Centile chart Health Dictionary

Centile Chart: From 1 Different Sources

a graph with lines showing average measurements of height, weight, and head circumference compared with age and sex, against which the physical development of a child or fetus can be assessed. The lines of growth on the graph are called centiles, and the number of a centile predicts the percentage of individuals who are below that measurement for a given age; for example, the 10th centile means that 10% of the age- and sex-matched population will be smaller and 90% will be bigger. A child or fetus will normally follow a particular centile, but if growth crosses centiles or lies outside the 97th or 3rd centiles, further investigation may be warranted.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Snellen Chart

The most commonly used chart for testing the acuity of distant VISION. The chart comprises rows of capital letters, with the letters in each row being smaller than those in the one above. The top line of large letters can be seen by a normally sighted person standing 60 metres away. The subject under test sits 6 metres from the screen and, if he or she can read the 6-metre line of letters, his or her visual acuity is normal at 6/6.... snellen chart


(American) A classy lady Chartrah... chartra


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Ottawa Charter For Health Promotion

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion of 1986 identifies three basic strategies for health promotion. These are advocacy for health to create essential conditions for health; enabling all people to achieve their full health potential; and mediating between the different interests in society in the pursuit of health. These strategies are supported by five priority action areas: build health public policy; create supportive environments for health; strengthen community action for health; develop personal skills; and reorient health services.... ottawa charter for health promotion


n. continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy: a radiotherapy technique aimed at the rapid destruction of tumour cells when they are actively proliferating – and therefore most sensitive to radiation – by treating them several times a day over a greatly shortened total treatment time. The technique has been shown to be of benefit in the treatment of lung cancer.... chart

Fetal Growth Chart

a graph, customized to a pregnant woman’s height, weight, and other factors, that plots *fundal height and estimated fetal weight on ultrasound against weeks of gestation. The graph, which shows centile lines (see centile chart), improves prediction of a baby who is *small for gestational age.... fetal growth chart

Logmar Chart

a chart for testing *visual acuity in which the rows of letters (optotypes) vary in size in a logarithmic progression. The space between the letters in a row and the space between each row is identical to the size of the letters in that row. This neutralizes the effect of crowding on vision. There are five letters in each row and each letter has a score of 0.02 log unit (the name derives from logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution). This makes it more accurate than a *Snellen chart and it is becoming increasingly used in testing vision. Most tests are done at a distance of 4 metres, allowing it to be used in smaller rooms. The acuity is scored as a number, with 1 being the same as 6/60 on the Snellen chart and 0 being equivalent to 6/6 (normal visual acuity). Vision better than 6/6 is scored as a negative, e.g. –0.18.... logmar chart

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