Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 are predominantly sexually transmitted and both are associated with secondary opportunistic infections. However, HIV-2 seems to result in slower damage to the immune system. HIV-1 is known to mutate rapidly and has given rise to other subtypes.
HIV is thought to have occurred in humans in the 1950s, but whether or not it infected humans from another primate species is uncertain. It became widespread in the 1970s but its latency in causing symptoms meant that the epidemic was not noticed until the following decade. Although it is a sexually transmitted disease, it can also be transmitted by intravenous drug use (through sharing an infected needle), blood transfusions with infected blood (hence the importance of e?ective national blood-screening programmes), organ donation, and occupationally (see health-care workers, below). Babies born of HIV-positive mothers can be infected before or during birth, or through breast feeding.
Although HIV is most likely to occur in blood, semen or vaginal ?uid, it has been found in saliva and tears (but not sweat); however, there is no evidence that the virus can be transmitted from these two body ?uids. There is also no evidence that HIV can be transmitted by biting insects (such as mosquitoes). HIV does not survive well in the environment and is rapidly destroyed through drying.
Prevalence At the end of 2003 an estimated 42 million people globally were infected with HIV – up from 40 million two years earlier. About one-third of those with HIV/AIDS are aged 15–24 and most are unaware that they are carrying the virus. During 2003 it is estimated that 5 million adults and children worldwide were newly infected with HIV, and that 3 million adults and children died. In Africa in 2003,
3.4 million people were newly infected and 2.3 million died, with more than 28 million carrying the virus. HIV/AIDS was the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa where over half of the infections were in women and 90 per cent of cases resulted from heterosexual sex. In some southern African countries, one in three pregnant women had HIV.
In Asia and the Paci?c there were 1.2 million new infections and 435,000 deaths. The area with the fastest-growing epidemic is Eastern Europe, especially the Russian Federation where in 2002 around a million people had HIV and there were an estimated 250,000 new infections, with intravenous drug use a key contributor to this ?gure. Seventy-?ve per cent of cases occurred in men, with male-to-male sexual transmission an important cause of infection, though heterosexual activity is a rising cause of infection.
At the end of 2002 the UK had an estimated 55,900 HIV-infected adults aged between 15 and 59. More than 3,600 individuals were newly diagnosed with the infection in 2000, the highest annual ?gure since the epidemic started
– in 1998 the ?gure was 2,817 and in 1999 just over 3,000 (Department of Health and Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre). The incidence of AIDS in the UK has declined sharply since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and HIV-related deaths have also fallen: in 2002 there were 777 reported new AIDS cases and 395 deaths, compared with 1,769 and 1,719 respectively in 1995. (Sources: UNAIDS and WHO, AIDS Epidemic Update, December 2001; Public Health Laboratory Services AIDS and STD Centre Communicable Disease Surveillance and Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health, Quarterly Surveillance Tables.)
Poverty is strongly linked to the spread of AIDS, for various reasons including lack of health education; lack of e?ective public-health awareness; women having little control over sexual behaviour and contraception; and, by comparison with the developed world, little or no access to antiretroviral drugs.
Pathogenesis The cellular target of HIV infection is a subset of white blood cells called T-lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE) which carry the CD4 surface receptor. These so-called ‘helper T-cells’ are vital to the function of cell-mediated immunity. Infection of these cells leads to their destruction (HIV replicates at an enormous rate – 109) and over the course of several years the body is unable to generate suf?cient new cells to keep pace. This leads to progressive destruction of the body’s immune capabilities, evidenced clinically by the development of opportunistic infection and unusual tumours.
Monitoring of clinical progression It is possible to measure the number of viral particles present in the plasma. This gives an accurate guide to the likely progression rate, which will be slow in those individuals with fewer than 10,000 particles per ml of plasma but progressively more rapid above this ?gure. The main clinical monitoring of the immune system is through the numbers of CD4 lymphocytes in the blood. The normal count is around 850 cells per ml and, without treatment, eventual progression to AIDS is likely in those individuals whose CD4 count falls below 500 per ml. Opportunistic infections occur most frequently when the count falls below 200 per ml: most such infections are treatable, and death is only likely when the CD4 count falls below 50 cells per ml when infection is developed with organisms that are di?cult to treat because of their low intrinsic virulence.
Simple, cheap and highly accurate tests are available to detect HIV antibodies in the serum. These normally occur within three months of infection and remain the cornerstone of the diagnosis.
Clinical features Most infected individuals have a viral illness some three weeks after contact with HIV. The clinical features are often non-speci?c and remain undiagnosed but include a ?ne red rash, large lymph nodes, an in?uenza-like illness, cerebral involvement and sometimes the development of opportunistic infections. The antibody test may be negative at this stage but there are usually high levels of virus particles in the blood. The antibody test is virtually always positive within three months of infection. HIV infection is often subsequently asymptomatic for a period of ten years or more, although in most patients progressive immune destruction is occurring during this time and a variety of minor opportunistic infections such as HERPES ZOSTER or oral thrush (see CANDIDA) do occur. In addition, generalised LYMPHADENOPATHY is present in a third of patients and some suffer from severe malaise, weight loss, night sweats, mild fever, ANAEMIA or easy bruising due to THROMBOCYTOPENIA.
The presentation of opportunistic infection is highly variable but usually involves either the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, the gastrointestinal tract or the LUNGS. Patients may present with a sudden onset of a neurological de?cit or EPILEPSY due to a sudden onset of a STROKE-like syndrome, or epilepsy due to a space-occupying lesion in the brain – most commonly TOXOPLASMOSIS. In late disease, HIV infection of the central nervous system itself may produce progressive memory loss, impaired concentration and mental slowness called AIDS DEMENTIA. A wide variety of opportunistic PROTOZOA or viruses produces DYSPHAGIA, DIARRHOEA and wasting. In the respiratory system the commonest opportunistic infection associated with AIDS, pneumonia, produces severe shortness of breath and sometimes CYANOSIS, usually with a striking lack of clinical signs in the chest.
In very late HIV infection, when the CD4 count has fallen below 50 cells per ml, infection with CYTOMEGALOVIRUS may produce progressive retinal necrosis (see EYE, DISORDERS OF) which will lead to blindness if untreated, as well as a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms. At this stage, infection with atypical mycobacteria is also common, producing severe anaemia, wasting and fevers. The commonest tumour associated with HIV is Kaposi’s sarcoma which produces purplish skin lesions. This and nonHodgkin’s lymphoma (see LYMPHOMA), which is a hundred times more frequent among HIV-positive individuals than in the general population, are likely to be associated with or caused by opportunistic viral infections.
Prevention There is, as yet, no vaccine to prevent HIV infection. Vaccine development has been hampered
by the large number of new HIV strains generated through frequent mutation and recombination.
because HIV can be transmitted as free virus and in infected cells.
because HIV infects helper T-cells – the very cells involved in the immune response. There are, however, numerous research pro
grammes underway to develop vaccines that are either prophylactic or therapeutic. Vaccine-development strategies have included: recombinant-vector vaccines, in which a live bacterium or virus is genetically modi?ed to carry one or more of the HIV genes; subunit vaccines, consisting of small regions of the HIV genome designed to induce an immune response without infection; modi?ed live HIV, which has had its disease-promoting genes removed; and DNA vaccines – small loops of DNA (plasmids) containing viral genes – that make the host cells produce non-infectious viral proteins which, in turn, trigger an immune response and prime the immune system against future infection with real virus.
In the absence of an e?ective vaccine, preventing exposure remains the chief strategy in reducing the spread of HIV. Used properly, condoms are an extremely e?ective method of preventing exposure to HIV during sexual intercourse and remain the most important public-health approach to countering the further acceleration of the AIDS epidemic. The spermicide nonoxynol-9, which is often included with condoms, is known to kill HIV in vitro; however, its e?ectiveness in preventing HIV infection during intercourse is not known.
Public-health strategies must be focused on avoiding high-risk behaviour and, particularly in developing countries, empowering women to have more control over their lives, both economically and socially. In many of the poorer regions of the world, women are economically dependent on men and refusing sex, or insisting on condom use, even when they know their partners are HIV positive, is not a straightforward option. Poverty also forces many women into the sex industry where they are at greater risk of infection.
Cultural problems in gaining acceptance for universal condom-use by men in some developing countries suggests that other preventive strategies should also be considered. Microbicides used as vaginal sprays or ‘chemical condoms’ have the potential to give women more direct control over their exposure risk, and research is underway to develop suitable products.
Epidemiological studies suggest that male circumcision may o?er some protection against HIV infection, although more research is needed before this can be an established public-health strategy. Globally, about 70 per cent of infected men have acquired the virus through unprotected vaginal sex; in these men, infection is likely to have occurred through the penis with the mucosal epithelia of the inner surface of the foreskin and the frenulum considered the most likely sites for infection. It is suggested that in circumcised men, the glans may become keratinised and thus less likely to facilitate infection. Circumcision may also reduce the risk of lesions caused by other sexually transmitted disease.
Treatment AIDS/HIV treatment can be categorised as speci?c therapies for the individual opportunistic infections – which ultimately cause death – and highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) designed to reduce viral load and replication. HAART is also the most e?ective way of preventing opportunistic infections, and has had a signi?cant impact in delaying the onset of AIDS in HIV-positive individuals in developed countries.
Four classes of drugs are currently in use. Nucleoside analogues, including ZIDOVUDINE and DIDANOSINE, interfere with the activity of the unique enzyme of the retrovirus reverse transcriptase which is essential for replication. Nucleotide analogues, such as tenofovir, act in the same way but require no intracellular activation. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, such as nevirapine and EFAVIRENZ, act by a di?erent mechanism on the same enzyme. The most potent single agents against HIV are the protease inhibitors, such as lopinavir, which render a unique viral enzyme ineffective. These drugs are used in a variety of combinations in an attempt to reduce the plasma HIV viral load to below detectable limits, which is achieved in approximately 90 per cent of patients who have not previously received therapy. This usually also produces a profound rise in CD4 count. It is likely, however, that such treatments need to be lifelong – and since they are associated with toxicities, long-term adherence is di?cult. Thus the optimum time for treatment intervention remains controversial, with some clinicians believing that this should be governed by the viral load rising above 10,000 copies, and others that it should primarily be designed to prevent the development of opportunistic infections – thus, that initiation of therapy should be guided more by the CD4 count.
It should be noted that the drug regimens have been devised for infection with HIV-1; it is not known how e?ective they are at treating infection with HIV-2.
HIV and pregnancy An HIV-positive woman can transmit the virus to her fetus, with the risk of infection being particularly high during parturition; however, the risk of perinatal HIV transmission can be reduced by antiviral drug therapy. In the UK, HIV testing is available to all women as part of antenatal care. The bene?ts of antenatal HIV testing in countries where antiviral drugs are not available are questionable. An HIV-positive woman might be advised not to breast feed because of the risks of transmitting HIV via breastmilk, but there may be a greater risk associated with not breast feeding at all. Babies in many poor communities are thought to be at high risk of infectious diseases and malnutrition if they are not breast fed and may thus be at greater overall risk of death during infancy.
Counselling Con?dential counselling is an essential part of AIDS management, both in terms of supporting the psychological wellbeing of the individual and in dealing with issues such as family relations, sexual partners and implications for employment (e.g. for health-care workers). Counsellors must be particularly sensitive to culture and lifestyle issues. Counselling is essential both before an HIV test is taken and when the results are revealed.
Health-care workers Health-care workers may be at risk of occupational exposure to HIV, either through undertaking invasive procedures or through accidental exposure to infected blood from a contaminated needle (needlestick injury). Needlestick injuries are frequent in health care – as many as 600,000 to 800,000 are thought to occur annually in the United States. Transmission is much more likely where the worker has been exposed to HIV through a needlestick injury or deep cut with a contaminated instrument than through exposure of mucous membranes to contaminated blood or body ?uids. However, even where exposure occurs through a needlestick injury, the risk of seroconversion is much lower than with a similar exposure to hepatitis C or hepatitis B. A percutaneous exposure to HIV-infected blood in a health-care setting is thought to carry a risk of about one infection per 300 injuries (one in 1,000 for mucous-membrane exposure), compared with one in 30 for hepatitis C, and one in three for hepatitis B (when the source patient is e-antigen positive).
In the event of an injury, health-care workers are advised to report the incident immediately where, depending on a risk assessment, they may be o?ered post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). They should also wash the contaminated area with soap and water (but without scrubbing) and, if appropriate, encourage bleeding at the site of injury. PEP, using a combination of antiretroviral drugs (in a similar regimen to HAART – see above), is thought to greatly reduce the chances of seroconversion; it should be commenced as soon as possible, preferably within one or two hours of the injury. Although PEP is available, safe systems of work are considered to o?er the greatest protection. Double-gloving (latex gloves remove much of the blood from the surface of the needle during a needlestick), correct use of sharps containers (for used needles and instruments), avoiding the resheathing of used needles, reduction in the number of blood samples taken from a patient, safer-needle devices (such as needles that self-blunt after use) and needleless drug administration are all thought to reduce the risk of exposure to HIV and other blood-borne viruses. Although there have been numerous cases of health-care workers developing HIV through occupational exposure, there is little evidence of health-care workers passing HIV to their patients through normal medical procedures.... aids/hiv
Ancylostoma braziliensis A nematode infection of dogs, which in humans causes local disease (larva migrans) only, generally on the soles of the feet. It is usually acquired by walking on beaches contaminated with dog faeces in places such as the Caribbean.... ancylostomiasis
(e.g. cane sugar), polysaccharides (e.g. starch). Many of the cheaper and most important foods are included in this group, which comprises sugars, starches, celluloses and gums. When one of these foods is digested, it is converted into a simple kind of sugar and absorbed in this form. Excess carbohydrates, not immediately needed by the body, are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. In DIABETES MELLITUS, the most marked feature consists of an inability on the part of the tissues to assimilate and utilise the carbohydrate material. Each gram of carbohydrate is capable of furnishing slightly over 4 Calories of energy. (See CALORIE; DIET.)... carbohydrate
Disposable lenses are soft lenses designed to be thrown away after a short period of continuous use; their popularity rests on the fact that they need not be cleaned. The instructions on use should be followed carefully because the risk of complications, such as corneal infection, are higher than with other types of contact lenses.
Contraindications to the use of contact lenses include a history of ATOPY, ‘dry eyes’, previous GLAUCOMA surgery and a person’s inability to cope with the management of lenses. The best way to determine whether contact lenses are suitable, however, may be to try them out. Good hygiene is essential for wearers so as to minimise the risk of infection, which may lead to a corneal abscess – a serious complication. Corneal abrasions are fairly common and, if a contact-lens wearer develops a red eye, the lens should be removed and the eye tested with ?uorescein dye to identify any abrasions. Appropriate treatment should be given and the lens not worn again until the abrasion or infection has cleared up.... contact lenses
The dependence that most concerns modern society is one in which individuals become dependent on or addicted to certain substances such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco (nicotine), caffeine and solvents. This is often called substance abuse. Some people become addicted to certain foods or activities: examples of the latter include gambling, computer games and use of the Internet.
The 28th report of the World Health Organisation Expert Committee on Drug Dependence in 1993 de?ned drug dependence as: ‘A cluster of physiological, behavioural and cognitive phenomena of variable intensity, in which the use of a psychoactive drug (or drugs) takes on a high priority. The necessary descriptive characteristics are preoccupation with a desire to obtain and take the drug and persistent drug-seeking behaviour. Psychological dependence occurs when the substance abuser craves the drug’s desirable effects. Physical dependence occurs when the user has to continue taking the drug to avoid distressing withdrawal or abstinence symptoms. Thus, determinants and the problematic consequences of drug dependence may be biological, psychological or social and usually interact.’
Di?erent drugs cause di?erent rates of dependence: TOBACCO is the most common substance of addiction; HEROIN and COCAINE cause high rates of addiction; whereas ALCOHOL is much lower, and CANNABIS lower again. Smoking in the western world reached a peak after World War II with almost 80 per cent of the male population smoking. The reports on the link between smoking and cancer in the early 1960s resulted in a decline that has continued so that only around a quarter of the adult populations of the UK and USA smokes. Globally, tobacco consumption continues to grow, particularly in the developing world with multinational tobacco companies marketing their products aggressively.
Accurate ?gures for illegal drug-taking are hard to obtain, but probably approximately 4 per cent of the population is dependent on alcohol and 2 per cent on other drugs, both legal and illegal, at any one time in western countries.
How does dependence occur? More than 40 distinct theories or models of drug misuse have been put forward. One is that the individual consumes drugs to cope with personal problems or diffculties in relations with others. The other main model emphasises environmental in?uences such as drug availability, environmental pressures to consume drugs, and sociocultural in?uences such as peer pressure.
By contrast to these models of why people misuse drugs, models of compulsive drug use – where individuals have a compulsive addiction
– have been amenable to testing in the laboratory. Studies at cellular and nerve-receptor levels are attempting to identify mechanisms of tolerance and dependence for several substances. Classical behaviour theory is a key model for understanding drug dependence. This and current laboratory studies are being used to explain the reinforcing nature of dependent substances and are helping to provide an explanatory framework for dependence. Drug consumption is a learned form of behaviour. Numerous investigators have used conditioning theories to study why people misuse drugs. Laboratory studies are now locating the ‘reward pathways’ in the brain for opiates and stimulants where positive reinforcing mechanisms involve particular sectors of the brain. There is a consensus among experts in addiction that addictive behaviour is amenable to e?ective treatment, and that the extent to which an addict complies with treatment makes it possible to predict a positive outcome. But there is a long way to go before the mechanisms of drug addiction are properly understood or ways of treating it generally agreed.
Effects of drugs Cannabis, derived from the plant Cannabis sativa, is a widely used recreational drug. Its two main forms are marijuana, which comes from the dried leaves, and hashish which comes from the resin. Cannabis may be used in food and drink but is usually smoked in cigarettes to induce relaxation and a feeling of well-being. Heavy use can cause apathy and vagueness and may even cause psychosis. Whether or not cannabis leads people to using harder drugs is arguable, and a national debate is underway on whether its use should be legalised for medicinal use. Cannabis may alleviate the symptoms of some disorders – for example, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) – and there are calls to allow the substance to be classi?ed as a prescribable drug.
About one in ten of Britain’s teenagers misuses volatile substances such as toluene at some time, but only about one in 40 does so regularly. These substances are given o? by certain glues, solvents, varnishes, and liquid fuels, all of which can be bought cheaply in shops, although their sale to children under 16 is illegal. They are often inhaled from plastic bags held over the nose and mouth. Central-nervous-system excitation, with euphoria and disinhibition, is followed by depression and lethargy. Unpleasant effects include facial rash, nausea and vomiting, tremor, dizziness, and clumsiness. Death from COMA and acute cardiac toxicity is a serious risk. Chronic heavy use can cause peripheral neuropathy and irreversible cerebellar damage. (See SOLVENT ABUSE (MISUSE).)
The hallucinogenic or psychedelic drugs include LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE (LSD) or acid, magic mushrooms, ecstasy (MDMA), and phencyclidine (PCP or ‘angel’ dust, mainly used in the USA). These drugs have no medicinal uses. Taken by mouth, they produce vivid ‘trips’, with heightened emotions and perceptions and sometimes with hallucinations. They are not physically addictive but can cause nightmarish bad trips during use and ?ashbacks (vivid reruns of trips) after use, and can probably trigger psychosis and even death, especially if drugs are mixed or taken with alcohol.
Stimulant drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine act like adrenaline and speed up the central nervous system, making the user feel con?dent, energetic, and powerful for several hours. They can also cause severe insomnia, anxiety, paranoia, psychosis, and even sudden death due to convulsions or tachycardia. Depression may occur on withdrawal of these drugs, and in some users this is su?ciently deterrent to cause psychological dependence. Amphetamine (‘speed’) is mainly synthesised illegally and may be eaten, sni?ed, or injected. Related drugs, such as dexamphetamine sulphate (Dexedrine), are prescribed pills that enter the black market. ECSTASY is another amphetamine derivative that has become a popular recreational drug; it may have fatal allergic effects. Cocaine and related drugs are used in medicine as local anaesthetics. Illegal supplies of cocaine (‘snow’ or ‘ice’) and its derivative, ‘crack’, come mainly from South America, where they are made from the plant Erythroxylon coca. Cocaine is usually sni?ed (‘snorted’) or rubbed into the gums; crack is burnt and inhaled.
Opiate drugs are derived from the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum. They are described as narcotic because they induce sleep. Their main medical use is as potent oral or injectable analgesics such as MORPHINE, DIAMORPHINE, PETHIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE, and CODEINE. The commonest illegal opiate is heroin, a powdered form of diamorphine that may be smoked, sni?ed, or injected to induce euphoria and drowsiness. Regular opiate misuse leads to tolerance (the need to take ever larger doses to achieve the same e?ect) and marked dependence. A less addictive oral opiate, METHADONE HYDROCHLORIDE, can be prescribed as a substitute that is easier to withdraw.
Some 75,000–150,000 Britons now misuse opiates and other drugs intravenously, and pose a huge public-health problem because injections with shared dirty needles can carry the blood-borne viruses that cause AIDS/HIV and HEPATITIS B. Many clinics now operate schemes to exchange old needles for clean ones, free of charge. Many addicts are often socially disruptive.
(See ALCOHOL and TOBACCO for detailed entries on those subjects.)... dependence
Prescriptions for drugs should be printed or written clearly in ink and signed and dated by the prescriber (computer-generated facsimile signatures do not meet legal requirements). They should include the patient’s name, address and age (obligatory for children under 12), the name of the drug to be supplied, the dose and dose frequency, and the total quantity to be supplied. Any special instructions (e.g. ‘after food’) should be stated. There are special regulations about the prescription of drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985 (see CONTROLLED DRUGS). A pharmacist can advise about which drugs are available without prescription, and is able to recommend treatment for many minor complaints. Information about exemption from prescription charges in the NHS can be obtained from health visitors, general practitioners, or social security o?ces.... drugs
Methyl alcohol, or wood spirit (see METHANOL), is distilled from wood and is thus a cheap form of alcohol. It has actions similar to, but much more toxic than, those of ethyl alcohol. It has a specially pronounced action on the nervous system, and in large doses is apt to cause neuritis, especially of the optic nerves, leading to blindness, partial or complete.... methyl
S. haematobium causes CYSTITIS and haematuria – passage of blood in the urine; bladder cancer and ureteric obstruction, giving rise to hydronephrosis and kidney failure, are long-term sequelae in a severe case. S. mansoni can cause colonic symptoms and in a severe case, POLYPOSIS of the COLON; diarrhoea, which may be bloody, can be a presenting feature. In a heavy infection, eggs surrounded by granulomas are deposited in the liver, giving rise to extensive damage (pipe-stem ?brosis) associated with PORTAL HYPERTENSION, oesophageal varices, etc. However, unlike in CIRRHOSIS, hepatocellular function is preserved until late in the disease. S. japonicum (which is con?ned to the Far East, especially Indonesia) behaves similarly to S. mansoni infection; liver involvement is often more severe.
Diagnosis can be made by microscopic examination of URINE or FAECES. The characteristic eggs are usually detectable. Alternatively, rectal or liver BIOPSY are of value. Serological tests, including an ELISA (see ENZYME-LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY (ELISA)), have now largely replaced invasive procedures used in making a parasitological diagnosis.
Treatment CHEMOTHERAPY has been revolutionised by the introduction of praziquantel (administered orally); this compound has no serious side-effects, although its cost may limit its use in developing countries. Oxamniquine is cheaper and e?ective in S. mansoni infection, although evidence of resistance has been recorded in several countries. Metriphonate is also relatively cheap and is of value in S. haematobium infection. Prevention is by complete avoidance of exposure to contaminated water; all travellers to infected areas should know about this disease. It is increasing in frequency as new expanses of fresh water appear as a result of irrigation schemes and dam projects. Molluscicides can be employed for snail-control.... schistosomiasis
The manner of sterilising bedding, furniture, and the like, after contact with a case of infectious disease, is given under DISINFECTION; whilst the sterilisation of instruments, dressings, and skin surfaces, necessary before surgical procedures, is mentioned in the same article and also under ANTISEPTICS, ASEPSIS, and WOUNDS. For general purposes, one of the cheapest and most e?ective agents is boiling water or steam.
Bacteriological sterilisation may be e?ected in many ways, and di?erent methods are used in di?erent cases.
Reproductive sterilisation In women, this is performed by ligating (cutting) and then tying the FALLOPIAN TUBES – the tubes that carry the OVUM from the ovary (see OVARIES) to the UTERUS. Alternatively, the tubes may be sealed-o? by means of plastic and silicone clips or rings. The technique is usually performed (by LAPAROSCOPY) through a small incision, or cut, in the lower abdominal wall. It has no e?ect on sexual or menstrual function, and, unlike the comparable operation in men, it is immediately e?ective. The sterilisation is usually permanent (around 0·05 pregnancies occur for every 100 women years of use), but occasionally the two cut ends of the Fallopian tubes reunite, and pregnancy is then again possible. Removal of the uterus and/or the ovaries also sterilises a woman but such procedures are only used when there is some special reason, such as the presence of a tumour.
The operation for sterilising men is known as VASECTOMY.... sterilisation
Vitamins A, C and E inhibit production of free radicals. Especially effective is beta-carotene, the precursor of Vitamin A, found in carrots, spinach, yams and some green leafy vegetables. Vitamin E and Selenium work together to prevent free radical damage to cell membrane. Antioxidants act favourably on glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis.
This group claims to have an anti-tumour effect. Epithelial cancers may invade the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tracts, lungs, skin and cervix of the womb. The higher the level of antioxidants in the cells, the lesser the risk of epithelial cell cancer, and blindness in the aged. vChief antioxidants: Alfalfa, Comfrey, Asparagus (fresh), Beet tops, Dandelion leaves, Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Goldenseal, Irish Moss, Parsley, Walnuts, Watercress, Wheat sprouts. Perhaps the cheapest and most effective is Garlic.
Diet. Highly coloured fruits and vegetables: oranges, red and green peppers, carrots, apricots, mangoes, liver and spinach.
Supplements. Beta carotene (Vitamin A), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc. See: SOD, FREE RADICALS. ... antioxidants
Malt extract (with, or without Cod Liver oil). Green Barley. Juice of young Barley leaves harvested when 12 inches in height. A concentrate of vitamins, mineral nutrients, amino acids, enzymes and chlorophyll. Seven times richer in Vitamin C than oranges; five times richer in iron than spinach; has 25 times the potassium of wheat. High in the enzyme that slows the ageing of cells – superoxide dismutase (SOD). Said to be of value for malignancy and effective against pigmentation of the skin (melanosis, and other skin diseases). (Yoshihide Hagiwara MD, pharmacologist, Japan)
Immune system protective. Constipation. Anaemia.
Prepare in a juicer, young Barley leaves: 1 wineglassful night and morning. Green powder: (Green Barley essence) (Natural Flow) ... barley
Causes: exposure to chemicals, X-rays or radioactive material. Genetic factors are believed to predispose. The condition may be acute or chronic and may follow chemotherapy.
Remissions are known to have been induced by a preparation from the Periwinkle plant (Vinca rosea) now re-classified as Catharanthus roseus.
“Smokers suffer a significantly increased risk of developing acute myelocytic leukaemia.” (“Cancer”: 1987 vol 60, pp141-144)
Acute Leukaemia. Rapid onset with fatality within weeks or months. Fever. Proliferation of white cells in the bone marrow which are released and blood-borne to the liver, spleen and lymphatics. There may be bleeding from kidneys, mouth, bowel and beneath the skin. (Shepherd’s Purse, Yarrow) The acute form is known also as acute lymphoblastic or acute myeloblastic leukaemia. May be mis-diagnosed as tuberculosis.
Chronic Leukaemia. Gradual onset. Breathlessness from enlargement of the spleen. Swelling of glands under arms, in neck and groin. Loss of weight, appetite, strength, facial colour and body heat. Anaemia, spontaneous bleeding and a variety of skin conditions. Diarrhoea. Low grade fever.
No cure is known, but encouraging results in orthodox medicine promise the disease may be controlled, after the manner of diabetes by insulin. Successful results in such control are reported by Dr Hartwell, National Cancer Institute, Maryland, USA, with an alkaloid related to Autumn Primrose (Colchicum officinale). Vinchristine, a preparation from Periwinkle is now well-established in routine treatment. Red Clover, also, is cytotoxic to many mammalian cells. Vitamin C (present in many herbs and fruits) inhibits growth of non-lymphoblastic leukaemia cells. Good responses have been observed by Dr Ferenczi, Hungary, by the use of raw beet root juice.
Also treated with success by Dr Hartland (above) has been lymphocytic leukaemia in children which he treated with a preparation from Periwinkle.
Choice of agents depends largely upon the clinical experience of the practitioner and ease of administration. Addition of a nerve restorative (Oats, Kola, Black Cohosh or Helonias) may improve sense of well-being. To support the heart and circulatory system with cardiotonics (Hawthorn, Motherwort, Lily of the Valley) suggests sound therapy.
Herbal treatment may favourably influence haemoglobin levels and possibly arrest proliferation of leukaemic cells and reduce size of the spleen. It would be directed towards the (a) lymphatic system (Poke root), (b) spleen (Tamarinds), (c) bone marrow (Yellow Dock), and (d) liver (Blue Flag root).
An older generation of herbalists prescribed Blue Flag root, Yellow Dock, Poke root, Thuja and Echinacea, adding other agents according to indications of the particular case.
Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Red Clover, Gotu Kola, Plantain. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.
New Jersey tea (ceanothus). 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water. Half-1 cup thrice daily.
Periwinkle tea (Vinca rosea). 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.
Decoction. Formula. Equal parts: Echinacea, Yellow Dock, Blue Flag root. 1 teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. 1 cup before meals thrice daily.
Formula. Red Clover 2; Yellow Dock 1; Dandelion root 1; Thuja quarter; Poke root quarter; Ginger quarter. Dose: Liquid Extract: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.
Vinchristine. Dosage as prescribed. In combination with other medicines.
Wheatgrass. Juice of fresh Wheatgrass grown as sprouts and passed through a juicer. Rich in minerals. One or more glasses daily.
Beetroot juice. Rich in minerals. Contains traces of rare rabidium and caesium, believed to contribute to anti-malignancy effect. (Studies by Dr A. Ferenczi, Nobel Prize-winner, published 1961)
Diet: Dandelion coffee.
Supplements. B-complex, B12, Folic acid, Vitamin C 2g morning and evening, Calcium ascorbate 2g morning and evening. Copper, Iron, Selenium, Zinc.
Childhood Leukaemia. Research has linked the disease with fluorescent lighting. “Fluorescent tubes emit blue light (400mm wavelength). Light penetrates the skin and produces free radicals. Free radicals damage a child’s DNA. Damaged DNA causes leukaemia to develop. The type and intensity of lighting in maternity wards should be changed. This could be prevented by fitting cheap plastic filters to fluorescent lights in maternity wards.” (Peter Cox, in “Here’s Health”, on the work of Dr Shmuel Ben-Sasson, The Hubert Humphrey Centre of Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research, Jerusalem)
Treatment by hospital specialist. ... leukaemia
Cup of Chamomile, Balm, or Meadowsweet tea. Liquorice helpful, but most popular is Ginger taken in the form of Ginger wine, or powdered root (quarter to half a teaspoon). Chrystalised Ginger from sweetshop is one of the safest and cheapest: 2-3 pieces sucked or chewed half hour before journey and at intervals thereafter.
Avoid tobacco which reduces oxygen count. Potter’s Ginger root capsules.
Peppermint. Before travelling, glass water with 2 drops.
Aromatherapy. Inhalant. 2-3 drops Peppermint oil on tissue.
Diet. No alcohol or fatty foods. Accept Papaya fruit, Lemons or Lemon juice, Honey, Acidophilus. Supplements. Alternatives to the above. Seven days before journey: B-complex, magnesium 200mg, calcium 400mg. ... motion sickness
There are 3 major groups: drugs derived from opioid analgesic drugs such as fentanyl; drugs similar to amfetamines, such as ecstasy; and variants of phencyclidine (PCP), a hallucinogenic drug. These highly potent drugs are not tested for adverse effects or for the strength of the tablets or capsules, making their use hazardous. For example, some derivatives of fentanyl are 20–2,000 times more powerful than morphine. Amfetamine derivatives can cause brain damage at doses only slightly higher than those required for a stimulant effect. Many designer drugs contain impurities that can cause permanent damage.... designer drugs
The woman is given a course of fertility drugs to stimulate release of eggs from the ovary. This is followed by ultrasound scanning to check the eggs, which are collected by laparoscopy immediately before ovulation. They are then mixed with sperm in the laboratory. Two, or sometimes more, fertilized eggs are replaced into the uterus. If they become safely implanted in the uterine wall, the pregnancy usually continues normally.
Only about 1 in 10 couples undergoing in vitro fertilization achieves pregnancy at the 1st attempt, and many attempts may be needed before a successful pregnancy is achieved. Modifications of the technique, such as gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), are simpler and cheaper than the original method. in vivo Biological processes occurring within the body. (See also in vitro.)... in vitro fertilization