A localised, rounded swelling of mucous membrane around the opening of the bowel, and the genital organs, sometimes known as ‘genital warts’ or ‘ano-genital warts’. There are two main forms: condyloma latum, which is syphilitic in origin; and condyloma accuminatum, which often occurs in association with sexually transmitted disease, but is only indirectly due to it, being primarily a virus infection.
n. (pl. condylomata) a raised wartlike growth. Condylomata acuminata (sing. condyloma acuminatum) are warts caused by *human papillomavirus and are found on the vulva, under the foreskin, or on the skin of the anal region. They may be treated with podophyllin, trichloroacetic acid, topical *imiquimod, or cryotherapy; patients should be checked for the presence of other sexually transmitted diseases. Condylomata lata (sing. condyloma latum) are flat plaques found in the secondary stage of syphilis, occurring in the anogenital region.