blood round the body. (See ELECTROCARDIOGRAM (ECG).)

Cardiac Disease

See HEART, DISEASES OF.... cardiac cycle

Cardiac Output

The volume of blood pumped out per minute by the ventricles of the heart. It is one measure of the heart’s e?ciency. At rest, the heart of a healthy adult will pump between 2.5 and 4.5 litres of blood every minute. Exercise will raise this to as much as 30 litres a minute but, if this ?gure is low, it suggests that the heart muscle may be diseased or that the person has suffered severe blood loss.... cardiac output


That branch of medical science devoted to the study of the diseases of the heart.... cardiology


A general term covering primary disease of the heart muscle. (See HEART, DISEASES OF.)... cardiomyopathy

Cardiopulmonary Bypass

A procedure in which the body’s circulation of blood is kept going when the heart is intentionally stopped to enable heart surgery to be carried out. A HEART-LUNG MACHINE substitutes for the heart’s pumping action and the blood is oxygenated at the same time.... cardiopulmonary bypass


Keeping the heart functioning normally... cardiotonic


Cardioversion, or DEFIBRILLATION, is indicated in patients with ventricular ?brillation or tachycardia, fast or irregular heartbeat, if other treatments have failed. A general anaesthetic is given if the patient is conscious, following which a carefully timed direct-current shock is applied to the patient’s chest wall using a DEFIBRILLATOR. The patient’s ECG rhythm should then be monitored and anticoagulants considered, as the risk of EMBOLISM is increased.... cardioversion


Cardia is a term applied to the upper opening of the stomach into which the oesophagus empties. The cardia lies immediately behind the heart.... cardia

Cardiac Glycosides

Drugs whose main actions are to increase the force of myocardial contraction and reduce the conductivity of the nerve ?bres in the atrioventricular node of the heart. They are useful in treating supraventricular tachycardias (rapid heart rhythm) and some forms of heart failure. Glycosides are a traditional group of cardiac drugs, originally derived from the leaves of foxglove plants and used as digitalis. The active principle has long been synthesised and used as DIGOXIN. They are potentaially toxic and their use, especially during initial treatment, should be monitored. Side-effects include ANOREXIA, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain; drowsiness, confusion and DEPRESSION may occur. An abnormally slow heart rate may develop. The glycosides should be used with special care in the elderly who are sometimes particularly susceptible to their toxic effects.... cardiac glycosides

Cardiac Massage

The procedure used to restart the action of the heart if it is suddenly arrested. In many cases the arrested heart can be made to start beating again by rhythmic compression of the chest wall. This is done by placing the patient on a hard surface – a table or the ?oor – and then placing the heel of the hand over the lower part of the sternum and compressing the chest wall ?rmly, but not too forcibly, at the rate of 60–80 times a minute. At the same time arti?cial respiration must be started by the mouth-tomouth method. (See APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID.) Open heart massage is sometimes undertaken if an arrest occurs during a chest operation – the heart being directly handled by the resuscitator.... cardiac massage

Cardiac Muscle

The muscle, unique to the heart, which comprises the walls of the atria and ventricles. It consists of long broadening cells (?bres) with special physiological characteristics which enable them to keep contracting and expanding inde?nitely.... cardiac muscle

Cardiac Neurosis

Obsessional fear about the state of the heart. It tends to occur after a heart attack and may result in the patient’s experiencing the symptoms of another attack.... cardiac neurosis

Cardiac Tamponade

Compression of the heart due to abnormal accumulation of ?uid within the ?brous covering of the heart (PERICARDIUM). The result is irregular rhythm and death if the ?uid is not removed.... cardiac tamponade


Enlargement of the heart (see HEART, DISEASES OF).... cardiomegaly


A procedure whereby the heart is stopped by reducing its temperature (hypothermia), by injecting the muscle with a solution of salts or by electrostimulation. This enables surgeons to operate safely on the heart.... cardioplegia

Cardiovascular System

This refers to the whole circulatory system: the heart, the systemic circulation (the arteries and veins of the body) and the pulmonary circulation (the arteries and veins of the lungs). Blood circulates throughout the cardiovascular system bringing oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other waste products.... cardiovascular system

Cardiogenic Shock

The result of myocardial infarction. Reduction in contractility and output of the heart.

Symptoms: low blood pressure, reduced urinary output, water in the lungs, etc. See: MYOCARDITIS. ... cardiogenic shock

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

The administration of life-saving measures to a person who has suffered a cardiac arrest. A person in cardiac arrest is not breathing and has no detectable pulse or heartbeat. First, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (see artificial respiration) is given; if this fails to restart breathing, repeated chest compressions, using the heel of

the hand, are applied to the lower breastbone until trained help arrives.

Both these measures are used to restore blood circulation to the brain.

Brain damage is likely if the brain is starved of oxygen for more than 3–4 minutes.... cardiopulmonary resuscitation


See fetal heart monitoring.... cardiotocography

Achalasia Of The Cardia

A condition in which there is a failure to relax of the muscle ?bres around the opening of the gullet, or oesophagus, into the stomach. (See OESOPHAGUS, DISEASES OF.)... achalasia of the cardia

Cardiac Arrhythmia

Abnormal rhythm of the heartbeat. Most commonly seen after someone has had a myocardial infarction, but also present in some normal individuals – especially if they have taken a lot of co?ee or other stimulant – and in those with a congenital abnormality of the heart-muscle conducting system. The cause is interference in the generation or transmission of electrical impulses through the heart’s conducting system. Occasional isolated irregular beats (ectopic beats) do not necessarily mean that conduction is faulty. Arrhythmias can be classi?ed as tachycardias (more than 100 beats a minute) or bradycardias (slower than 60 beats a minute). Heartbeats may be regular or irregular. (See HEART, DISEASES OF.)... cardiac arrhythmia

Cardiac Catheterisation

A diagnostic procedure in which a tube is inserted into a blood vessel under local anaesthetic and threaded through to the chambers of the heart to monitor blood ?ow, blood pressure, blood chemistry and the output of the heart, and to take a sample of heart tissue. The technique is used to diagnose congenital heart disease and coronary artery disease. Another application is in the diagnosis and treatment of valvular disease in the heart.... cardiac catheterisation

Cardiac Depressant

Slowing the action of the heart... cardiac depressant

Cardiac Pump

See HEART, ARTIFICIAL.... cardiac pump

Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation

A combination of mouth to mouth resuscitation (E.A.R.) to oxygenate the blood, and external chest compression (E.C.C.) to compress the heart to help pump this artificially oxygenated blood around the body to maintain tissue oxygen concentration and prevent death.... cardio-pulmonary resuscitation


Rendering the outline of the heart visible on an X-ray ?lm by injecting a radio-opaque substance into it.... cardioangiography


Pain in the region of the heart... cardiodynia

Cardiac Pacemaker

The natural pacemaker is the sinuatrial node, found at the base of the heart. The heart normally controls its rate and rhythm; heart block occurs when impulses cannot reach all parts of the heart. This may lead to ARRHYTHMIA, or even cause the heart to stop (see HEART, DISEASES OF). Arti?cial pacemakers may then be used; in the United Kingdom these are required for around one person in every 2,000 of the population. Usually powered by mercury or lithium batteries, and lasting up to 15 years, they are either ?xed to the outside of the chest or implanted in the armpit, and connected by a wire passing through a vein in the neck to the heart. Normally adjusted to deliver 65–75 impulses a minute, they also ensure a regular cardiac rhythm. Patients with pacemakers may be given a driving licence provided that their vehicle is not likely to be a source of danger to the public, and that they are receiving adequate and regular medical supervision from a cardiologist.

Although there are numerous possible sources of electrical interference with pacemakers, the overall risks are slight. Potential sources include anti-theft devices, airport weapon detectors, surgical diathermy, ultrasound, and short-wave heat treatment. Nevertheless, many pacemaker patients lead active and ful?lling lives.... cardiac pacemaker


Sugar-containing plant substances that, in proper doses. act as heart stimulants. Examples; digitoxin, strophanthin.... cardioglycosides


Regulating or strengthening the heartbeat ... cardiokinetic


Palpitation of the heart... cardiopalmus


Heart diseases, usually needing medical intervention.... cardiopathies


A morbid condition of the heart... cardiopathy

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (cpr)

The use of life-saving measures of mouth-tomouth resuscitation and external cardiac compression massage in a person who has collapsed with CARDIAC ARREST. Speedy restoration of the circulation of oxygenated blood to the brain is essential to prevent damage to brain tissues from oxygen starvation. The brain is irreversibly damaged if it is starved of oxygen for more than 4–5 minutes. Someone whose heart has stopped will be very pale or blue-grey (in particular, round the lips) and unresponsive; he or she will not be breathing and will have no pulse. It is important to determine that the collapsed person has not simply fainted before starting CPR. The procedure is described under car-diac/respiratory arrest in APPENDIX 1: BASIC FIRST AID. In hospital, or when paramedical sta? are attending an emergency, CPR may include the use of a DEFIBRILLATOR to apply a controlled electric shock to the heart via the chest wall.... cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr)


The spasmodic contraction of the muscle surrounding the opening of the oesophagus into the stomach: also termed achalasia of the cardia. (See OESOPHAGUS, DISEASES OF.)... cardiospasm

External Cardiac Compression

Compression of the outside of the sternum and ribs, effectively emptying and filling the heart to push blood through arteries to supply oxygen to the body - particularly to the brain.... external cardiac compression


Drops containing alcoholic (20 per cent) tinctures of Primula officinalis flowers (2- 1) 5 per cent. Onopordon Acanthus flowers (2-1) 5 per cent, and Hyoscyamus niger herb (21-) 0.02 per cent. v/v equivalent to hyoscyamine 0.001 per cent w/v. (Weleda) ... cardiodoron

Cardiospermum Halicacabum


Family: Sapindaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the plains of India, as a wild climber.

English: Ballon Vine, Winter Cherry, Heartseed.

Ayurvedic: Kaakatiktaa, Kaakaadani, Karnsphotaa, Shatakratulataa.

Unani: Habb-e-Qilqil.

Siddha/Tamil: Mudukottan, Kottavan.

Folk: Kanphotaa, Kanphuti, Lataaphatakari. Used as Jyotishmati in Bengal.

Action: Used in rheumatism, lumbago, skeletal fractures, nervous diseases, amenorrhoea, haemorrhoids, erysipelas. The herb is used in hairoils for treating dandruff, alopecia and for darkening hair.

The plant extract showed significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity and sedative effect on CNS. The drug also showed (transient) vasode- pressant activity.

The leaves contain beta-sitosterol and its D-glucoside, an alkaloid, oxalic acid and amino acids. The presence of a saponin and quebrachitol is reported in the plant.

The leaves and stem are used in preparations used against common cold. Alcoholic extract of the plant exhibits antisickling and antiarthritic activity. Seeds have positive anabolic activity and increase body weight by inducing a positive nitrogen balance.

The alkaloid fraction from the seeds showed hypotensive activities and cardiac inhibition in anaesthetized dogs; blocked spasmogenic effects of acetyl- choline, histamine and 5-HT on guinea pig ileum, biphasic effort on frog rec- tus abdominis muscle. The seeds also showed antibacterial activity.

Dosage: Whole plant—50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... cardiospermum halicacabum

Leonurus Cardiaca


Leonotis nepetaefolia (L.) R. Br.

Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: Throughout the warmer parts of India.

Ayurvedic: Granthiparni, Kaaka- puchha.

Folk: Gathivan, Deepamaal (Maharashtra).

Action: Leaves—spasmolytic. Ash of flower head—applied to burns and scalds, in ringworm and other skin diseases.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the root in cough, bronchitis and dyspnoea.

The root contains n-octacosanol, n-octacosanoic acid, quercetin, 4,6,7- trimethoxy-5-methylchromene-2-one, campesterol and beta-sitosterol-beta- D-glucopyranoside.

The plant contains 4,6,7-trimethoxy- 5-methyl-chromene-2-one.

The leaves contain neptaefolin, nep- taefuran, neptaefuranol, neptaefolinol, leonitin, neptaefolinin and (-)-55, 6- octadecadienoic acid.

The seed oil contains oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids. The fatty

Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: Native to Europe; also distributed in Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon.

English: Common Motherwort, Lion's Tail.

Unani: Baranjaasif. (Also equated with Artemesia vulgaris Linn; and Achillea millifolium Linn.)

Action: Stomachic, laxative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, em- menagogue (used in absent or painful menstruation, premenstrual tension, menopausal flushes). Hypnotic, sedative. Used as a cardiac tonic. (Studies in China have shown that Motherwort extracts show antiplatelet aggregation actions and decrease the levels of blood lipids.)

Key application: In nervous cardiac disorders and as adjuvant for thyroid hyperfunction. (German Commission E.) As antispasmodic. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) The British Herbal Compendium indicated its use for patients who have neuropathic cardiac disorders and cardiac complaints of nervous origin.

The plant contains diterpene bitter principles, iridoid monoterpenes, flavonoids including rutin and querci- trin, leonurin, betaine, caffeic acid derivatives, tannins and traces of a volatile oil.

The herb is a slow acting adjuvant in functional and neurogenic heart diseases. Its sedative and spasmolytic properties combine well with Valeriana officinalis or other cardioactive substances.

The herb contains several components with sedative effects—alpha- pinene, benzaldehyde, caryophyllene, limonene and oleanolic acid. (Sharon M. Herr.)

Habitat: Western Europe. Seeds are imported into India from Persia.

English: Pepper-Grass.

Unani: Bazr-ul-khumkhum, Todari (white var.).

Action: Seeds—blood purifier; prescribed in bronchitis.

The fatty acid of the oil are: oleic 12.9, linoleic 47.87, linolenic 5.43, erucic 31.97, stearic 0.54 and palmitic 1.22%.

The seed mucilage on hydrolysis gave galactose, arabinose, rhamnose and galacturonic acid.

Flowering tops and seeds contain a bitter principle, lepidin.

The plant yield a sulphur-containing volatile oil.... leonurus cardiaca

Cardivallin Tablets

Ingredients of each tablet: Capsicum 15mg. The aqueous extractive from 200mg Hawthorn berries, 125mg Mistletoe, 125mg Motherwort. The alcoholic extractive (45 per cent) from 125mg Lily of the Valley, 125mg Passion flower, 125mg Skullcap, and alcoholic extractive (60 per cent) from 425mg Cereus. To sustain the heart. (Potter’s, UK)

This formula has been withdrawn after rendering excellent service for many years for heart weakness. No longer available to the general public as an OTC medicine. Of historic interest to the modern phytotherapist. ... cardivallin tablets

Asthma, Cardiac

Breathing difficulty in which bronchospasm and wheezing are caused by accumulation of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary oedema). This is usually due to reduced pumping efficiency of the left side of the heart (see heart failure) and is not true asthma. Treatment is with diuretic drugs.... asthma, cardiac

Cardiac Stress Test

One of a group of tests used to assess the function of the heart in people who experience chest pain, breathlessness, or palpitations during exercise. The test establishes whether the patient has coronary artery disease. An ECG machine records the patterns of the heart’s electrical activity while the heart is stressed. This is usually achieved by the patient exercising on a treadmill or cycling. Specific changes in the electrical pattern as exercise levels increase indicate angina. Cardiac stress testing may be used in conjunction with radionuclide scanning to identify damaged areas of heart muscle.... cardiac stress test

Cardiac Dropsy

Dropsy of heart origin is distinguished from renal dropsy by an increase in oedema as the day proceeds. In the morning there may be no swelling but by the evening legs become swollen from the ankles upwards. Fluids stagnate in the tissues from inability of the heart to perform efficiently as a pump. The condition is a symptom of heart failure with increasing breathlessness which may lead to general dropsy.

Symptoms: worse after exercise, breathlessness, headache, general weakness, feeble pulse, pale face, skin cold, swollen tissues pit on pressure.

Treatment. Alternatives:– Teas. Black Cohosh, Broom tops, Buchu, Dandelion, Hawthorn, Parsley root. Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Broom tops, Motherwort, Yarrow. 2 teaspoons to each cup water brought to boil and simmered 5 minutes in covered vessel. 1 cup 3-4 times daily.

Tablets/capsules. Buchu, Dandelion, Hawthorn, Juniper, Motherwort.

Formula. Dandelion 2; Hawthorn 2; Stone root 1. Mix. Dose: Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Thrice daily.

Practitioner. Lily of the Valley, BPC 1934: 5-20 drops, 2-3 times daily.

Squills, tincture: resembles Digitalis in action. Dose: 1-3 drops, as prescribed.

Tinctures. Dandelion 2; Lily of the Valley 2; Stone root 1; Cayenne (tincture) quarter. Mix. Dose: 1 to 2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Popular formula. Tincture Scilla 5.0; Tincture Crataegus 10.0; Tincture Valerian to make 30.0. 15 drops thrice daily. (German Extemporaneous Formulae)

Diet. High protein. See: DIET – HEART AND CIRCULATION. ... cardiac dropsy

Dropsy: Cardiac

 Oedema (excess fluid in the tissues) may be due to poor circulation from impaired heart action. The condition is worse at the end of the day.

Treatment. Agents in frequent use: Broom, Lily of the Valley, Hawthorn (blossoms or berries), Motherwort.

Tea. Combine equal parts: Dandelion root, Motherwort, Yarrow. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes; 1 cup thrice daily.

Powders. Equal parts: Dandelion root, Juniper berries, Hawthorn berries. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon).

Practitioner. Lily of the Valley. Dose as BHP (1983): Liquid Extract: 1:1 in 25 per cent alcohol, 0.6-2ml. Tincture: 1:5 in 40 per cent alcohol, 0.5-1ml. Thrice daily.

Dropsy in children: cucumber juice extracted from vegetable with aid of a juicer. As many cupfuls as well-tolerated. If vomiting is induced, it should be regarded as favourable.

Diet. Lacto-vegetarian, salt-free, bottled or spring water, honey. ... dropsy: cardiac

Arrhythmia, Cardiac

An abnormality of the rhythm or rate of the heartbeat. Arrhythmias, which are caused by a disturbance in the electrical impulses in the heart, can be divided into 2 main groups: tachycardias, in which the rate is faster than normal, and bradycardias, in which the rate is slower.

In sinus tachycardia, the rate is raised, the rhythm is regular, and the beat originates in the sinoatrial node (see pacemaker). Supraventricular tachycardia is faster and the rhythm is regular. It may be caused by an abnormal electrical pathway that allows an impulse to

circulate continuously in the heart and take over from the sinoatrial node. Rapid, irregular beats that originate in the ventricles are called ventricular tachycardia. In atrial flutter, the atria (see atrium) beat regularly and very rapidly, but not every impulse reaches the ventricles, which beat at a slower rate. Uncoordinated, fast beating of the atria is called atrial fibrillation and produces totally irregular ventricular beats. Ventricular fibrillation is a form of cardiac arrest in which the ventricles twitch very rapidly in a disorganized manner.

Sinus bradycardia is a slow, regular beat. In heart block, the conduction of electrical impulses through the heart muscle is partially or completely blocked, leading to a slow, irregular heartbeat. Periods of bradycardia may alternate with periods of tachycardia due to a fault in impulse generation (see sick sinus syndrome).

A common cause of arrhythmia is coronary artery disease, particularly after myocardial infarction. Some tachycardias are due to a congenital defect in the heart’s conducting system. Caffeine can cause tachycardia in some people. Amitriptyline and some other antidepressant drugs can cause serious arrhythmias if they are taken in high doses.

An arrhythmia may be felt as palpitations, but in some cases arrhythmias can cause fainting, dizziness, chest pain, and breathlessness, which may be the 1st symptoms.

Arrhythmias are diagnosed by an ECG. If they are intermittent, a continuous recording may need to be made using an ambulatory ECG.

Treatments for arrhythmias include antiarrhythmic drugs, which prevent or slow tachycardias.

With an arrhythmia that has developed suddenly, it may be possible to restore normal heart rhythm by using electric shock to the heart (see defibrillation).

Abnormal conduction pathways in the heart can be treated using radio frequency ablation during cardiac catheterization (see catheterization, cardiac).

In some cases, a pacemaker can be fitted to restore normal heartbeat by overriding the heart’s abnormal rhythm.... arrhythmia, cardiac


Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels.... cardiovascular

Cardiovascular Disorders

Disorders of the heart, blood vessels, and blood circulation (see heart disorders; arteries, disorders of; veins, disorders of).... cardiovascular disorders

Cardiovascular Surgery

The branch of surgery concerned with the heart and blood vessels.

Cardiovascular surgery includes operations to prevent or repair damage caused, for example, by congenital heart disease (see heart disease, congenital), atherosclerosis, or a myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Procedures include heart valve surgery, coronary artery bypass, and heart transplant.... cardiovascular surgery


A general term for inflammation of any part of the heart or its linings.

There are 3 types of carditis: myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), which is usually caused by a viral infection; endocarditis (inflammation of the internal lining of the heart), which is usually due to a bacterial infection; and pericarditis (inflammation of the outer covering of the heart), which is usually due to a viral or bacterial infection but may be associated with a myocardial infarction or an autoimmune disorder, such as systemic lupus erythematosus.... carditis

Catheterization, Cardiac

A diagnostic test in which a fine, sterile catheter is introduced into the heart via a blood vessel. It is used to diagnose and assess the extent of congenital heart disease (see heart disease, congenital) and coronary artery disease, and to diagnose and treat some disorders of the heart valves (see valvuloplasty). During the procedure, the pressure within the heart’s chambers can be measured, samples of blood and tissue can be taken, and a radiopaque substance can be injected to allow the heart’s cavities to be X-rayed.... catheterization, cardiac

Dysrhythmia, Cardiac

A medical term meaning disturbance of heart rhythm, sometimes used as an alternative to arrhythmia (see arrhythmia, cardiac).... dysrhythmia, cardiac

Cardiac Arrest Simulation

a form of education in resuscitation skills using a *resuscitation mannikin wired up to a heart rhythm simulator that can mimic all common cardiac arrest situations. Candidates may be expected to perform basic life support as well as advanced life support and display skills in airway maintenance and team leadership. This form of teaching and assessment is widely used in advanced life support courses.... cardiac arrest simulation

Cardiac-arrest Team

a designated team of doctors in a hospital who attend *cardiac arrests as they occur and administer protocol-driven treatment according to the latest guidelines. See also medical emergency team.... cardiac-arrest team

Cardiac Index

the volume of blood pumped from the heart’s left ventricle divided by body surface area, expressed as litres per minute per square metre (l/min/m2). It is determined by heart rate and stroke volume index (the volume of blood pumped by the heart with each beat), and provides a normal range (2.5–4.0 l/min/m2) regardless of the size of the patient.... cardiac index

Cardiac Reflex

reflex control of the heart rate. Sensory fibres in the walls of the heart are stimulated when the heart rate increases above normal. Impulses are sent to the cardiac centre in the brain, stimulating the vagus nerve and leading to slowing of the heart rate.... cardiac reflex

Cardiac Rehabilitation

a programme of staged exercises and lifestyle classes designed for people recovering from a heart attack and run through the local hospital by dedicated health care professionals, who may include specialist nurses, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists.... cardiac rehabilitation

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

(CRT) a treatment for heart failure that involves ventricular pacing with multiple *leads. The aim is to restore coordinated ventricular contraction and hence improve cardiac function.... cardiac resynchronization therapy

Cardinal Veins

two pairs of veins in the embryo that carry blood from the head (anterior cardinal veins) and trunk (posterior cardinal veins); they unite to form the common cardinal vein, which drains into the sinus venosus of the heart.... cardinal veins


n. a surgical technique to replace or reinforce damaged cardiac muscle with skeletal muscle. It is now rarely performed.... cardiomyoplasty


n. see achalasia; myotomy.... cardiomyotomy


n. the instrument used in *cardiotocography to produce a cardiotocogram, the graphic printout of the measurements obtained.... cardiotocograph

Cardiotomy Syndrome

(postcardiotomy syndrome) a condition that may develop weeks or months after heart surgery and is characterized by fever and *pericarditis. Pneumonia and pleurisy may form part of the syndrome. It is thought to be an *autoimmune disease and may be recurrent. A similar syndrome (Dressler’s syndrome) may follow myocardial infarction. It may respond to anti-inflammatory drugs.... cardiotomy syndrome

Congestive Cardiac Failure

(CCF, congestive heart failure) see heart failure.... congestive cardiac failure

Implantable Cardiovertor Defibrillator

(ICD) a self-contained device, similar to a *pacemaker, that monitors heart rhythm and delivers an electric shock to correct life-threatening arrhythmia. See also defibrillator.... implantable cardiovertor defibrillator

Interventional Cardiology

a subspecialty of cardiology concerned with the treatment of heart conditions using cardiac *catheterization techniques under local anaesthetic and X-ray control, including *percutaneous coronary intervention and percutaneous balloon mitral *valvuloplasty.... interventional cardiology

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

a familial condition affecting the heart, characterized by unexplained thickening (hypertrophy) of the wall of the left ventricle. In many cases this is an incidental finding and patients have a good outcome. However, more severely affected patients may suffer chest pain, tachyarrhythmia (see arrhythmia), heart failure, and sudden death. In some cases there is focal thickening of muscle around the left ventricular outflow tract (asymmetric septal hypertrophy, ASH), and this can result in restriction of blood flow to the body (hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, HOCM). The diagnosis is made by electrocardiography, echocardiography, and cardiac *magnetic resonance imaging. Usually drug treatment is sufficient to control symptoms, but some patients require cardiac *catheterization or surgical treatment. Those deemed at highest risk of sudden death may require an *implantable cardiovertor defibrillator.... hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Nuclear Cardiology

the study and diagnosis of heart disease by the intravenous injection of different types of *radionuclide. The radionuclide emits gamma rays, enabling a gamma camera and computer to form an image of the heart. See MUGA scan; myocardial perfusion scan; SPECT scanning.... nuclear cardiology

Puerperal Cardiomyopathy

a rare complication of pregnancy, occurring from the sixth month of pregnancy until six months postnatally (usually within six weeks of delivery). It can follow pre-eclampsia. It is characterized by palpitations, dyspnoea, oedema (peripheral and central), and impaired exercise tolerance. The diagnosis is confirmed on echocardiography. It has a high mortality and morbidity. Treatment of heart failure, anticoagulation, and in some cases immunosuppressant therapy is required; in some cases heart transplantation may be considered.... puerperal cardiomyopathy

Synchronized Cardioversion

see cardioversion.... synchronized cardioversion

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