Cns stimulants Health Dictionary

Cns Stimulants: From 1 Different Sources

Drugs that increase mental alertness (see stimulant drugs).
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association

Nerve Stimulants

Often necessary to bring added vitality to the body or one of its parts. Often combined with circulatory stimulants to help support the nervous system in the presence of nerve weakness and paralysis.

Ephedra, Ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, Oats, Damiana, Kola, Gotu Kola, Thuja, Vervain. ... nerve stimulants

Appetite Stimulants

Various tonics and remedies traditionally prescribed to stimulate the appetite.

None are proven to be effective.

Some drugs such as corticosteroids may stimulate the appetite when used to treat unrelated disorders.... appetite stimulants

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