Citrus aurantifolia Health Dictionary

Citrus Aurantifolia: From 1 Different Sources

(Christm.) Swingle.

Synonym: C. medica L. var. acida (Roxb.) Hook. f.

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Wild in the warm valleys of the outer Himalayas. Cultivated in the plains.

English: Acid or Sour Lime, Country Lime.

Ayurvedic: Nimbuka.

Unani: Limu Kaghzi.

Siddha/Tamil: Elummichhai, Thurinjippazham.

Folk: Kaagazi Nimbu.

Action: Antiscorbutic, stomachic, appetizer, refrigerant. Used in bilious vomiting. Leaves—an infusion is given for fever in jaundice, for sore throat, thrush. Root—an infusion is given for colic and dysentery, also as febrifuge.

Limes are rich in vitamins, minerals and alkaline salts, but not in fruit sugars. Lime peel contains ergosterol. An enzyme, 1,3-beta-glucan hydrolase has been reported from the bark and leaf extract. See C. limon.
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Citrus Aurantium


Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated in Khasi hills and Cachar. Also in Guntur (Andhra Pradesh). Found in semiwild state in the Naga and Khasi hills.

English: Citrus dulcis, Sour Orange, Sweet Orange.

Folk: Khattaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Mallikanarangi.

Action: Peel—laxative, feeble stomachic, emmenagogue. Leaves— prescribed in the treatment of arthritis and bronchitis. Flowers— aqueous extract is employed in scurvy, fever, inflammation, nervous and hysterical cases. Fruit— a decoction is used to recover from cachexia left by intermittent fever and in cases of enlarged spleen. Dried rind—used in atonic dyspepsia.

Key application: Cut peel—in loss of appetite and dyspeptic ailments. (German Commission E.). As a bitter tonic. (British Pharmacopoeia.)

The main constituents of the peel include the alkaloid synephrine and N- methyltyramine. Synephrine, an alpha 1-adrenergic agonist, stimulates a rise in blood pressure through vasoconstriction. N-methyltyramine also raises blood pressure.

The root gave xanthyletin. The essential oil exhibits antifun- gal activity, it was found effective in treatment-resistant fungal skin diseases. (Expanded Commission E Monographs.)

Commercially available Citrus vul- garis (bitter orange) extracts are often promoted for weight loss due to purported thermogenic effects. In animal models, synephrine causes weight loss, but also increases cardiovascular toxic- ity. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)... citrus aurantium

Citrus Limon

(Linn.) Burm.f.

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Cultivated all over India.

English: Lemon.

Ayurvedic: Jambira, Jambh, Jambhir, Jaamphal, Nimbu, Nimbuka, Naaranga, Limpaka, Dantashatha, Airaavata, Neebu (bigger var.).

Unani: Utraj.

Siddha/Tamil: Periya elumuchhai.

Action: Fruit—antiscorbutic, carminative, stomachic, antihistaminic, antibacterial. Used during coughs, colds, influenza and onset of fever (juice of roasted lemon), hiccoughs, biliousness. Fruit juice—used externally for ringworm (mixed with salt), erysipelas, also in the treatment of leprosy and white spots. Leaves and stems—antibacterial.

All parts of the plants of citrus sp. contain coumarins and psoralins. The fruits contain flavonoids and li- monoids. The flavonoids comprise three main groups—flavanones, fla- vones and 3-hydroxyflavylium (antho- cyanins); flavanones being predominantly followed by flavones and antho- cyanins. Bitter flavonoids do not occur in lemon and lime.

Lemon juice is a richer source of antiscorbutic vitamin (contains 4050 mg/100 g of vitamin C) than lime, and a fair source of carotene and vitamin B1. Volatile oil (about 2.5% of the peel) consists of about 75% limonene, alpha-and beta-pinenes, alpha-ter- pinene and citral. The fruit juice also contains coumarins and bioflavonoids.

The acid content of the fruit, once digested, provides an alkaline effect within the body and is found useful in conditions where acidity is a contributory factor (as in case of rheumatic conditions). The bioflavonoids strengthen the inner lining of blood vessels, especially veins and capillaries, and help counter varicose veins, arteriosclerosis, circulatory disorders and infections of liver, stomach and intestines.

Major flavonoid glycosides, isolated from citrus peels and juices, include hesperidin (with properties of vitamin P). Rutin and other flavanones, isolated from citrus fruits, form the principal components of vitamin P. Flavanone glycosides contained in lemon and lime juices are eriocitrin 47 and 94; hesperidin 84 and 196 mg/l, respectively.

The composition of cold pressed lime oil is quite similar to lemon oil, but citral content of lime oil is higher.

Monoterpene alcohols and their esters, aldehydes—geraniol, geranial and neral, contribute to the characteristic aroma of lemon and lime.

Dosage: Fruit—6-12 g (Juice—5- 10 ml). (API Vol. IV.)... citrus limon

Citrus Maxima

(Burm.) Merrill.

Synonym: C. decumana Watt. C. grandis (L.) Osbeck

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: North-eastern region up to 1,500 m in Assam and Tripura.

English: Pummelo, Shaddock.

Ayurvedic: Madhukarkatikaa.

Unani: Chakotra.

Siddha/Tamil: Pambalimasu.

Folk: Mahaa-nibu, Sadaaphal.

Action: Fruit—cardiotonic. Leaves, flowers and rind—used as a sedative in nervous affections. Leaves— used in convulsive cough, chorea, epilepsy, also in the treatment of haemorrhagic diseases. A lotion of boiled leaves used hot in painful swellings. The essential oil from fresh leaves exhibits dermatophytic, and fungistatic activity.

The root-bark contains beta-sitos- terol and acridone alkaloids. It also contains several coumarins. The alkaloids and coumarins show antimicrobial acitivity.

The essential oil from the leaves and unripe fruits contain 20% limonin, 30% nerolol, 40% nerolyl acetate and 3% geraniol. diosmin, beta-sitosterol and beta-D- glucoside. The roots contain campes- terol, stigmasterol, sitosterol and cholesterol.

Aqueous extract of the peel showed hypotensive action in dogs.

The fruits and seeds are a cardioton- ic; found useful in palpitation.

Dosage: Fruit—10-20 ml juice. (API Vol. III.) Leaf, flower, fruit, root— 50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... citrus maxima

Citrus Paradisi


Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Khasi Hills, submountain- ous Himalayan ranges in Garhwal, Kumaon in U.P., Maland areas of South, Pachmarhi (Madhya Pradesh), Sikkim and Western Ghats.

English: Citron.

Ayurvedic: Maatulunga, Lunga, Maatulaka, Mahaalunga, Bijpuura, Bijaahva.

Unani: Turanj.

Siddha/Tamil: Kadaranrathai, Naarthankai, Thurinjippazham.

Folk: Bijoraa.

Action: Fruit—antiscorbutic, refrigerant, astringent, carminative, stomachic, antibacterial. Used for dyspepsia, bilious vomiting, cold, fever, hiccough. Root— anthelmintic. Flowers and buds— astringent.

The peel contains coumarins, limet- tin, scoparone, scopoletin and um- belliferon; besides nobiletin, limonin,

Family: Rutaceae.

Habitat: Native to the West Indies. Commercialized in the USA. Cultivated mainly in Punjab.

English: Grapefruit, 'Marsh' Grapefruit.

Folk: Chakotraa. Chima Bombili- maas (Tamil Nadu).

Action: Young leaves—decoction is used to relieve cold or headache. Fruit—used for developing resistance against colds and influenza.

Grapefruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, potassium and pectin, which balance the acid reaction in the stomach and stimulate appetite. Half grapefruit contains vitamin A 318 IU, vitamin C 46.8 mg, niacin 0.2 mg, potassium 158 mg. The fruit contains beta- carotene and cartenoid lycopene. Ly- copene is especially noted for reducing the risk of prostate cancer. The fruit juice contains furanocoumarins, including bergamottin, also naringin, naringenin, limonin, quercetin, kaem- pferol and obacunone.

For drug interactions with grapefruit juice, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.

Grapefruit is not to be confused with grape (Vitis vinifera).... citrus paradisi

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