Cherry angioma Health Dictionary

Cherry Angioma: From 1 Different Sources


A TUMOUR composed of blood vessels. (See NAEVUS.)... angioma


(English) Resembling a fruit-bearing tree

Cherrie, Cherri, Cherrey, Cherree, Cherrea, Cherreah... cherry

Cherry Tea - Ingredients And Health Benefits

Cherry Tea is a dark red beverage with an intense fruity flavour whose colour resembles ripe cherries and it can be enjoyed hot or cold. The delightful cherry scent is often blended with other aromas which results in savory and exotic mixtures. Cherry Tea Brewing Regarding cherry tea, the brewing time can vary, but the standard procedure entails a five-minute steeping process. Consequently, you will rejoice in the lovely cherry aroma of your amazingly enticing and enjoyable beverage. Health Benefits of Cherry Tea Cherry Tea is a beneficial fruity beverage with numerous health benefits. Cherry fruits are renowned for their delightfully refreshing flavour and delicious sweet taste, but they are also packed with nutrients, vitamins and minerals that essentially contribute to our wellbeing. These fruits are rich in antioxidants which protect our body from free radicals and thus lower the risk of cancer and various neurological diseases, but they also delay the aging process. Cherries also contain melatonin, an antioxidant with calming effects on the brain, which helps releave irritability, insomnia and headaches, thus improving the quality of sleep. The countless health benefits of cherry tea also include anti-inflammatory properties and could potentially prove effective against pain caused by diseases or injuries. Cherry fruits are low in calories, but they contain vitamin C which unfortunately entices you to consume approximately 180 calories more a day. This could possibly result in the accumulation of some extra weight if consumed for large periods of time. Therefore, adjust your dietary plan accordingly. Side effects of Cherry Tea Cherry Tea contains extracts from the cherries which can induce an allergic reaction to people sensitive to these fruits, but it is generally side-effect-free. You can enjoy a savory cup of cherry tea at any given time of the day in order to boost your overall energy level and metabolism. The full flavour of succulent fresh cherries along with a delectable and lingering aftertaste will enchant you. Cherry tea is without doubt a delightful juicy drink with an exotic character.... cherry tea - ingredients and health benefits

Cherry Stalks

Prunus cerasus. Part used: fruit stalks. French: Cerisier. German: Kinsche. Italian: Ciliego agerotto.

Constituents: polyphenols, potassium salts, organic acids.

Action: diuretic. Inflammation of urinary tract.

Uses: oedema, cystitis.

Preparations: Tea. 1-2 teaspoons dried stalks to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Dose: 1 cup thrice daily.

Powder. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily. ... cherry stalks

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