Cervical mucus method Health Dictionary

Cervical Mucus Method: From 1 Different Sources

A form of contraception based on identifying periods for abstinence from intercourse according to the changes in the mucus secreted by a woman’s cervix (see contraception, natural methods of).
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association


Cervical means anything pertaining to the neck, or to the neck of the womb.... cervical


The general name for the slimy secretion derived from mucous membranes. It is mainly composed of a substance called mucin, which varies according to the particular mucous membrane from which it is derived, and it contains other substances, such as cells cast o? from the surface of the membrane, enzymes, and dust particles. Mucin has the following characteristics: it is viscid, clear and tenacious; when dissolved in water it can be precipitated by addition of acetic acid; and when not in solution already, it is dissolved by weak alkalis, such as lime-water.

Under normal conditions the surface of a mucous membrane is lubricated by only a small quantity of mucus; the appearance of large quantities is a sign of in?ammation.... mucus

Rhythm Method

A method of CONTRACEPTION which attempts to prevent conception by avoiding intercourse during the fertile part of the menstrual cycle. (See MENSTRUATION; SAFE PERIOD.)... rhythm method

Cervical Cancer

Cancer of the cervix – the neck of the womb – is one of the most common cancers affecting women throughout the world. In some areas its incidence is increasing. This cancer has clearly identi?able precancerous stages with abnormal changes occurring in the cells on the surface of the cervix: these changes can be detected by a CERVICAL SMEAR test. Early cancer can be cured by diathermy, laser treatment, electrocoagulation or cryosurgery. If the disease has spread into the body of the cervix or beyond, more extensive surgery and possibly radiotherapy may be needed. The cure rate is 95 per cent if treated in the early stages but may fall as low as 10 per cent in some severe cases. Around 3,000 patients are diagnosed as having cervical cancer every year in the United Kingdom, and around 1,500 die from it. Latest ?gures in England show that the incidence rates have fallen to under 11 per 100,000 women, while death rates fell by more than 40 per cent during the 1990s. The sexual behaviour of a woman and her male partners in?uences the chances of getting this cancer; the earlier a woman has sexual intercourse, and the more partners she has, the greater is the risk of developing the disease.... cervical cancer

Cervical Smear

This screening test detects abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix (see CERVIX UTERI), enabling an affected woman to have early treatment. The National Health Service has arrangements to check women regularly. A woman’s ?rst test should be within six months of her ?rst experience of intercourse and thereafter at three-yearly intervals for the rest of her life. The test is simple, with some cells being scraped o? the cervix with a spatula and the tissue then being examined microscopically.... cervical smear

Cervical Vertebrae

The seven bones of the top end of the backbone that form the neck. The ?rst cervical vertebra is the atlas and this articulates with the base of the skull. The axis is the second vertebra, which contains a shaft of bone that allows the atlas to rotate on it, thus permitting the head to turn. (See SPINAL COLUMN.)... cervical vertebrae

Cervical Incompetence

Abnormal weakness of the cervix that can result in recurrent miscarriages. An incompetent cervix may gradually widen under the weight of the fetus from about the 12th week of pregnancy onwards, or may suddenly open during the second trimester. The condition is detected by an internal examination or by ultrasound scanning.

Treatment is with a suture (stitch) applied like a purse string around the cervix during the 4th month of pregnancy. The suture is left in position until the pregnancy is at or near full term and is then cut to allow the mother to deliver the baby normally.... cervical incompetence

Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia

Also known as , abnormalities in the cells of the cervix which may become cancerous.

The grading system is used to distinguish levels of change in the surface cells of the cervix in biopsy samples taken during colposcopy, a procedure usually performed following an abnormal cervical smear test.

Grades 1–3 broadly correspond to mild to severe cervical dysplasia in cells obtained from a smear.... cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

Cervical Venosities

Enlarged varicose veins on the cervix of the uterus, often accompanying ulcerations or long-term pelvic congestion. A symptom only of congestion or impaired circulation, they can occur in both semi-trivial and serious conditions.... cervical venosities

Empirical Methods

Research based on critical evaluation through observation or experimentation, not opinion or speculation.... empirical methods


The scientific study of methods.... methodology

Cancer – Cervical

See: CANCER OF THE WOMB. ... cancer – cervical

Barrier Method

A method of preventing pregnancy by blocking the passage of sperm to the uterus, for example by using a condom or a diaphragm. (See also contraception, barrier methods of.)... barrier method

Billings’ Method

Also called the mucus inspection method, a technique in which a woman notes changes in the characteristics of mucus produced by the cervix in order to predict ovulation for the purposes of contraception or family planning.... billings’ method

Calendar Method

A method of contraception, also called the rhythm method, based on abstaining from sexual intercourse around the time of ovulation (calculated by a woman’s menstrual cycles). The method is unreliable because the menstrual cycle may vary (see contraception, natural methods).... calendar method

Cap, Cervical

A flexible contraceptive device placed directly over the cervix to prevent sperm from entering (see contraception, barrier methods of).... cap, cervical

Cervical Erosion

A condition affecting the cervix in which a layer of mucusforming cells more characteristic of those found in the inner lining of the cervix appear on its outside surface. The eroded cervix has a fragile, reddened area on the surface. Usually, there are no symptoms, but some women experience bleeding at unexpected times and may have a vaginal discharge.

Cervical erosion may be present from birth. Other causes include injury to the cervix during labour and long-term use of oral contraceptives. The condition is often detected during a routine cervical smear test.

Only women who have symptoms need treatment.

Abnormal tissue may be destroyed using cauterization, cryosurgery, diathermy, or laser treatment.... cervical erosion

Cervical Osteoarthritis

A degenerative disorder, also known as cervical spondylitis, that affects the joints between the cervical vertebrae (bones in the neck). Cervical osteoarthritis mainly affects middle-aged and elderly people, but occasionally the degeneration begins earlier due to an injury.

Symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis may include pain and stiffness in the neck, pain in the arms and shoulders, numbness and tingling in the hands, and a weak grip. Other symptoms such as dizziness, unsteadiness, and double vision when turning the head may also occur. Rarely, pressure on the spinal cord can cause weakness or paralysis in the legs and loss of bladder control.

Treatments include heat treatment and analgesics.

Physiotherapy may improve neck posture and movement.

Pressure on the spinal cord may be relieved by surgery (see decompression, spinal canal).... cervical osteoarthritis

Cervical Rib

A congenital abnormality in which the lowest of the 7 cervical vertebrae (neck bones) has overdeveloped to form an extra rib parallel to and above the 1st normal rib.

Symptoms may occur if the rib begins to press on the lower brachial plexus (the group of nerves passing from the spinal cord into the arm), causing pain, numbness, and pinsand-needles in the forearm and hand.

Exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles and improve posture may bring relief.

Severe or persistent symptoms may require surgery to remove the rib.... cervical rib

Cervical Smear Test

A test to detect cervical dysplasia (abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix) that could develop into cervical cancer (see cervix, cancer of). A smear test also detects viral infections of the cervix, such as herpes simplex and papilloma (see warts, genital). The test should be carried out 6 months after a woman starts to have sexual intercourse, with a repeat test 6–12 months later, and then every 3 years.

A sample of cells is taken from the surface of the cervix using a spatula and examined under a microscope.

If cells appear normal, nothing further needs to be done.

If cells show dysplasia, further investigations may be required.... cervical smear test

Cervical Spondylosis

An alternative name for cervical osteoarthritis.... cervical spondylosis

Contraception, Hormonal Methods Of

The use by women of synthetic progestogen drugs, which are often combined with synthetic oestrogens, to prevent pregnancy.

These drugs suppress ovulation and make cervical mucus thick and impenetrable to sperm.

They also cause thinning of the endometrium (lining of the uterus), which reduces the chance of a fertilized egg implanting successfully.

The best-known form of hormonal contraception is the contraceptive pill (see oral contraceptives).

The hormones can also be given as contraceptive implants under the skin, by injection (see contraceptives, injectable), or be released by IUDs.... contraception, hormonal methods of

Contraception, Natural Methods Of

Methods of avoiding conception based on attempts to pinpoint a woman’s fertile period around the time of ovulation, so that sexual intercourse can be avoided at this time. The calendar method is based on the assumption that ovulation occurs around 14 days before menstruation. Because of its high failure rate, it has been largely superseded by other methods. The temperature method is based on the normal rise of a woman’s body temperature in the second half of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation has occurred. The woman takes her temperature daily using an ovulation thermometer. Sex is considered to be only safe after there has been a sustained temperature rise for at least 3 days.

The cervical mucus method attempts to pinpoint the fertile period by observing and charting the amount and appearance of cervical mucus during the menstrual cycle.

Recognized changes in the mucus occur before and often at ovulation.

The symptothermal method combines the temperature and cervical mucus methods.... contraception, natural methods of

Contraception, Withdrawal Method Of

See coitus interruptus.... contraception, withdrawal method of

Mucus Method Of Contraception

See contraception, natural methods of.... mucus method of contraception

Symptothermal Method

See contraception, natural methods of.... symptothermal method

Temperature Method

See contraception, natural methods of.... temperature method

Withdrawal Method

See coitus interruptus.... withdrawal method

Billings Method

a method of planning pregnancy involving the daily examination of cervical mucus, which varies in consistency and colour throughout the menstrual cycle. Use of a Billings mucus observation chart to help identify the type of mucus enables the woman to have six days’ warning of impending ovulation. [J. and E. Billings (20th century), Australian physicians]... billings method

Brandt–andrews Method

a technique for expelling the placenta from the uterus. Upward pressure is applied to the uterus through the abdominal wall while holding the umbilical cord taut. When the uterus is elevated in this way, the placenta will be in the cervix or upper vagina and is then expelled by applying pressure below the base of the uterus. [T. Brandt (1819–95), Swedish obstetrician; H. R. Andrews (1872–1942), British gynaecologist]... brandt–andrews method

Cervical Cerclage

a procedure to help prevent *preterm delivery. It involves inserting a purse-string suture around the cervix of the uterus between 12 and 14 weeks gestation, either transvaginally or transabdominally, to keep the cervix closed and reduce the possibility of preterm cervical dilatation and rupture of membranes.... cervical cerclage

Cervical Ectopy

see ectropion.... cervical ectopy

Cervical Fracture

a fracture of a vertebra in the neck (see cervical vertebrae). Cervical fractures range from minor, requiring no treatment, to those associated with paralysis and instant death. Treatment can be support with a collar, skull traction, an *orthosis attached to the skull, or surgery, depending on the severity of the fracture.... cervical fracture

Cervical Resistance Index

measurement of the resistance of the cervix during the passage of a series of metal (Hegar) dilators. Lack of resistance in a nonpregnant women may suggest cervical weakness when she has experienced a previous second-trimester pregnancy loss or if she has had previous surgery to the cervix, and may indicate *cervical cerclage in the event of future pregnancies.... cervical resistance index

Cervical Screening

*screening tests to detect the presence of precancerous changes in the cervix (neck) of the uterus (see cervical intraepithelial neoplasia). *Cervical smears are the standard first-line screening tools in most countries: screening programmes based on the traditional Papanicolaou (Pap) test have been mostly superseded by *liquid-based cytology. *Colposcopy is indicated when abnormal cells (*dyskaryosis) are detected.... cervical screening

Gomori’s Method

a method of staining for the demonstration of enzymes, especially phosphatases and lipases, in histological specimens. [G. Gomori (1904–57), Hungarian histochemist]... gomori’s method

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