Childhood immunization schedule Health Dictionary

Childhood Immunization Schedule: From 1 Different Sources

The schedule laid down by most countries to recommend which routine immunizations should be given to children and the intervals at which boosters should be administered. Such routine immunizations usually include tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, polio, Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b (H.I.B.) and after one year of age, measles, rubella and mumps vaccines.
Health Source: Dictionary of Tropical Medicine
Author: Health Dictionary


The process of inducing immunity as a preventive measure against infectious diseases. Immunization may be active or passive. In the passive form,antibodies are injected into the blood to provide immediate but short-lived protection against specific bacteria, viruses, or toxins. Active immunization, also called vaccination, primes the body to make its own antibodies and confers longer-lasting immunity.

Routine childhood immunization programmes exist for diseases such as diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (see DPT vaccination), haemophilus influenza (Hib), measles, mumps, and rubella (see MMR vaccination), meningitis C, and poliomyelitis. Additional immunizations before foreign travel may also be necessary (see travel immunization).

Most immunizations are given by injection, and usually have no after effects. However, some vaccines cause pain and swelling at the injection site and may produce a slight fever or flu-like symptoms. Some may produce a mild form of the disease. Very rarely, severe reactions occur due, for example, to an allergy to 1 of the vaccine’s components. Not all vaccines provide complete protection. Cholera and typhoid fever vaccinations, in particular, give only partial protection.

People with immunodeficiency disorders, widespread cancer, those taking corticosteroid drugs, or those who have previously had a severe reaction to a vaccine should not be immunized. Some vaccines should not be given to young children or during pregnancy.... immunization

Fee Schedule

A listing of accepted fees or established allowances for specified medical or other professional procedures and services. As used in medical care plans, it usually represents the maximum amounts the programme will pay for the specified procedures.... fee schedule

Interview Schedule

The precisely designed set of questions used in an interview.... interview schedule

Growth, Childhood

The increase in height and weight as a child develops. The period of most rapid growth occurs before birth. After birth, although growth is still rapid in the first few years of life, especially in the first year, the rate of

growth steadily decreases. Puberty marks another major period of growth, which continues until adult height and weight are reached, usually at about age 16–17 in girls and 19–21 in boys.

Body shape changes during childhood because different areas grow at different rates. For example, at birth, the head is already about three quarters of its adult size; it grows to almost full size during the first year. Thereafter, it becomes proportionately smaller because the body grows at a much faster rate.

Growth can be influenced by heredity and by environmental factors such as nutrition and general health. Hormones also play an important role, particularly growth hormone, thyroid hormones, and, at puberty, the sex hormones.

A chronic illness, such as cystic fibrosis, may retard growth. Even a minor illness can slow growth briefly, although the growth rate usually catches up when the child recovers. In some cases, slow growth may be the only sign that a child is ill or malnourished, in which case it is known as failure to thrive. However, short stature does not necessarily indicate poor health. Abnormally rapid growth is rare. Usually, it is a familial trait, but it may occasionally indicate an underlying disorder, such as a pituitary gland tumour causing gigantism. (See also age; child development.)... growth, childhood

Travel Immunization

Anyone planning to travel abroad may need immunizations before departure. Although few immunizations are compulsory for international travel, some are recommended for the traveller’s protection.

Travel agents and tour operators often include information about which immunizations may be needed, but travellers should consult a doctor about individual requirements. Some vaccines must be given in 2–3 doses several weeks apart. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted at least 2–3 months before departure. Children under 1 year, and people with a compromised immune system or serious underlying disorder may not be able to have some vaccinations, such as those for yellow fever and tuberculosis (BCG).... travel immunization

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