Roxb.Synonym: Toona ciliata M. Roem.Family: Meliaceae.
Habitat: Sub-Himalayan tract, Assam and throughout hilly regions of Central and South India.
English: Red Cedar, Toon, Indian Mahogany tree.Ayurvedic: Tuunikaa, Nandi Vrksha.Siddha/Tamil: Tunumaram, Santhana Vembu.Folk: Toonaa.Action: Bark—astringent, an- tidysenteric, antiperiodic. Flow- ers—emmenagogue. Leaf— spasmolytic, hypoglycaemic, an- tiprotozoal.
Bark and heartwood yielded tetra- nortriterpenoids, including toonacilin. Heartwood also gave a coumarin, ger- anylgernalol and its fatty esters. Toona- cilin and its 6-hydroxy derivatives are antifeedant.