Breast feeding Unless there is a genuine contraindication, every baby should be breast fed. The nutritional components of human milk are in the ideal proportions to promote the healthy growth of the human newborn. The mother’s milk, especially colostrum (the ?uid secreted before full lactation is established) contains immune cells and antibodies that increase the baby’s resistance to infection. From the mother’s point of view, breast feeding helps the womb to return to its normal size and helps her to lose excess body fat gained during pregnancy. Most importantly, breast feeding promotes intimate contact between mother and baby. A ?nal point to be borne in mind, however, is that drugs taken by a mother can be excreted in her milk. These include antibiotics, sedatives, tranquillisers, alcohol, nicotine and high-dose steroids or vitamins. Fortunately this is rarely a cause of trouble. (See also main entry on BREAST FEEDING.)
Arti?cial feeding Unmodi?ed cows’ milk is not a satisfactory food for the human newborn and may cause dangerous metabolic imbalance. If breast feeding is not feasible, one of the many commerciallly available formula milks should be used. Most of these are made from cows’ milk which has been modi?ed to re?ect the composition of human milk as closely as possible. For the rare infant who develops cows’-milk-protein intolerance, a milk based on soya-bean protein is indicated.
Feeding and weight gain The main guide as to whether an infant is being adequately fed is the weight. During the ?rst days of life a healthy infant loses weight, but should by the end of the second week return to birth weight. From then on, weight gain should be approximately 6oz. (170g) each week.
The timing of feeds reffects social convention rather than natural feeding patterns. Among the most primitive hunter-gatherer tribes of South America, babies are carried next to the breast and allowed to suckle at will. Fortunately for developed society, however, babies can be conditioned to intermittent feedings.
As the timing of breast feeding is ?exible – little or no preparation time being required – mothers can choose to feed their babies on demand. Far from spoiling the baby, demand feeding is likely to lead to a contented infant, the only necessary caution being that a crying baby is not always a hungry baby.
In general, a newborn will require feeding every two to four hours and, if well, is unlikely to sleep for more than six hours. After the ?rst months, a few lucky parents will ?nd their infant sleeping through the night.
Weaning Weaning on to solid foods is again a matter of individuality. Most babies will become dissatis?ed with a milk-only diet at around six months and develop enthusiasm for cereal-based weaning foods. Also at about this time they enjoy holding objects and transferring them to their mouths – the mouth being an important sense organ in infants. It is logical to include food items that they can hold, as this clearly brings the baby pleasure at this time. Introduction of solids before the age of four months is unusual and best avoided. The usual reason given for early weaning is that the baby appears hungry, but this is unlikely to be the case; crying due to COLIC, for example, is more probable. Some mothers take the baby’s desire to suck – say, on their ?nger – as a sign of hunger when this is, in fact, re?ex activity.
Delaying the start of weaning beyond nine months is nutritionally undesirable. As weaning progresses, the infant’s diet requires less milk. Once established on a varied solid diet, breast and formula milks can be safely replaced with cows’ milk. There is, however, no nutritional contraindication to continued breast feeding until the mother wishes to stop.
It is during weaning that infants realise they can arouse extreme maternal anxiety by refusing to eat. This can lead to force-feeding and battles of will which may culminate in a breakdown of the mother-child relationship. To avoid this, parents must resist the temptation to coax the child to eat. If the child refuses solid food, the meal should be taken away with a minimum of fuss. Children’s appetites re?ect their individual genetic structure and a well child will eat enough to grow and maintain satisfactory weight gain. If a child is not eating properly, weight gain will be inadequate over a prolonged period and an underlying illness is the most likely cause. Indeed, failure to thrive is the paediatrician’s best clue to chronic illness.
Advice on feeding Many sources of con?icting advice are available to new parents. It is impossible to satisfy everyone, and ultimately it is the well-being of the mother and infant and the closeness of their relationship that matter. In general, mothers should be wary of rigid advice. An experienced midwife, health visitor or well-baby-clinic nursing sister are among the most reliable sources of information.
Protein Fat per Sugar Calories per cent cent per cent per cent
Human milk 1·1 4·2 7·0 70 Cows’ milk 3·5 3·9 4·6 66
Composition of human and cows’ milk... infant feeding
Breast-feeding problems may occur as a result of engor-cases, treatment with antibiotic drugs may mean that it is possible to continue breast-feeding.... breast-feeding
day of the puerperium. (See also PREGNANCY AND LABOUR.)
Management The mother should start practising exercises to help ensure that the stretched abdominal muscles regain their normal tone. There is no need for any restriction of diet, but care must be taken to ensure an adequate intake of ?uid, including at least 580 ml (a pint) of milk a day.
Milk, as already stated, appears copiously on the third day, but this is preceded by a secretion from the breast, known as colostrum, which is of value to the newborn child. The child should therefore be put to the breasts within 6–8 hours of being born. This also stimulates both the breasts and the natural changes taking place during this period. Suckling is bene?cial for both child and mother and encourages bonding between the two.... puerperium
When the discharge is yellow, indicating pus, an infection is suspected which may develop into an abscess. Herbal treatment can be effective but if, after a week, the condition has not improved surgical exploration may be necessary to remove the affected duct.
Alternatives. Clivers, Goldenseal, Fenugreek, Marigold, Poke root, Queen’s Delight, Wild Indigo. Taken as tea, powder, liquid extract or decoction.
Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Red Clover, Clivers, Gotu Kola. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.
Powders. Formula. Wild Indigo 1; Echinacea 2; Poke root 1. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.
Tinctures. Formula. Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1; Poke root 1. Dose: 30-60 drops thrice daily.
Topical – for sore nipples. Wheatgerm oil, Evening Primrose oil. Lotions: Goldenseal, Marigold, distilled extract of Witch Hazel. Nipples to be washed before a child is again put to the breast. Cracked nipples: Comfrey – pulp from fresh plant, or equal parts powder and milk as a paste.
Minerals: magnesium, zinc. ... breasts, nipples, discharge
The size and shape and general appearance of the breasts may vary during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and lactation, and after the menopause.
During pregnancy, oestrogen and progesterone, secreted by the ovary and placenta, cause the milkproducing glands to develop and become active and the nipple to become larger.
Just before and after
childbirth, the glands in the breast produce a watery fluid known as colostrum.
This fluid is replaced by milk a few days later.
Milk production and its release is stimulated by the hormone prolactin.... breast
A normal pregnancy lasts around 40 weeks from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period. It is divided into 3 stages (trimesters) of 3 months each. For the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, the developing baby is called an embryo; thereafter it is called a fetus.
In the 1st trimester the breasts start to swell and may become tender. Morning sickness is common. The baby’s major organs have developed by the end of this stage. During the 2nd trimester, the mother’s nipples enlarge and darken and weight rises rapidly. The baby is usually felt moving by 22 weeks. During the 3rd trimester, stretch marks and colostrum may appear, and Braxton Hick’s contractions may be felt. The baby’s head engages at about 36 weeks.
Common, minor health problems during pregnancy include constipation, haemorrhoids, heartburn, pica, swollen ankles, and varicose veins. Other common disorders include urinary tract infections, stress incontinence (see incontinence, urinary), and candidiasis.Complications of pregnancy and disorders that affect it include antepartum haemorrhage; diabetic pregnancy; miscarriage; polyhydramnios; pre-eclampsia; prematurity; and Rhesus incompatibility. (See also childbirth; fetal heart monitoring; pregnancy, multiple.)... pregnancy