Cone beam Health Dictionary

Cone Beam: From 1 Different Sources


(1) A light-sensitive cell in the retina of the EYE that can also distinguish colours. The other type of light-sensitive cell is called a rod. There are around six million cones in the human retina and these are thought to comprise three types that are sensitive to the three primary colours of red, blue, and green.

(2) A cone biopsy is a surgical technique in which a conical or cylindrical section of the lower part of the neck of the womb is excised.... cone

Cone Biopsy

A surgical procedure in which a conical or cylindrical section of the lower part of the cervix is removed. A cone biopsy is performed after an abnormal cervical smear test result if the exact precancerous or cancerous area (see cervix, cancer of) cannot be identified by colposcopy.... cone biopsy

Cone Shells

Molluscs with cone-shaped shells, at least two species of which (Conus geographicus and C. textile) have been responsible for some 18 human deaths, usually from respiratory arrest. C. geographicus has caused at least one Australian death.... cone shells

External Beam Radiotherapy

see teletherapy.... external beam radiotherapy

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