Compresses Health Dictionary

Compresses: From 1 Different Sources

Fomentations. External applications to soften tissue, allay inflammation or alleviate pain. They may take the form of a piece of soft cloth or other suitable material folded double (1) wrung out in a hot herbal infusion or (2) lint or flannel wrung out in hot water to which has been added Liquid extracts or the essential oils of Aromatherapy.

Requirements. Basin, towel, kettle of water, piece of cotton wool, oilcloth, binder and safety pins. Method: Place towel across basin; lay flannel on towel and press down. Pour on hot herbal infusion, decoction or tincture and thoroughly soak. Bring together ends of the towel and twist hands in opposite directions to squeeze out surplus fluid. Untwist towel, free the flannel, shake it out and apply direct to the skin. Smear affected skin with olive oil before application. Add a layer of cotton wool; cover with plastic or oilskin; bind in position and pin securely. Moisten compress when dry, every half hour or less.

Herbs commonly used: Chickweed, Comfrey, Elder, Linseed, Fenugreek seeds, Irish Moss, Marigold, Marshmallow, Mullein, Plantain, Slippery Elm, German Chamomile, Hounds Tongue. 

Health Source: Bartrams Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine
Author: Health Encyclopedia

Eucalyptus Tea

Did you know that eucalyptus leaves are the favourite food of koala bears? Having a pungent scent and antimicrobial properties, eucalyptus is a well known remedy for sinusitis and other respiratory ailments. It is also used successfully in aromatherapy. About Eucalyptus Tea Eucalyptus is one of the quickest growing tree species on the planet and it is derived from the grayish-green, leathery leaves of the tree botanically known as Eucalyptus globulus, also called the “blue gum tree” or “Australian fever tree.” Native to Tasmania, the eucalyptus tree grows in subtropical zones worldwide. The leaves contain eucalyptol, as well as tannins, caffeic and gallic acids, also found in green tea, along with flavonoids and antioxidants. Eucalyptus is antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal and antispasmodic with expectorant and decongestant properties. Eucalyptus is primarily valuable for its leaves, which are used to make an essential oil, eucalyptus tea and compresses. If you want to enhance the scent of the leaves, due to the aromatic oils that are contained inside, all you have to do is break or crush them, and then this will be released. You can prepare eucalyptus tea either using dry or fresh leaves. However, Eucalyptus tea made of dried eucalyptus leaves has lost most of its healing power. Instead, it’s best to cut small branches with a few dozen fresh leaves and keep them in a vase with water to prevent drying. How to make Eucalyptus Tea To make eucalyptus tea, pour 1 cup of boiled water over up to 1/2 teaspoon of the dried eucalyptus leaves. Cover and steep for 10 minutes, then strain. You can sweeten with honey and drink up to 2 - 3 cups a day. If you want to use fresh leaves, take a single one, chop it, add hot water and let it steep for about 4-6 minutes - then add honey or brown sugar. The bits of leaf should then be strained and discarded. Take care not to ingest the eucalyptus oil directly, as it is extremely strong and somewhat volatile. Then drink in small sips while hot. Benefits of Eucalyptus Tea Some studies pointed out that drinking eucalyptus tea may help increase insulin production and lower blood sugar level. You can gargle this tea when you have throat infections, or use it as a mouthwash as its antiseptic and antibacterial properties fight bad breath. Eucalyptus tea, when rubbed in the chest area, may relieve bronchitis, asthma and colds. When inhaled, the steam from the eucalyptus tea can help alleviate chest infections and a host of respiratory and pulmonary ailments like colds, emphysema, whooping cough and asthma. Applied topically, the tea may produce healthier looking skin. A compress with eucalyptus tea is effective in treating painful joints, minor burns and sore muscles. Side effects of Eucalyptus Tea Side effects from eucalyptus tea are rare; nausea, vomiting and diarrhea have been reported. Consult your doctor before using eucalyptus tea. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, if you have inflammation of the kidneys or that of the gastrointestinal tract, bile duct disease, liver disease or low or high blood pressure, don’t drink eucalyptus tea. Eucalyptus is a tree with many benefits and uses. Eucalyptus tea can easily be included in a healthy life style, especially when it is used to treat certain ailments.... eucalyptus tea


The presence of blood in the PERICARDIUM, the membranous sac which surrounds the heart. The condition may result from a myocardial infarction (see HEART, DISEASES OF), leaking ANEURYSM, injury, or tumour. Because the pericardial blood compresses the heart, the latter’s pumping action is impeded, reducing the blood pressure and causing cardiac failure. Urgent surgical drainage of the blood may be required.... haemopericardium

Lamium Album


Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: West Himalayas from Kashmir to Kumaon.

English: White Dead Nettle, Archangel.

Action: Haemostatic (particularly on the uterus), astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant. Used for menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, cystitis, prostatitis, bleeding piles, diarrhoea, irritable bowel and respiratory catarrh.

Key application: Internally, for catarrh of the upper respiratory passages; externally, for mild, superficial inflammation of the skin. (German Commission E.) Flowers have been recommended for teas and other galenical preparations for internal applications, rinses, baths and moist compresses. As astringent. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)

The herb contains iridoid monoterpenes; triterpene saponins; caffeic acid derivatives; flavonoids based on kaem- pferol; tannins (mainly catechins). The plant also gave a carbocyclic iridoid, caryoptoside; besides lambalbide, al- bosides A and B (iridoid monoter- penes).... lamium album


A cluster of interconnected boils, usually caused by the bacterium

STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS. The back of the neck and the buttocks are common sites. Carbuncles mainly affect people with reduced immunity, particularly those with diabetes mellitus. Treatment is usually with an antibiotic and hot compresses. Incision and drainage may be necessary if a carbuncle is persistent.... carbuncle


A pad of lint or linen applied under pressure to an area of skin. Cold compresses soaked in ice-cold water or wrapped around ice help to reduce pain, swelling, and bleeding under the skin after an injury (see ice pack). Hot compresses increase the circulation and help to bring boils to a head. A dry compress may be used to stop bleeding from a wound or may be coated with medication to help treat infection.... compress


Increased bone density, visible on X-rays as an area of extreme whiteness.

Localized osteosclerosis may be caused by a severe injury that compresses the bone, osteoarthritis, chronic osteomyelitis, or an osteoma.

Osteosclerosis occurs throughout the body in the inherited bone disorder osteopetrosis.... osteosclerosis


An instrument used for measuring blood pressure. A cuff attached to the device is wrapped around the person’s arm and inflated until it compresses the main artery in the arm. The cuff is deflated while the doctor listens to the blood flow through a stethoscope. The sphygmomanometer records the pressure on a mercury-filled glass column or a digital display.... sphygmomanometer


A collection of air in the pleural cavity, into which it has gained entrance by a defect in the lung or a wound in the chest wall. When air enters the chest, the lung immediately collapses towards the centre of the chest; but, air being absorbed from the pleural cavity, the lung expands again within a short time. (See LUNGS, DISEASES OF.)

Tension pneumothorax is a life-threatening condition in which the air in the hemithorax is under such pressure that it forces the heart to the other side and compresses the still-in?ated lung on the other side. It must be promptly relieved by inserting a hollow tube into the pleural cavity – a chest drain.

Arti?cial pneumothorax was an operation often performed in the pre-antibiotic days to treat pulmonary tuberculosis. Air was run into the pleural cavity to cause collapse of one lung, which rested it and allowed cavities in it to heal.... pneumothorax

Arthritis – Osteo

Osteo-arthritis. Erosion of cartilage of a joint with pain and stiffness. “Wear and tear” arthritis of the over 50s, affecting hands, knees, spine or hips. Biochemical changes in the cartilage stimulate overgrowth of bone cells (hyperplasia) which is an effort by the body to correct the disturbance.

Common in the elderly and menopausal women. Calcium salts may be laid down in a joint believed to be due to errors of diet. Small crystals of calcium hydroxyapatite have been observed to form in cartilage and synovial fluid. (Research group: St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London)

The aged sometimes suffer from diminished supply of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and which is necessary for normal calcium metabolism. An effective substitute is 2 teaspoons cider vinegar in a glass of water sipped before or during meals.

Alte rnative s. Black Cohosh and Meadowsweet (natural sources of salicylic acid), Asafoetida (inflammation of connective tissue), Hawthorn (efficient circulation of the blood), Poke root, Bladderwrack, Guaiacum, Devil’s Claw, Bogbean, White Poplar bark, Yucca leaves.

Tea. Celery seeds. 1 teaspoon to each cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup, 2-3 times daily, before meals. Comfrey tea.

Alternative formulae:– Powders. White Willow 2; Devil’s Claw 1; Black Cohosh half; Guaiacum quarter. Mix. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily in water or Nettle tea. Liquid extracts. White Willow 2; Devil’s Claw 1; Bogbean 1; Fennel 1; Tincture Capsicum quarter. Mix. 1 teaspoon thrice daily in water or Nettle tea.

Tinctures. Bogbean 2; Meadowsweet 2; Black Cohosh 1; Guaiacum quarter; Peppermint quarter. Mix. Dose: 2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Tablets/capsules: Devil’s Claw, Wild Yam, Ligvites.

Cod liver oil. Chief of the iodised oils. Can reach and nourish cartilage by the process of osmosis. Its constituents filter into cartilage, imparting increased elasticity which prevents degeneration. Known to soften-up fibrous tissue. 2 teaspoons once daily. Also helps correct uric acid metabolism.

Topical. Physiotherapy. Osteopathy. Jojoba oil packs. Capsicum Cream. Hot and cold compresses twice daily – followed by a cold compress at night, leaving on when in bed. Hot Epsom salt bath twice weekly. Diet. Oily fish: see entry. Low fat. Low salt. High fibre. Avoid lemons and other citrus fruits. Lemon juice may remove some calculi from the body but later begins to remove calcium from the bones. Supplementation. Pantothenic acid 10mg; Vitamin A 7500iu; Vitamin B6 25mg; Vitamin E 400iu; Zinc 25mg.

General. Warm dry climate often relieves. Surgery may be necessary. Herbs Pleurisy root, Comfrey root and Bryonia, sustain the constitution and promote tissue healing after joint replacements with ceramic substitute after the famous Charnley operation. The condition is disabling but it is possible to manage successfully, maintaining normal activities with minimum difficulty. ... arthritis – osteo

Arthritis – Tuberculous

A chronic bone and joint condition due to bovine from of tuberculosis believed to be caused by drinking TB milk and cream. Mostly in children, beginning in fluids surrounding a joint before invading bone tissue. Instead of normal flesh colour a joint has a white appearance. Condition maybe secondary to disease of the lungs or glands. Pain worse at night.

Elecampane (Inula) has a direct effect on TB bacilli, controlling night sweats and localising the disease. Agents yielding salicylates (mild analgesics) Meadowsweet, White Willow, etc are of value. Echinacea increases phagocytic power of the leucocytes and may normalise percentage count of neutraphiles. To meet individual needs, it will be necessary to vary treatment many times during the course of the disease.

Alternatives. Echinacea, Elecampane, Balm of Gilead buds (Hyde), Gotu Kola, Comfrey root, Iceland Moss. Rupturewort promotes elasticity of lung tissue.

Decoction. Equal parts: Iceland Moss, Comfrey root, Elecampane root, Liquorice. Mix. 1oz to 1 pint water gently simmered 20 minutes in a covered vessel. Dose: Half a cup thrice daily.

Alternative formulae:– Powders. White Willow 2; Comfrey 1; Echinacea 1; Ginger quarter. Mix. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. White Willow 2; Echinacea 1; Blue Cohosh half; White Poplar half; Tincture Capsicum quarter. Mix. 1 teaspoon thrice daily before meals.

Tincture Krameria (Rhatany root), Dose: 30-60 drops in water thrice daily.

Fenugreek seed tea.

Comfrey. Potential benefit of Comfrey root outweighs risk.

Topical. Compresses: Mullein leaves, Lobelia, Comfrey root or Fenugreek. Evening Primrose oil. No massage to affected joints.

Diet. Low carbohydrate. Oily fish.

Supplements. Vitamins A, B6, B12, D, Niacin, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus.

General. Tuberculosis is a notifiable disease for which specific medical treatment is available. Failure to comply may expose a practitioner to a charge of negligence. ... arthritis – tuberculous


n. any muscle that compresses an organ or causes a hollow organ or part to contract.... constrictor


n. either of two circular muscles of the face. The orbicularis oris, around the mouth, closes and compresses the lips. The orbicularis oculi, around each orbit, is responsible for closing the eye.... orbicularis


n. injury to a ligament, caused by sudden overstretching. As the ligament is not severed it gradually heals, but this may take several months. Sprains should be treated by cold compresses (ice-packs) at the time of injury, and later by restriction of activity.... sprain


Contusions. Purple marks under the skin caused by capillary haemorrhage as from a blow. Spontaneous bruising may occur as a result of steroid therapy (corticosteroids, Prednisolone, etc) and haemophilia. People with a Vitamin K deficiency bruise easily.

Alternatives. Topical. Tincture Arnica: 5 drops in eggcup of water as a lotion. “In the absence of tincture Arnica,” says Finlay Ellingwood MD, “wipe the discoloured area with Liquid extract Echinacea which stimulates an active capillary circulation and promotes recovery.”

Arnica is never used on open wounds. Calendula (Marigold) is indicated.

Compress: any of the following: Arnica flowers, Chickweed, Cowslip, Hyssop, Black Bryony, Fenugreek seeds, Hemp, Agrimony, Calendula, Oak leaf, St John’s Wort, Linseed, Herb Robert, Sanicle, Rue, Yarrow. Pulped Comfrey root, potato, cabbage leaf or Horsetail.

Lotions, creams, etc. Arnica, Chickweed, Comfrey, Myrrh.

Bruised bones. Comfrey, Rue. Spinal injuries: St John’s Wort.

Others: ice or cold-water compresses fixed by bandages. Weleda Massage Balm. Diet. Yoghurt: to encourage production of Vitamin K – the anti-clot vitamin. Supplements. Vitamins: B-complex, C, E, K, bioflavonoids. ... bruises

Cancer – Nose And Throat

Usually epithelioma with burning. Lesion may extend upwards into the base of the skull. Thickening of nasal membranes may cause deafness by compressing Eustachian tubes.

Anyone over 40 who has recurrent sore throat for more than six weeks should visit his family doctor. Symptoms. Pain, headache, paralysis of eye muscles.

Of possible value. Alternatives:– Teas. Violet leaves, Red Clover flowers, Plantain. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. Drink freely.

Decoction. Combination. Goldenseal 1; Poke root 1; Yellow Dock 3; Marshmallow root 3. Place half an ounce (15g) in 1 pint (500ml) water simmered gently 20 minutes. Half a cup or more, as freely as tolerated.

Formula. Echinacea 2; Goldenseal 1; Poke root half; Thuja quarter; Liquorice half. Mix. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Liquid extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Three or more times daily as tolerated.

Case of Lady Margaret Marsham, Maidstone. Cured of cancer of the throat by Violet leaf tea. Boiling water was poured on fresh Violet leaves (wild, not cultivated) and allowed to stand 12 hours. Compresses were moistened and applied externally to the throat and covered with oil silk. Relief was immediate. Difficult swallowing, sense of suffocation and the visible swelling disappeared within one week, the growth on the tonsil within a fortnight.

Treatment by a general medical practitioner or hospital oncologist. Diet. See: DIET – CANCER. ... cancer – nose and throat


Compresses consisting of a cloth or other suitable absorbant material immersed in a herbal tea and wrung out. Almost any herb may be used for this purpose. Before application the skin is smeared with Olive oil to avoid burning. May be hot or cold. Heat relaxes, cold tones. Wrung-out material is held in position by a plastic cloth or other suitable protective covering. Fomentations have many uses: they convey heat and medication to arthritic joints and to cold extremities in old age (Ginger, Prickly Ash). May be given for abscesses (Slippery Elm); tennis elbow (Comfrey); abdominal inflammation (Castor oil); Neuralgia (German Chamomile): Marshmallow or Blue Flag stimulate activity of the lymphatic system for swollen glands; and disperse local congestion of the circulation. They relax surface nerve-endings, dilate blood vessels, alleviate pain. ... fomentations


Vitis vinifera L.

Dr Joanna Brandt knew that grapes may sometimes check malignancy. Facing up squarely to the reality of cancer, she resolved not to take any medicines to check its course or alleviate the pain . . . neither would she submit to the surgeon’s knife.

For nine years she had been desperately seeking something to destroy the growth effectively, to eliminate virulent cancer toxins and rebuild new tissue.

At the conclusion of a seven-day fast she developed a craving for grapes. From the first mouthful she felt their purifying influence and a lift physically and mentally. She was miraculously cured.

As in other cases, improvement was attended by the senses becoming abnormally acute, dim eyes became bright, faded hair took on a new gloss, a lifeless voice became vibrant, the complexion cleared; teeth, loose and suppurating in their sockets became fixed and healthy.

In “The Grape Cure”, she records: “While the system is drained of its poisons, external wounds are kept open with frequent applications of Grape poultices and compresses . . . No scabs or crusts are formed as long as the lesions are kept moist . . . From glistening bones outwards, the process of reconstruction goes on. Healthy, rosy granulations of new flesh appear and cavities are filled in.”

The body is prepared for the regime by fasting for 2-3 days, drinking plenty of pure cold water and by taking a two-pint enema of lukewarm water daily.

After the fast, she advises – “Drink one or two glasses of cold water on rising. Half hour later, have a meal of grapes, discard seeds, chew skins thoroughly, swallowing a few for medicine and fibre. Have a grape meal every two hours from 8am to 8pm (7 meals daily). Continue two weeks – even for one month. Begin with 1, 2 or 3 ounces per meal, increasing gradually to half pound. The maximum should not exceed 4 pounds. Patients taking large quantities should allow 3 hours for digestion and not take all skins.”

After years of suffering, Dr Brandt discovered a cure which worked in her particular case and which she was able to repeat in a number of others. ... grapes

Cancer – Skin

There is strong evidence that sunlight plays a major role in the development of human skin cancers. Skin malignancy usually takes the form of Basal Cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma that may develop from pre-existing naevi.

Basal Cell Cancer. Strong sunlight on fair skins. Common on face and hands and other exposed areas. Commences as a tiny hard nodule. See – RODENT ULCER.

Squamous Cell Cancer. The role of sunlight in this type of cancer is even more positive. Other causes: photosensitisers such as pitch and PUVA photochemotherapy. Commences as a raised scaly rapidly- growing nodule.

Malignant Melanoma. Rare, but incidence rising. Four different kinds. Incidence is increased in individuals with fair or red hair who tend to burn rather than tan in the sun.

Causes may be numerous: genetic, occupational hazards or exposure to low-level radiation. Heavy freckling in youth doubles the risk. (Western Canada Melanoma study)

A study carried out by the New York’s Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre refers to damage to the ultra violet-blocking ozone layer by supersonic jet exhaust and aerosol propellants that can also raise the malignant melanoma rate. A University of Sydney study links fluorescent lighting with the disease. Symptoms. Itching lesion increases in size and with growing discoloration. Colours may present as brown, black, red, blue, white, with a red inflammatory border. May progress to a dry crust, with bleeding.

Study. A study conducted by a team from Melbourne University, Anti-Cancer Council and St Vincent’s Hospital, Australia, describes a summer-long experiment that showed that people who used a sun-screen lotion (in this case SPF-17) cut their chances of developing the first signs of skin cancer.

Study. Patients who receive blood transfusions are more likely to develop malignant lymphomas and non- melanomatous skin cancers. (European Journal of Cancer (Nov 1993))

Eclectic physicians of the 19th century reported success from the use of American Mandrake (podophylum peltatum). Recent experience includes a 76 per cent cure rate achieved in 68 patients with carcinoma of the skin by treatment twice daily for 14 days with an ointment consisting of Podophyllum resin 20 per cent, and Linseed oil 20 per cent, in lanolin, followed by an antibiotic ointment. (Martindale 27; 1977, p. 1341) Podophyllum is an anti-mitotic and inhibits cell-division and should not be applied to normal cells.

Aloe Vera. Fresh cut leaf, or gel, to wipe over exposed surfaces.

Vitamin E oil. Applying the oil to the skin can reduce chances of acquiring skin cancer from the sun. (University of Arizona College of Medicine)

Red Clover. “I have seen a case of skin cancer healed by applying Red Clover blossoms. After straining a strong tea, the liquid was simmered until it was the consistency of tar. After several applications the skin cancer was gone, and has not returned.” (May Bethel, in “Herald of Health”, Dec. 1963)

Clivers. Equal parts juice of Clivers (from juice extractor) and glycerine. Internally and externally.

Thuja. Internal: 3-5 drops Liquid Extract, morning and evening.

Topical. “Take a small quantity powdered Slippery Elm and add Liquid Extract Thuja to make a stiff paste. Apply paste to the lesion. Cover with gauze and protective covering. When dry remove pack and follow with compresses saturated with Thuja.” (Ellingwood’s Therapeutist, Vol 10, No 6, p. 212) Echinacea and Thuja. Equal parts liquid extracts assist healthy granulation and neutralise odour.

Rue Ointment. Simmer whole fresh leaves in Vaseline.

Poke Root. An old physician laid great stress on the use of concentrated juice of green leaves. Leaves are bruised, juice extracted, and concentrated by slow evaporation until the consistency of a paste, for persistent skin cancer. Care should be taken to confine to the distressed area. (Ellingwood’s Therapeutist, Vol 8, No 7, p. 275)

Maria Treben. Horsetail poultice.

Laetrile. Some improvement claimed. 1 gram daily.

Cider vinegar. Anecdotal evidence: external use: small melanoma.

Diet. See: DIET – CANCER. Beta-carotene foods.

Treatment by skin specialist or oncologist. ... cancer – skin

Hay Fever

An allergic condition with hypersensitivity of eyes, nose, throat and sometimes the skin due to grass and flower pollens in May and June. These and similar allergens cause the body to produce an excess of histamine which manifests as catarrh and nasal congestion. Hay fever may simulate allergy to cow’s milk (in children), additives and colourings in foods and sweets.

Symptoms: sneezy runny itchy nose and eyes, nose-block and sensitive palate. The upset may be mild or very disabling.

Alternatives. Teas. Cudweed, Elder, Ephedra, Eyebright, Ground Ivy, Nettles, Plantain, Peppermint, Sage.

Formula. Equal parts, Eyebright, Ephedra, White Horehound. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Dose: half-1 cup freely.

Tablets/capsules. Iceland Moss, Garlic, Lobelia, St John’s Wort.

Powders. Formula. Equal parts: Eyebright, Ephedra, Plantain. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. Alternatives. (1) Formula. Eyebright 3; Echinacea 2; Bayberry bark 1. (2) Formula. St John’s Wort 2; Uva Ursi 2; Bayberry bark 1. Dose: one 5ml teaspoon thrice daily. Infants: one drop each year of age.

Practitioner. Alternatives. (1) Equal parts: Ephedra (anti-allergic) and Nettles (anti-histamine). (2) Tinctures: Ephedra 2ml; Yarrow 5ml; Elder 5ml; Capsicum 0.5ml. Doses: 15-30 drops thrice daily in water.

Topical. Eyes should be treated separately. Bayberry bark powder for use as a snuff. Compresses of Chamomile for inflamed itchy eyes. Witch Hazel eye douch. Olbas oil on a handkerchief as an inhalant. Potter’s Anti-fect. Nasal douche: 1-2 drops Blood root in water. Dr Bourgeois, French Allergist, recommends Halibut liver oil nasal spray, frequently.

Diet. Avoid dairy products, caffeine drinks and alcohol entirely during the hay fever season. Low fat yoghurt contains an antihistamine. Abundant grated carrot for Vitamin A. Green tea. Raw vegetable salad once daily.

Supplementation. Vitamins A, B-complex, C (1 gram daily), E. Propolis, Pollen, Honeycomb as chewing gum, Magnesium, Zinc.

Preventative. 2 Garlic capsules, with high oil content, at night for 1-2 months before season begins. Purulent cases. 5-10 drops Tincture Myrrh in water, thrice daily. ... hay fever


Any obstruction to the free flow of bile causes stagnation within the gallbladder. Deposits of bile pigments form (bile sand). Under chemical change, these small masses become encrusted with cholesterol and converted into gall-stones. Common in overweight middle-aged women, “fair, fat and forty”. Fifteen per cent of the world’s population are affected. Pain may be mistaken for heart disorder.

Stones are of two main types: cholesterol and bile pigment. Cholesterol stones are composed of about 70 per cent cholesterol. Bile pigment stones are brittle and hard and brown or black. Stones cause gall duct obstruction, inflammation of the gall bladder and biliary colic.

Biliary colic can be one of the most excruciatingly painful conditions known.

Symptoms: extreme tenderness in upper right abdomen, dyspepsia, flatulence, vomiting, sweating, thirst, constipation. Prolonged obstruction leads to jaundice. Pain should be evaluated by a competent authority: doctor or hospital. Large stones will require surgery.

Alternatives. Combinations should include a remedy for increasing the flow of bile (cholagogue); to disperse wind (carminative); and for painful spasm.

BHP (1983) – Barberry, Greater Celandine, Balmony, Wahoo, Boldo, Chiretta, Dandelion.

Indicated: Cholagogues, Bitters to meet reduced secretion of bile. To prevent infection – Echinacea. Preventative measure for those with tendency to form stone – 2 Blue Flag root tablets/capsules, or half a teaspoon Glauber salts in morning tea, or 420mg Silymarin (Milk Thistle), daily.

Teas. Boldo, Black Horehound, Horsetail, Parsley Piert, Milk Thistle, Strawberry leaves, Wood Betony. Dr Hooper’s case: “An Indian Army officer suffered much from gall-stones and was advised to take Dandelion tea every day. Soon the symptoms left him and he remained free from them for over 20 years.” (John Clarke, MD)

Decoction. 1oz each: Milk Thistle, Centuary, Dandelion root, in 3 pints water. Bring to boil. Simmer down to 2 pints. Strain. One cup 3 times daily an hour before meals.

Tablets/capsules. Cramp bark (acute spasm). Wild Yam (spasmolytic and bile liquifier).

Powders. Equal parts: Cramp bark, Wahoo, Dandelion. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) every 2 hours for acute cases.

Study. Silymarin 420mg daily on patients with a history of gall-stones. Results showed reduced biliary cholesterol concentrations and considerably reduced bile saturation index. (Nassuato, G. et al, Journal of Hepatology 1991, 12)

Captain Frank Roberts. Advises Olive oil and Lemon treatment (see below) followed by his prescription: Liquid Extract Fringe Tree 1oz (30ml); Liquid Extract Wahoo 1oz; Liquid Extract Kava- Kava 1oz; Liquid Extract Black root 1oz; Honey 2oz. Dose: teaspoon after meals – minimum 3 meals daily – in wineglass tepid water.

Liquid Extract Barberry: 20-60 drops in water every 2 hours.

Finlay Ellingwood MD. Liquid Extract Fringe Tree bark 10ml; Liquid Extract Greater Celandine 10ml; Tincture Gelsemium 5ml. Dose: 10 drops in water half hourly for acute cases.

Alfred Vogel. Suggests Madder root, Clivers and Knotgrass have solvent properties.

Juices believed to have solvent properties: Celery, Parsley, Beet, Carrot, Radish, Lemon, Watercress, Tomato.

Olive oil and Lemon treatment. Set aside a day for the operation. Take breakfast. No meals for the rest of the day. About 6pm commence by drinking 1 or 2 ounces of the oil. Follow with half-1 cup fresh Lemon juice direct from the fruit in a little warm water. Dilute no more than necessary. Alternate drinks of Olive oil and Lemon juice throughout the evening until one pint or more Olive oil, and juice of 8-9 Lemons been consumed. Drink at intervals of 10 minutes to half an hour. Following 3 days pass stools into a chamber and wash well in search for stones and ‘bile sand’.

Practitioner. For spasm on passing stone: Tincture Belladonna: 20 drops in 100ml water: 1 teaspoon hourly.

Compresses: hot wet. Castor oil packs, or hot water packs over painful area.

Enema. Strong Catmint tea – 2 pints.

Diet. Commence with 3 day juice-fast: no solid food. Turmeric used at table as a condiment. Avoid cheese, sugar. Vegetarian diet. Studies show those who eat meat are twice as likely to develop stone. Less saturated fat and more fibre. Vegetable margarine instead of butter. Dandelion coffee or juices in place of caffeine beverages. High vegetable protein; high carbohydrate; high fibre. Oats. Artichokes, honey, molasses, unrefined cereals. Vegetable oil in cooking.

Supplements. Daily. Vitamin C, 2-3g. Vitamin E, 500iu. Choline 1g.

Note: Subjects with a sensitive skin who enjoyed sunbathing are at a raised risk of having gallstones. (Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health)

Gall-stones may form if weight is lost rapidly when on a low calorie diet. ... gall-stones

Herpes, Genital

 Venereal disease. Caused by Herpes simplex virus, type 2, (HSV2) which infects the skin and mucosa of the genital organs and anus. The strain is more virulent than HSV1 which attacks face and lips. Contagious. STD. Blisters appear 4-7 days after coitus. May be transmitted by mother to baby at delivery. The condition is often misdiagnosed as thrush. To dispel doubts, refer to urological department of nearest hospital. Evidence exists between genital herpes and cancer of the cervix. Clinical diagnosis should be confirmed by virus culture. Attacks are recurrent and self-infective.

Symptoms: redness, soreness, itching followed by blisters on the penis or vulva. Blisters ulcerate before crusting over. Lesions on anus of homosexual men.

Treatment by general medical practitioner or hospital specialist.

Alternatives. Sarsaparilla, Echinacea, Chaparral and St John’s Wort often give dramatic relief to itching rash. See entry: ECHINACEA.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Clivers, Gotu Kola, Valerian. One heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. Dose: 1 cup thrice daily.

Decoction. Combine: Echinacea 2; Valerian 1; Jamaican Dogwood 1. One heaped teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 20 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Tablets/capsules. Poke root. Valerian. Passion flower. St John’s Wort. Echinacea. Chaparral. Pulsatilla. Red Clover.

Powders. Formula. Echinacea 2; Valerian 1; Jamaica Dogwood 1. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Tinctures. Formula. Echinacea 2; Sarsaparilla 1; Thuja quarter; Liquorice quarter. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Topical. Apply any of the following 3, 4 or more times daily. Pulp or gel of Aloe Vera, Houseleek, Echinacea lotion. Garlic – apply slice of fresh corm as an antihistamine. Yoghurt compresses (improved by pinch of Goldenseal powder). Zinc and Castor oil (impressive record). Apply direct or on tampons. Diet. Porridge oats, or muesli oats.

Supplementation: same as for Shingles.

Prevention. Women should be advised to submit for an annual cytosmear. Information. Herpes Association, 41 North Road, London N7 9DP, UK. Send SAE. ... herpes, genital


Epistaxis. Often Nature’s way of relieving high blood pressure.

Causes: high blood pressure, accident, anticoagulant drugs, infection, blood disorder. As many as fifty- four causes. Usually innocent, from ruptured small vessel on anterior part of the nasal septum. May be spontaneous in the elderly, in which case blood vessels may be strengthened by Nettle tea.

Teas. Marigold flowers, Ephedra, Nettles, Melilot, Yarrow, Shepherd’s Purse, Ladies Mantle, Tormentil. Decoction. Burdock root.

Tablets/capsules. Cranesbill. Goldenseal.

Powders. Alternatives. (1) Cinnamon. (2) Bayberry. (3) Cranesbill. Half a teaspoon in milk or honey. External. Instil juice of Houseleek into nostril. Soak cotton wool in Witch Hazel and plug nostril. Pound fresh Nettles to a pulp in pestal and mortar and instil the juice or pulp. Beth root powder. Artichoke. Soak cotton wool in Cider vinegar and plug nostril. Other astringents, as available. See: ASTRINGENTS. Cold compresses to back of neck. ... nosebleed


Inflammation of the bladder lining, usually due to a bacterial infection. The main symptoms are a frequent urge to pass urine and burning pain on urinating. Urine may be foul-smelling or contain blood. There may be fever and chills, and lower abdominal discomfort.

Cystitis is common in women because the urethra is short, making it easier for bacteria to pass into the bladder. A bladder calculus (stone), a bladder tumour, or a urethral stricture can obstruct urine flow and increase the risk of infection. In men, cystitis is rare; it usually occurs when an obstruction, such as an enslarged prostate gland (see prostate, enlarged), compresses the urethra. Cystitis is children is often associated with a structural abnormality of the ureters, which allows reflux (backward flow) of urine. The use of catheters (see catheterization, urinary) also carries the risk of infection. Diabetics are especially susceptible to urinary tract infections.

Symptoms of mild cystitis may be relieved by drinking 1 pint (1?2 liter) of fluid every 4 hours. Any infection is treated with antibiotic drugs.... cystitis

Prostate, Enlarged

An increase in the size of the inner zone of the prostate gland, also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy. It is most common in men over 50. The cause is unknown. The enlarging prostate compresses and distorts the urethra, impeding the flow of urine. Eventually the bladder is unable to expel all the urine (see urine retention) and becomes distended, causing abdominal swelling. There may also be incontinence and frequency of urination (see urination, frequent).

Prostate enlargement is detected by a rectal examination.

Tests may include a blood test, ultrasound scanning, urography, and a recording of the strength of urine flow.

Mild cases do not require treatment, but more severe ones usually require prostatectomy.

Alternatively, drug treatment with alpha-blocker drugs or androgen drugs may be given.... prostate, enlarged

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

(CPR) an emergency procedure for life support, consisting of artificial respiration and manual external cardiac massage. It is used in cases of cardiac arrest or apparent sudden death resulting from electric shock, drowning, respiratory arrest, or other causes, to establish effective circulation and ventilation in order to prevent irreversible brain damage. External cardiac massage compresses the heart, forcing blood into the systemic and pulmonary circulation; venous blood refills the heart when the compression is released. *Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or a mechanical form of ventilation oxygenates the blood being pumped through the circulatory system.... cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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