surgical removal of a cataract from the eye. In extracapsular cataract extraction the cataract alone is removed, leaving the lens capsule behind. Intracapsular cataract extraction is the removal of the whole lens, including the capsule that surrounds it.
Removal of the lens from the eye, performed to restore sight in people whose vision is impaired by a cataract. The lens is usually replaced with a plastic implant during the operation, although for young people and those with other eye disorders, a contact or spectacle lens fitted after the operation may be preferable.... cataract surgery
n. 1. the surgical removal of a part of the body. Extraction of teeth is usually achieved by applying *elevators and extraction *forceps to the crown or root of the tooth to dislocate it from its socket. When this is not possible, for example because the tooth or root is deeply buried within the bone, extraction is performed surgically by removing bone and, where necessary, dividing the tooth. 2. the act of pulling out a baby from the body of its mother during childbirth.... extraction