Cardivallin tablets Health Dictionary

Cardivallin Tablets: From 1 Different Sources

Ingredients of each tablet: Capsicum 15mg. The aqueous extractive from 200mg Hawthorn berries, 125mg Mistletoe, 125mg Motherwort. The alcoholic extractive (45 per cent) from 125mg Lily of the Valley, 125mg Passion flower, 125mg Skullcap, and alcoholic extractive (60 per cent) from 425mg Cereus. To sustain the heart. (Potter’s, UK)

This formula has been withdrawn after rendering excellent service for many years for heart weakness. No longer available to the general public as an OTC medicine. Of historic interest to the modern phytotherapist. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Gladlax Tablets

Active Constituents: Aloes (Cape) BP 50.00mg. Pulverised Fennel (BHMA Master File 006/2) BHP (1983) 15.00mg. Pulverised Valerian BP 30.00mg. Pulverised Holy Thistle BHP (1983) (BHMA Master File 51/1) 60.00mg. A traditional herbal remedy for the relief of occasional or non-persistent constipation. Not for pregnancy or nursing mothers. (Gerard House) ... gladlax tablets

Water Tablets

A nonmedical term for diuretic drugs.... water tablets

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