(coelio-) combining form denoting the abdomen or belly. Example: coeliectasia (abnormal distension of).
A method of viewing the interior of the abdomen in patients in whom a tumour or some other condition requiring operation may be present but cannot with certainty be diagnosed. The examination is carried out by making a minute opening under local anaesthesia, and inserting an ENDOSCOPE – a long ?exible instrument bearing an electric lamp and telescopic lenses like that for examining the bladder (CYSTOSCOPE) – into the abdominal cavity. Certain of the abdominal organs can then be directly inspected in turn.... coelioscopy
adj. of or relating to the abdominal region. The coeliac axis (or trunk) is a branch of the abdominal *aorta supplying the stomach, spleen, liver, and gall bladder.... coeliac