Habitat: The tropical and subtropical parts of India.
English: Velvet-Leaf Pareira, Pareira Brava.Ayurvedic: Paathaa, Ambashthaa, Varatiktaaa, Vriki, Aviddhakarni, Piluphalaa, Shreyashi.Bigger var., Raaja Paathaa, is equated with Stephania hernandifolia Walp.)Unani: Paathaa.Siddha/Tamil: Paadakkizhangu, Appatta.Action: Root astringent, an- tispasmodic (used for cramps, painful menstruation), analgesic, antipyretic, diuretic, antilithic and emmenagogue. Prescribed for diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, urogenital affections (cystitis, nephritis, menorrhagia) Root paste is applied topically on scabies and eruptions on the body. Also used for preventing miscarriage.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia ofIn- dia attributed blood purifying properties to the root and indicated it in lactal disorders.Hayatine (dl-beberine) is the principal alkaloid of the root. Its derivatives, methiodide and methochloride are reported to be potent neuromus- cular-blocking agents.Not to be confused with Abuta grandiflora, a South American medicinal plant.Dosage: Root—3-6 g powder. (API Vol. I.) the plant hastens fracture-healing by reducing the total convalescent period by 33% in experimental rats and dogs; it aids in recovery of the strength of the bones up to 90% in 6 weeks.Dosage: Stem—10-20 ml juice. (API Vol. III.)