(colpo-) combining form denoting the vagina. Example: colpoplasty (plastic surgery of).
An operation designed to strengthen the pelvic ?oor in cases of prolapse of the UTERUS. The surgeon excises redundant tissue from the front vaginal wall (anterior colporrhaphy) or from the rear wall (posterior colporrhaphy), thus narrowing the vagina and tightening the muscles.... colporrhaphy
n. a surgical procedure for treating stress incontinence in women in which the upper part of the vaginal wall is fixed to the anterior abdominal wall by unabsorbable suture material. It may be performed through an abdominal incision (Burch colposuspension) or using a laparoscope (laparoscopic colposuspension). These techniques have now been largely replaced by other less invasive sling procedures, such as *tension-free vaginal tape.... colposuspension