Chlorosis Health Dictionary

Chlorosis: From 2 Different Sources

Simple iron-deficiency anaemia in teenagers; with sickly greenish grey or yellowish complexion.

Tea. Mix, equal parts: Agrimony, Lemon Balm, Raspberry leaves. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup freely. Honey for sweetening. Or: Burdock leaves, hot tea.

Tinctures. Formula: Black root 1oz (30ml); Echinacea 1oz (30ml); Peruvian bark half an ounce (15ml). 5ml teaspoon in water before meals thrice daily.

Cider Vinegar. 2 teaspoons to glass water, morning and evening.

Floradix Formula Food supplement (Salus). 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Cassia Fistula


Synonym: C. rhombifolia Roxb.

Family: Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated as an ornamental throughout India.

English: Indian Laburnum, Purging Cassia, Golden Shower.

Ayurvedic: Aaragvadha, Chatu- raangula, Kritamaala, Kritmaalaka, Karnikaara, Shampaaka, Praagra- ha, Raajvrksha, Nripapaadapa, Raajadruma, Vyaadhighaataka, Aarevata.

Unani: Amaltaas, Khyaarshambar.

Siddha/Tamil: Sarakkonrai.

Folk: Amaltaasa.

Action: Flowers and pods— purgative, febrifugal, astringent, antibilious. Seed powder—used in amoebiasis.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicated the fruit pulp for constipation, colic, chlorosis and urinary disorders.

Pulp of the pod contains anthraqui- none glycosides, sennosides A and B, rhein and its glucoside, barbaloin, aloin, formic acid, butyric acid, their ethyl esters and oxalic acid. Presence of pectin and tannin is also reported.

Seeds gave galactomannan free sugars and free amino acids; extract laxative, carminative, cooling and antipyretic properties.

Flowers gave ceryl alcohol, kaem- pferol, rhein and a bianthraquinone glycoside, fistulin.

Leaves gave free rhein, its glyco- sides—sennosides A and B.

Cassia javanica L., a related species found in West Bengal, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, is used as a substitute for Cassia fistula.

Dosage: Fruit pulp—5-10 g powder. (API Vol. I.)... cassia fistula

Euphorbia Neriifolia

Auct. Non Linn.

Synonym: E. ligularia Roxb.

Family: Euphorbiaceae.

Habitat: Grown as a field and boundary fence and as curious on rockeries in gardens.

English: Holy Milk Hedge, Dog's Tongue.

Ayurvedic: Snuhi, Samant-dugdhaa, Sehunda, Singhtunda, Snuk, Gudaa, Sudhaa, Vajra, Vajjri, Vajjradram, Thuuhar.

Siddha/Tamil: Ielaikkali, Perumbu- kalli.

Action: Latex—purgative, diuretic, antiasthmatic, expectorant, rube- facient. Used in ascites, polyuria, anasarca, chlorosis, tympanitis; externally on warts, cutaneous eruptions, scabies, unhealthy ulcers.

A succus compounded of equal parts of the juice and simple syrup is said to be used for giving relief in asthma.

The triterpenoids, euphol, 24-meth- ylenecycloartenol, euphorbol hexa- cosonate, glut-5 (10)-en-1-one, glut-5- en-3 beta-yet-acetate, taraxerol, friede- lan-3 alpha-ol and -3 beta-ol have been reported from the plant.... euphorbia neriifolia

Inadequate Absorption Of Iron

This may occur in diseases of intestinal malabsorption. A severe form of this anaemia in women, known as chlorosis, used to be common but is seldom seen nowadays.... inadequate absorption of iron

Piper Chaba

Hunter non-Blume.

Synonym: P. retrofractum Vahl. P. officinarum DC.

Family: Piperaceae.

Habitat: Native to Moluccas, cultivated in Indonesia, also in India.

English: Java Long Pepper.

Ayurvedic: Gajapippali (spikes of Scindapsis officinalis, Araceae, are also known as Gajapippali), Chavya, Chavika.

Siddha/Tamil: Chevuyam.

Action: Similar to P. longum and P. nigrum. Fruits—stimulant, carminative; used in haemorrhoidal affections; as a tonic, after- childbirth. Roots—chewed or brewed in decoction for colic, dyspepsia and gastralgia.

Key application: In diseases of the spleen, chlorosis, diseases of the abdomen. colic, worm infestation. (The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India.)

Java long pepper is similar in composition to black pepper; it contains less piperine and volatile oil (piperine 4.5 and volatile oil 1.5%).

The stem is used as a substitute for Piper longum root. It contains the alkaloids piperine and piplartine. Beta- sitosterol, glycosides, glucose and fructose and mucilage have also been reported. Active principles show muscle relaxant property.... piper chaba

Randia Dumetorum


Synonym: R. spinosa Poir. R. brandisii Gamble. R. longispina W. & A. R. tomentosa W. & A. non Blume. Xeromphis spinosa Keay.

Habitat: Assam, Naga and Khasi Hills, Travancore and the Andamans.

English: Common Emetic Nut.

Ayurvedic: Madana, Chhardana, Pindi, Shalayaka, Vishapushpaka.

Unani: Mainphal, Jauz-ul-Qai.

Siddha/Tamil: Marukkaaraikai, Madkarai.

Folk: Mainphal.

Action: Fruit—nervine, calmative, antispasmodic, emetic, anthelmintic, abortifacient. Used as a substitute for ipecacuanha.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia recommends the dried fruit in chlorosis, common cold, rhinitis and obstinate skin diseases.

The activity of the drug is attributed to the presence of saponins which occur to the extent of 2-3% in fresh fruits and about 10% in dried whole fruit. The saponins are concentrated mostly in the pulp. A mixture of two saponins, viz. randialic or neutral saponin and randialic acid or acid saponin has been isolated from the pulp. On complete hydrolysis both the saponins yield oleanolic acid as sapogenin. Ursosaponin, isolated from the ethanolic extract of the dried whole fruit, gave ursolic acid and glucose. Randianin, isolated from the fruit, gave a haemolytic triterpe- noid saponin.

In experimental animals, the drug caused haemolysis both in vitro and in vivo. Crude saponin fraction showed haemolytic, molluscidal and immuno- stimulating activities.

Oleanolic acid 3-glucoside, isolated from the seed, exhibited anti-arthritic activity in exudative and proliferative phases of inflammation in rats.

Dosage: Fruit—0.5-1.0 g powder for decoction, 3-6 g for induction vomiting. (API, Vol. I.)... randia dumetorum

Sapindus Mukorossi


Family: Sapindaceae.

Habitat: Native to China and Japan; distributed in the Himalayas from Himachal Pradesh eastwards and in Assam.

English: Chinese Soap Berry, Soap Nut tree of North India.

Ayurvedic: Arishtaka, Phenila.

Folk: Reethaa.

Action: Fruits—emetic and expectorant; used in excessive salivation, chlorosis and epilepsy. The plant yielded triterpenoid glycosides, sapindosides, derived from hederagenin. Saponins exhibit hypotensive, anticholesterolemic, spermicidal and antimicrobial properties.

Saponin A and C sapindoside A and B, extracted from the fruit rind, showed antifungal activity. Hederagenin, isolated from the fruit rind or pericarp, is used in skin-lightening and anti- inflammatory cosmetics.

Other constituents from the plant are flavonoids—quercetin, kaempferol, apigenin and rutin.... sapindus mukorossi

Lapacho Tree

Tabebuia avellanedae. Ipe Roxo, Pau d’arco. LaPacho herb tea. Taheebo. 1,000 year-old Inca cancer-cure. Used for centuries by the Callawaya Tribe. Still used in Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and the Argentine. Laprachol occurs in heartwood of some trees of the genera Tecoma and Tabebuia (N.O. Bignonaiceae). Aids immune system health. Anti-tumour. Anti-microbial. Analgesic. Anodyne. Diuretic. Antidotal. Fungicidal. Anti-fever. Anti-Candida. Anti-cancer. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-haemorrhagic. Anti-leukaemic. Indian plant C.D. shows reducible activity in Walker 256 Carcinosarcoma system in rats. Exhibits significant antitumour activity with relatively little effect on body weight. Anti-cancer experiments in human patients confirm experiments made in animals bearing malignant neoplasies. Low toxicity. Adenocarcinoma (liver, breast and prostate) and epidermoid carcinoma of womb and floor of the mouth: temporary reductions of lesions and decrease of pain. (Manoel Antonio Schmidt)

Folk history: cancer remedy (anti-mitotic action), diarrhoea, boils, leprosy, chlorosis, dysentery, eneuresis, fever, pharyngitis, snakebite, syphilis, wounds. (J.A. Duke) Large doses produce nausea and anti-coagulant tendency. Strongly commended by Professor Emeritus, Walter Accorsi, University of Sao Paulo (USP) for its therapeutic value.

Oral candidiasis: good results reported.

Decoction. 15-20g bark to 500ml (1 pint) water, gently simmered 20 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.

Tincture. 1 part to 5 parts 60 per cent alcohol; macerate 8 days; filter. Dose: 30-60 drops thrice daily. For acute cases, dose may be doubled.

Lapacho works best taken orally.

Teabags, capsules: Rio Trading Company, Brighton, England. ... lapacho tree

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