(French) Form of Charles, mean° ing “a small, strong woman” Charlize, Charlot, Charlotta
(English) Feminine form of Charles; a small, strong woman Charlee, Charlene, Charli, Charlie, Charly, Charlyn, Charlynn, Charlaine, Charlayne, Charleen, Charleena, Charleigh, Charlena, Charlette, Charline, Charlisa, Charlita, Charlize, Charlot, Charlotta, Charlotte, Carlita, Carlota, Carlotta, Chatlie, Cattie, Charlea... charla
(French) Form of Charlotte, meaning “a small, strong woman” Lotti, Lotty, Lotte, Lottey, Lottee, Lotta, Loti, Lotie, Lotye, Letya, Letje, Lottea, Lotea... lottie