Cilantro, coriander (Coriandrum sativum).Plant Part Used: Leaf, seed.Dominican Medicinal Uses: Leaf: infusion/decoction, orally, for gastro-intestinal disorders: flatulence, gastritis, acid-reflux, heartburn, indigestion and stomach pain.Safety: Widely consumed as a condiment; generally considered safe; potential for hypersensitivity.Laboratory & Preclinical Data: In vivo: hypolipidemic (seeds), inflammatory bowel disease treatment (multi-herbal extract).In vitro: antioxidant (seed aqueous extract).* See entry for Cilantro in “Part 3: Dominican Medicinal Plant Profiles” of this book for more information, including references.... cilantro
(BAHA) a specialized form of *hearing aid for patients with certain forms of conductive *deafness. A small titanium screw is surgically fixed into the bone of the skull behind the external ear using a process called *osseointegration. Sound energy is passed from a miniature microphone and amplifier to the screw, through the bone, to the *cochlea.... bone-anchored hearing aid