Conscientious objection Health Dictionary

Conscientious Objection: From 2 Different Sources

a refusal to behave in a socially or legally accepted way because such behaviour is counter to one’s personal beliefs, principles, or values. Conscientious objection is commonly, but not always, based on religious belief. In some areas of medical practice, there is legal provision allowing for conscientious objection; for example, by virtue of the Abortion Act 1967, section 4(1), a doctor can lawfully refuse to perform an abortion on the grounds of a conscientious objection but must refer the patient to a colleague who will carry out the procedure. Adherents of some religious denominations, such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, may refuse life-saving treatments, frequently those involving blood products, on the grounds of conscience and religious belief, and provided the patient has capacity, a doctor is bound to respect the wishes or *autonomy of the patient.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Substances which remove or lessen objectionable odours. Some, which have a powerful odour, simply cover other smells, but the most e?ective act by giving o? oxygen, so as to convert the objectionable substances into simple and harmless ones.

Varieties Volatile oils of plants, such as eucalyptus and turpentine, chlorine water and chlorinated lime, peroxide of hydrogen and charcoal have been used as deodorants. There are now many commercial products available.... deodorants

Evidence-based Care

The conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individuals. This approach must balance the best external evidence with the desires of the individual and the clinical expertise of health care providers.... evidence-based care

Living Will

Also known as an advance directive or advance statement about medical treatment. This is a means of exercising choice in advance for patients who suspect that they will suffer mental impairment and become unable to speak for themselves. Advance statements can have legal force if made by an informed and competent adult, clearly refusing some or all future medical treatment once that individual has irrevocably lost mental capacity. Some statements intend to give other instructions, such as requesting certain treatments: these can be helpful in clarifying the patients’s wishes, but only a clear refusal of treatment is legally binding in most of the UK. (In Scotland, patients have some legal powers to use an advance statement to nominate another person to act as a proxy decision-maker.)

As there is no statute de?ning the scope and limits of advance statements in the UK, their legal status depends principally on case precedents. As well as written documents, competent patients can make equally valid advance oral refusals which should be recorded in the medical notes. Some health professionals or health facilities may have a conscientious objection (see ETHICS) to the concept of withdrawing life-prolonging treatment from incompetent patients, even at the patient’s advance request. Such objections need to be made known to patients well in advance of a living will becoming eligible for implementation, so that the patient can make other arrangements. The British Medical Association has issued a code of practice on the subject; this provides widely approved guidance on various facets of drafting, storing, witnessing and implementing advance statements. It is also dealt with in the GMC document on withdrawing treatment.... living will


(Indian) A conscientious woman... sanjna


“Psychological withdrawal from work in response to excessive stress and dissatisfaction”. At risk: business executives and conscientious staff who have worked too long with an over-high expenditure of adrenalin.

Symptoms: job stress, chronic overwork, scrappy meals, few holidays, snatched sex, no time for family, sleeplessness, irritability, depression, anxiety, hypochondria, tiredness. Aggravation by caffeine (coffee) and alcohol drinks.

To help prevent: lifestyle change to more normal working hours, rest periods and adequate holidays. Indicated: agents that increase energy and gently sustain the central nervous system:

Ginkgo, Ginseng, Damiana, Gotu Kola. May be taken singly or in combination.

Alternatives. Tea. Formula. Equal parts German Chamomile and Gotu Kola. 1 heaped teaspoon herbs to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. Dose: 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Formula. Gotu Kola 2, Valerian 1, Oats 2. Liquid Extracts: 1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 2 teaspoons. Powders: 500mg. Thrice daily. ... burnout


A persistent change of mood deeper than superficial sadness. Of symptoms, headache is the commonest presenting complaint (Feverfew, Skullcap). Release from symptoms may be obtained from teas, powders or liquid extracts of the following.

Liver causation: Dandelion (Coffee), Wild Yam, Goldenseal.

In the elderly: Skullcap, Sage.

With restlessness: Lemon balm, Californian Poppy.

With palpitations: Hawthorn, Motherwort.

From abuse of coffee: German Chamomile.

Unable to relax: Passion Flower.

Epileptic: Mistletoe. Vervain.

Parkinsonian: St John’s Wort, broad beans.

To correct hormone imbalance: Helonias, Raspberry leaves.

Pre-menstrual tension: Evening Primrose, St John’s Wort, Rosemary.

With painful menstruation: Black Cohosh.

Associated with glaucoma: Rutin tea.

The hidden alcoholic: Ginseng.

Pregnant depressive: Raspberry leaves.

Obese depressive: Cider vinegar.

Enuresis schoolchild: Liquorice.

With swollen prostate gland: Pulsatilla.

In heart cases, and to counter side effects of beta blockers: Hawthorn, Lily of the Valley.

Drug-induced: St John’s Wort, Californian Poppy, Ginseng.

General anti-depressives: Lemon balm, Celery, Chamomile, Borage, Ginkgo, Damiana, Kola, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Oats, Rosemary, Skullcap, Southernwood, Valerian, Vervain, Wormwood, St John’s Wort, Peppermint.

BHP (1983) combination: Kola nuts, Skullcap, Oats, Damiana.

Evening Primrose: 4 × 500mg capsules daily.

Temporary depression from physical and mental exhaustion: Life Drops (see entry). Pinch of Cayenne in cup of tea.

Old men. Low cholesterol levels are linked to depression among older men.

Practitioner: Persistent depression from shock: Tincture Arnica, 2-5 drops in water, thrice daily.

(Practice among German physicians.)

Aromatherapy. Inhalant: any one oil: Rose, Tangerine, Geranium.

Diet. Low caffeine. Oats: good for depression (oatmeal porridge, oatcakes, etc). Spinach for iron and calcium.

Supplementation. Vitamins: B-complex, B6, B12, C. Thiamine, Niacin. Minerals: Dolomite, Iron, Chromium, Iodine, Zinc.

Note: Depression may trigger mechanisms that introduce chronic disease by lowering immune response, hence need for conscientious patient compliance. ... depression


n. a disorder of the sense of smell in which scents that are inoffensive to most people are objectionable to the sufferer or in which a bad smell seems to be perpetually present. The disorder is usually due to damage to pathways within the brain rather than in the nose or olfactory nerve.... cacosmia

Methylated Spirits

a mixture consisting mainly of ethyl alcohol with *methyl alcohol and petroleum hydrocarbons. The addition of pyridine gives it an objectionable smell, and the dye methyl violet is added to make it recognizable as unfit to drink. It is used as a solvent, cleaning fluid, and fuel.... methylated spirits


Within most cultures, care of the sick is seen as entailing special duties, codi?ed as a set of moral standards governing professional practice. Although these duties have been stated and interpreted in di?ering ways, a common factor is the awareness of an imbalance of power between doctor and patient and an acknowledgement of the vulnerability of the sick person. A function of medical ethics is to counteract this inevitable power imbalance by encouraging doctors to act in the best interests of their patients, refrain from taking advantage of those in their care, and use their skills in a manner which preserves the honour of their profession. It has always been accepted, however, that doctors cannot use their knowledge indiscriminately to ful?l patients’ wishes. The deliberate ending of life, for example, even at a patient’s request, has usually been seen as alien to the shared values inherent in medical ethics. It is, however, symptomatic of changing concepts of ethics and of the growing power of patient choice that legal challenges have been mounted in several countries to the prohibition of EUTHANASIA. Thus ethics can be seen as regulating individual doctor-patient relationships, integrating doctors within a moral community of their professional peers and re?ecting societal demands for change.

Medical ethics are embedded in cultural values which evolve. Acceptance of abortion within well-de?ned legal parameters in some jurisdictions is an example of how society in?uences the way in which perceptions about ethical obligations change. Because they are often linked to the moral views predominating in society, medical ethics cannot be seen as embodying uniform standards independent of cultural context. Some countries which permit capital punishment or female genital mutilation (FGM – see CIRCUMCISION), for example, expect doctors to carry out such procedures. Some doctors would argue that their ethical obligation to minimise pain and suffering obliges them to comply, whereas others would deem their ethical obligations to be the complete opposite. The medical community attempts to address such variations by establish-ing globally applicable ethical principles through debate within bodies such as the World Medical Association (WMA) or World Psychiatric Association (WPA). Norm-setting bodies increasingly re?ect accepted concepts of human rights and patient rights within professional ethical codes.

Practical changes within society may affect the perceived balance of power within the doctor-patient relationship, and therefore have an impact on ethics. In developed societies, for example, patients are increasingly well informed about treatment options: media such as the Internet provide them with access to specialised knowledge. Social measures such as a well-established complaints system, procedures for legal redress, and guarantees of rights such as those set out in the NHS’s Patient’s Charter appear to reduce the perceived imbalance in the relationship. Law as well as ethics emphasises the importance of informed patient consent and the often legally binding nature of informed patient refusal of treatment. Ethics re?ect the changing relationship by emphasising skills such as e?ective communication and generation of mutual trust within a doctor-patient partnership.

A widely known modern code is the WMA’s International Code of Medical Ethics which seeks to provide a modern restatement of the Hippocratic principles.

Traditionally, ethical codes have sought to establish absolutist positions. The WMA code, for example, imposes an apparently absolute duty of con?dentiality which extends beyond the patient’s death. Increasingly, however, ethics are perceived as a tool for making morally appropriate decisions in a sphere where there is rarely one ‘right’ answer. Many factors – such as current emphasis on autonomy and the individual values of patients; awareness of social and cultural diversity; and the phenomenal advance of new technology which has blurred some moral distinctions about what constitutes a ‘person’ – have contributed to the perception that ethical dilemmas have to be resolved on a case-by-case basis.

An approach adopted by American ethicists has been moral analysis of cases using four fundamental principles: autonomy, bene?cence, non-male?cence and justice. The ‘four principles’ provide a useful framework within which ethical dilemmas can be teased out, but they are criticised for their apparent simplicity in the face of complex problems and for the fact that the moral imperatives implicit in each principle often con?ict with some or all of the other three. As with any other approach to problem-solving, the ‘four principles’ require interpretation. Enduring ethical precepts such as the obligation to bene?t patients and avoid harm (bene?cence and non-male?cence) may be differently interpreted in cases where prolongation of life is contrary to a patient’s wishes or where sentience has been irrevocably lost. In such cases, treatment may be seen as constituting a ‘harm’ rather than a ‘bene?t’.

The importance accorded to ethics in daily practice has undergone considerable development in the latter half of the 20th century. From being seen mainly as a set of values passed on from experienced practitioners to their students at the bedside, medical ethics have increasingly become the domain of lawyers, academic philosophers and professional ethicists, although the role of experienced practitioners is still considered central. In the UK, law and medical ethics increasingly interact. Judges resolve cases on the basis of established medical ethical guidance, and new ethical guidance draws in turn on common-law judgements in individual cases. The rapid increase in specialised journals, conferences and postgraduate courses focused on ethics is testimony to the ever-increasing emphasis accorded to this area of study. Multidisciplinary practice has stimulated the growth of the new discipline of ‘health-care ethics’ which seeks to provide uniformity across long-established professional boundaries. The trend is to set common standards for a range of health professionals and others who may have a duty of care, such as hospital chaplains and ancillary workers. Since a primary function of ethics is to ?nd reasonable answers in situations where di?erent interests or priorities con?ict, managers and health-care purchasers are increasingly seen as potential partners in the e?ort to establish a common approach. Widely accepted ethical values are increasingly applied to the previously unacknowledged dilemmas of rationing scarce resources.

In modern debate about ethics, two important trends can be identi?ed. As a result of the increasingly high pro?le accorded to applied ethics, there is a trend for professions not previously subject to widely agreed standards of behaviour to adopt codes of ethical practice. Business ethics or the ethics of management are comparatively new. At the same time, there is some debate about whether professionals, such as doctors, traditionally subject to special ethical duties, should be seen as simply doing a job for payment like any other worker. As some doctors perceive their power and prestige eroded by health-care managers deciding on how and when to ration care and pressure for patients to exercise autonomy about treatment decisions, it is sometimes argued that realistic limits must be set on medical obligations. A logical implication of patient choice and rejection of medical paternalism would appear to be a concomitant reduction in the freedom of doctors to carry out their own ethical obligations. The concept of conscientious objection, incorporated to some extent in law (e.g. in relation to abortion) ensures that doctors are not obliged to act contrary to their own personal or professional values.... ethics

Steroids, Plant

The previous subject is obviously an endless one, but as this is the glossary of an herbal nature, let me assure you, virtually no plants have a direct steroid hormone-mimicking effect. There are a few notable exceptions with limited application, like Cimicifuga and Licorice. Plant steroids are usually called phytosterols, and, when they have any hormonal effect at all, it is usually to interfere with human hormone functions. Beta sitosterol, found in lots of food, interferes with the ability to absorb cholesterol from the diet. Corn oil and legumes are two well-endowed sources that can help lower cholesterol absorption. This is of only limited value, however, since cholesterol is readily manufactured in the body, and elevated cholesterol in the blood is often the result of internal hormone and neurologic stimulus, not the diet. Cannabis can act to interfere with androgenic hormones, and Taraxacum phytosterols can both block the synthesis of some new cholesterol by the liver and increase the excretion of cholesterol as bile acids; but other than that, plants offer little direct hormonal implication. The first method discovered for synthesizing pharmaceutical hormones used a saponin, diosgenin, and a five-step chemical degradation, to get to progesterone, and another, using stigmasterol and bacterial culturing, to get to cortisol. These were chemical procedures that have nothing to do with human synthesis of such hormones, and the plants used for the starting materials-Mexican Wild Yam, Agave, and Soy were nothing more than commercially feasible sources of compounds widely distributed in the plant kingdom. A clever biochemist could obtain testosterone from potato sterols, but no one would be likely to make the leap of faith that eating potatoes makes you manly (or less womanly), and there is no reason to presume that Wild Yam (Dioscorea) has any progesterone effects in humans. First, the method of synthesis from diosgenin to progesterone has nothing to do with human synthesis of the corpus luteum hormone; second, oral progesterone has virtually no effect since it is rapidly digested; and third, orally active synthetic progesterones such as norethindrone are test-tube born, and never saw a Wild Yam. The only “precursor” the ovaries, testes and adrenal cortices EVER need (and the ONLY one that they can use if synthesizing from scratch) is something almost NONE of us ever run out of...Low Density Cholesterol. Unless you are grimly fasting, anorectic, alcoholic, seriously ill or training for a triathlon, you only need blood to make steroid hormones from. If hormones are off, it isn’t from any lack of building materials...and any product claiming to supply “precursors” better contain lard or butter (they don’t)...or they are profoundly mistaken, or worse. The recent gaggle of “Wild Yam” creams actually do contain some Wild Yam. (Dioscorea villosa, NOT even the old plant source of diosgenin, D. mexicana...if you are going to make these mistakes, at least get the PLANT right) This is a useful and once widely used antispasmodic herb...I have had great success using it for my three separate bouts with kidney stones...until I learned to drink more water and alkalizing teas and NEVER stay in a hot tub for three hours. What these various Wild Yam creams DO contain, is Natural Progesterone. Although this is inactive orally (oral progesterone is really a synthetic relative of testosterone), it IS active when injected...or, to a lesser degree, when applied topically. This is pharmaceutical progesterone, synthesized from stigmasterol, an inexpensive (soy-bean oil) starting substance, and, although it is identical to ovarian progesterone, it is a completely manufactured pharmaceutical. Taking advantage of an FDA loophole (to them this is only a cosmetic use...they have the misguided belief that it is not bioactive topically), coupled with some rather convincing (if irregular) studies showing the anti-osteoporotic value of topical progesterone for SOME women, a dozen or so manufacturers are marketing synthetic Natural Progesterone for topical use, yet inferring that Wild Yam is what’s doing good. I am not taking issue with the use of topical progesterone. It takes advantage of the natural slow release into the bloodstream of ANY steroid hormones that have been absorbed into subcutaneous adipose tissue. It enters the blood from general circulation the same way normal extra-ovarian estradiol is released, and this is philosophically (and physiologically) preferable to oral steroids, cagily constructed to blast on through the liver before it can break them down. This causes the liver to react FIRST to the hormones, instead of, if the source is general circulation, LAST. My objection is both moral and herbal: the user may believe hormonal effects are “natural”, the Wild Yam somehow supplying “precursors” her body can use if needed, rejected if not. This implies self-empowerment, the honoring of a woman’s metabolic choice...something often lacking in medicine. This is a cheat. The creams supply a steady source of pharmaceutical hormone (no precursor here) , but they are being SOLD as if the benefits alone come from the Wild Yam extract, seemingly formulated with the intent of having Wild Yam the most abundant substance so it can be listed first in the list of constituents. I have even seen the pharmaceutical Natural Progesterone labeled as “Wild Yam Progesterone” or “Wild Yam Estrogen precursor” or, with utter fraud, “Wild Yam Hormone”. To my knowledge, the use of Mexican Yam for its saponins ceased to be important by the early 1960’s, with other processes for synthesizing steroids proving to be cheaper and more reliable. I have been unable to find ANY manufacturer of progesterone that has used the old Marker Degradation Method and/or diosgenin (from whatever Dioscorea) within the last twenty years. Just think of it as a low-tech, non invasive and non-prescription source of progesterone, applied topically and having a slow release of moderate amounts of the hormone. Read some of the reputable monographs on its use, make your choice based solely on the presence of the synthetic hormone, and use it or don’t. It has helped some women indefinitely, for others it helped various symptoms for a month or two and then stopped working, for still other women I have spoken with it caused unpleasant symptoms until they ceased its use. Since marketing a product means selling as much as possible and (understandably) presenting only the product’s positive aspects, it would be better to try and find the parameters of “use” or “don’t use” from articles, monographs, and best of all, other women who have used it. Then ask them again in a month or two and see if their personal evaluation has changed. If you have some bad uterine cramps, however, feel free to try some Wild Yam often helps. Unless there is organic disease, hormones are off is because the whole body is making the wrong choices in the hormones it does or doesn’t make. It’s a constitutional or metabolic or dietary or life-stress problem, not something akin to a lack of essential amino acids or essential fatty acids that will clear up if only you supply some mythic plant-derived “precursor”. End of tirade.... steroids, plant


Transplantation of tissues or organs of the body are de?ned as an allotransplant, if from another person; an autotransplant, if from the patient him or herself – for example, a skin graft (see GRAFT; SKIN-GRAFTING); and a xenotransplant, if from an animal.

The pioneering success was achieved with transplantation of the kidney in the 1970s; this has been most successful when the transplanted kidney has come from an identical twin. Less successful have been live transplants from other blood relatives, while least successful have been transplants from other live donors and cadaver donors. The results, however, are steadily improving. Thus the one-year functional survival of kidneys transplanted from unrelated dead donors has risen from around 50 per cent to over 80 per cent, and survival rates of 80 per cent after three years are not uncommon. For a well-matched transplant from a live related donor, the survival rate after ?ve years is around 90 per cent. And, of course, if a transplanted kidney fails to function, the patient can always be switched on to some form of DIALYSIS. In the United Kingdom the supply of cadaveric (dead) kidneys for transplantation is only about half that necessary to meet the demand.

Other organs that have been transplanted with increasing success are the heart, the lungs, the liver, bone marrow, and the cornea of the eye. Heart, lung, liver and pancreas transplantations are now carried out in specialist centres. It is estimated that in the United Kingdom, approximately 200 patients a year between the ages of 15 and 55 would bene?t from a liver transplant if an adequate number of donors were available. More than 100 liver transplants are carried out annually in the United Kingdom and one-year-survival rates of up to 80 per cent have been achieved.

The major outstanding problem is how to prevent the recipient’s body from rejecting and destroying the transplanted organ. Such rejection is part of the normal protective mechanism of the body (see IMMUNITY). Good progress has been made in techniques of tissue-typing and immunosuppression to overcome the problem. Drugs are now available that can suppress the immune reactions of the recipient, which are responsible for the rejection of the transplanted organ. Notable among these are CICLOSPORIN A, which revolutionised the success rate, and TACROLIMUS, a macrolide immunosuppressant.

Another promising development is antilymphocytic serum (ALS), which reduces the activity of the lymphocytes (see LYMPHOCYTE) cells which play an important part in maintaining the integrity of the body against foreign bodies.

Donor cards are now available in all general practitioners’ surgeries and pharmacies but, of the millions of cards distributed since 1972, too few have been used. The reasons are complex but include the reluctance of the public and doctors to consider organ donation; poor organisation for recovery of donor kidneys; and worries about the diagnosis of death. A code of practice for procedures relating to the removal of organs for transplantation was produced in 1978, and this code has been revised in the light of further views expressed by the Conference of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties of the United Kingdom on the Diagnosis of Brain Death. Under the Human Tissue Act 1961, only the person lawfully in possession of the body or his or her designate can authorise the removal of organs from a body. This authorisation may be given orally.

Patients who may become suitable donors after death are those who have suffered severe and irreversible brain damage – since such patients will be dependent upon arti?cial ventilation. Patients with malignant disease or systemic infection, and patients with renal disease, including chronic hypertension, are unsuitable.

If a patient carries a signed donor card or has otherwise recorded his or her wishes, there is no legal requirement to establish lack of objection on the part of relatives – although it is good practice to take account of the views of close relatives. If a relative objects, despite the known request by the patient, sta? will need to judge, according to the circumstances of the case, whether it is wise to proceed with organ removal. If a patient who has died is not known to have requested that his or her organs be removed for transplantation after death, the designated person may only authorise the removal if, having made such reasonable enquiry as may be practical, he or she has no reason to believe (a) that the deceased had expressed an objection to his or her body being so dealt with after death, or (b) that the surviving spouse or any surviving relative of the deceased objects to the body being so dealt with. Sta? will need to decide who is best quali?ed to approach the relatives. This should be someone with appropriate experience who is aware how much the relative already knows about the patient’s condition. Relatives should not normally be approached before death has occurred, but sometimes a relative approaches the hospital sta? and suggests some time in advance that the patient’s organs might be used for transplantation after death. The sta? of hospitals and organ exchange organisations must respect the wishes of the donor, the recipient and their families with respect to anonymity.

Relatives who enquire should be told that some post-mortem treatment of the donor’s body will be necessary if the organs are to be removed in good condition. It is ethical (see ETHICS) to maintain arti?cial ventilation and heartbeat until removal of organs has been completed. This is essential in the case of heart and liver transplants, and many doctors think it is desirable when removing kidneys. O?cial criteria have been issued in Britain to recognise when BRAIN-STEM DEATH has occurred. This is an important protection for patients and relatives when someone with a terminal condition

– usually as a result of an accident – is considered as a possible organ donor.... transplantation

Sanctity Of Life

the religious or moral belief that all life – and especially all human life – is intrinsically valuable and so should never be deliberately harmed or destroyed. Many of those who hold such a view will have ethical objections to *euthanasia, *abortion, and *embryo research. The phrase may also be used to denote that the value of life should always be respected, whatever the perceived quality of that life. See also humanity; personhood.... sanctity of life

Arthritis – Rheumatoid

A systemic inflammatory disease of several joints together where erosive changes occur symmetrically, and which may arise from inflammation and thickening of the synovial membrane. Cartilage becomes eroded and fibrous or even bony fusion leads to permanent fixation of a joint, or joints. Polyarthritis. An auto-immune disease.

Symptoms. Morning stiffness and pain wearing off later. Easy fatigue and decline in health. Nodules on surface of bones (elbows, wrists, fingers). Joint fluids (synovia) appear to be the object of attack for which abundant Vitamin C is preventative. Anaemia and muscle wasting call attention to inadequate nutrition, possibly from faulty food habits for which liver and intestine herbs are indicated.

Treatment. Varies in accord with individual needs. May have to be changed many times before progress is made. Whatever treatment is prescribed, agents should have a beneficial effect upon the stomach and intestines to ensure proper absorption of active ingredients. (Meadowsweet)

It is a widely held opinion that the first cause of this condition is a bacterial pathogen. An anti- inflammatory herb should be included in each combination of agents at the onset of the disease. See: ANTI-INFLAMMATORY HERBS. Guaiacum (Lignum vitae) and Turmeric (Curcuma longa) have a powerful anti-inflammatory action and have no adverse effects upon bone marrow cells or suppress the body’s immune system. Breast feeding cuts RA death rate.

Of therapeutic value according to the case. Agrimony, Angelica root, Balmony, Black Cohosh (particularly in presence of low back pain and sciatica), Bogbean, Boldo, Burdock, Celery, Cramp bark, Devil’s Claw, Echinacea (to cleanse and stimulate lymphatic system), Ginseng (Korean), Ginseng (Siberian), Liquorice, Meadowsweet, Poke root, Prickly Ash bark, White Poplar bark, White Willow bark, Wild Yam.

Tea. Formula. Equal parts. Alfalfa, Bogbean, Nettles. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes, 1 cup thrice daily.

Decoction. Prickly Ash bark 1; Cramp bark 1; White Willow bark 2. Mix. 1oz to 1 pint water gently simmered 20 minutes. Dose: Half-1 cup thrice daily.

Tablets/capsules. Black Cohosh, Celery, Cramp bark, Devil’s Claw, Feverfew, Poke root, Prickly Ash, Wild Yam, Ligvites.

Alternative formulae:– Powders. White Willow bark 2; Devil’s Claw 1; Black Cohosh half; Ginger quarter. Mix. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) thrice daily.

Liquid extracts. White Willow bark 2; Wild Yam half; Liquorice half; Guaiacum quarter. Mix. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons thrice daily.

Tinctures. Cramp bark 1; Bogbean 1; Prickly Ash half; Meadowsweet 1; Fennel half. Mix. Dose: 1-3 teaspoons thrice daily.

Ligvites. (Gerard House)

Cod Liver oil. Contains organic iodine, an important factor in softening-up fibrous tissue, to assist metabolism of uric-acid, help formation of haemoglobin, dilate blood vessels; all related to arthritics. The oil, taken internally, can reach and nourish cartilage by the process of osmosis; its constituents filter into cartilage and impart increased elasticity.

Topical. Evening Primrose oil, Wintergreen lotion, Comfrey poultice. Hydrotherapy: hot fomentations of Hops, Chamomile or Ragwort. Cold water packs: crushed ice or packet of frozen peas in a damp towel applied daily for 10 minutes for stiffness and pain. See: MASSAGE OIL.

Aromatherapy. Massage oils, any one: Cajeput, Juniper, Pine or Rosemary. 6 drops to 2 teaspoons Almond oil.

Supportives: under-water massage, brush baths, sweat packs, Rosemary baths, exposure of joints to sunlight.

Diet. Low salt, low fat, oily fish, Mate tea, Dandelion coffee. On exacerbation of the disease cut out all dairy products.

Supplements. Daily. Evening Primrose capsules: four 500mg; Vitamin C (1-3g); Bromelain 250mg between meals; Zinc 25mg.

General. Residence in a warm climate. Yoga. Disability and deformity may be avoided by a conscientious approach to the subject. ... arthritis – rheumatoid


n. a variety of ethical theories arguing that the morality of an action, rule, or way of life can be determined by its outcome or consequences, rather than by its intrinsic nature or the motives or character of those performing or following it. The best known example of consequentialism is *utilitarianism, which in general seeks to achieve maximum utility or good outcomes for the greatest possible number of people in society.

In medical ethics, the principles of *beneficence and *nonmaleficence can be seen as consequentialist in their concern with outcomes but also as *deontological in that they are regarded as duties. A *cost–benefit analysis or *risk–benefit analysis on utilitarian principles is often carried out when distributing medical resources or deciding between treatments. A calculation of this kind also forms the basis of the quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) system (see quality of life).

A major objection to consequentialism is that the consequences of actions cannot always be predicted or perceived. Questions also arise regarding the likelihood of the consequences, whom they will affect (individuals, populations, animals, the environment), and by whom and what means they should be evaluated. —consequentialist adj.... consequentialism


High blood pressure. The World Health Organisation defines high blood pressure (arterial hypertension) as that with a persistent sphygomanometer reading of 160/90, and over. Average blood pressure is 120/80 for men but lower in women. The diastolic pressure (lower figure) represents pressure to which the arterial walls are subject and is the more important figure.

Main causes of a raised pressure include increase in blood thickness, kidney disorder or loss of elasticity in the arteries by hardening or calcification.

Well defined physical problems account for 10 per cent of high blood pressure cases. By the age of 60, a third of the peoples of the West are hypertensive. Other causes: genetic pre-disposition, endocrine disorders such as hyperactive thyroid and adrenal glands, lead and other chemical poisoning, brain tumour, heart disorder, anxiety, stress and emotional instability.

Other causes may be food allergies. By taking one’s pulse after eating a certain food one can see if the food raises the pulse. If so, that food should be avoided. Most cases of high blood pressure are related to lifestyle – how people think, act and care for themselves. When a person is under constant stress blood pressure goes up. It temporarily increases on drinking the stimulants: alcohol, strong tea, coffee, cola and caffeine drinks generally.

Symptoms. Morning headache (back of the head), possible palpitation, visual disturbances, dizziness, angina-like pains, inability to concentrate, nose-bleeds, ringing in the ears, fatigue, breathlessness (left ventricular failure).

Dr Wm Castelli, Director of the Framlingham Heart Study in Massachusetts, U.S.A., records: “The greatest risk is for coronary heart disease (CHD). Hypertensives have more than double the risk of people with normal blood pressure and seven times the risk of strokes.”

In countries where salt intake is restricted, a rise in blood pressure with age is not seen.

Simple hypotensive herbs may achieve effective control without the side-effects of sleep disturbance, adverse metabolic effects, lethargy and impaired peripheral circulation.

Essential hypertension is where high blood pressure is not associated with any disease elsewhere; it accounts for 90 per cent cases. Most of the remainder have kidney disease except for a few other abnormalities.

Alternatives. Balm, Black Haw, Black Cohosh (blood pressure of the menopause), Cactus, Cramp bark, Chamomile (German). Garlic, Buckwheat, Lily of the Valley, Balm, Mistletoe, Motherwort. Passion flower, Nettles, Lime flowers, Wood Betony, Yarrow, Rosemary, Hawthorn flowers, Olive leaves, Dandelion. Where there is nerve excitability: Valerian.

Tea No 1. Equal parts: Hawthorn leaves and flowers, Mistletoe, Lime flowers. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. 1 cup 2-3 times daily. Alternative:–

Tea No 2. Equal parts: Nettles, Lime flowers, Yarrow, Passion flower. Mix. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. 1 cup 2-3 times daily.

Nettles. Nettle tea is capable of removing cholesterol deposits (“fur”) from artery walls, increasing their elasticity. Like so many herbs they are rich in chlorophyll. The tea may be made as strong as desired. Mistletoe. 2-3 teaspoons cut herb (fresh or dried) to cup cold water. Allow to infuse overnight (at least 8 hours). 1 cup morning and evening.

Garlic. Juice from one Garlic corm expressed through a juicer taken morning and evening. Garlic dilates blood vessels. Alternative: 2-3 Garlic capsules at night.

Blood pressure of pregnancy: See – PREGNANCY.

Tablets/capsules: Cramp bark, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Rutin, Garlic.

Powders. Formula. Buckwheat (rutin) 1; Motherwort 1; Mistletoe half; Valerian quarter. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.

Liquid extracts, tinctures. Formula. Equal parts: Cactus, Mistletoe, Valerian. Dose: liquid extracts, one 5ml teaspoon; tinctures, two 5ml teaspoons; thrice daily.

Practitioner Formula. Tinctures: equal parts: Lily of the Valley, Mistletoe, Valerian. Dose: 30-60 drops thrice daily.

Where high blood pressure is due to faulty kidney function diuretics such as Dandelion or Bearberry will be added according to individual requirements. Dandelion root is one of the most widely-used potassium-conserving agents for increasing flow of urine, as well as being a mild beta-blocker to reduce myocardial infarction. Broom (Sarothamnus scoparius) (diuretic) is not used in cases of high blood pressure. It is good practice to assess kidney function in all new cases of hypertension for renal artery stenosis.

Evidence from two major studies confirms that diuretics rather than beta-blockers should be the treatment of choice for most elderly hypertensives. The addition of a diuretic (Yarrow, etc) to prescriptions for the elderly is commended.

Prevention. Chances of developing high blood pressure are said to be reduced by a daily dose of Cod

Liver oil. Results from studies at the University of Munich, Germany, show that when an ounce of Cod Liver oil was added to the typical Western diet, better pressure readings and lower cholesterol levels followed. When the flavour renders it objectionable to the palate, taste may be masked by stirring briskly into fruit juice.

General. Stop smoking. Watch weight. Moderate exercise. Avoidance of stress by relaxation, yoga, music, etc. These relieve constriction of peripheral blood vessels. Curb temper

Diet. Avoid processed and fast foods high in fat and salt, and empty calories. Cheese and meat sparingly. Eat plenty of natural foods. Positively reject coffee, strong tea and alcohol. “There is a significant drop in plasma Cortisol with a fall in blood pressure after stopping alcohol.” (Dr J.F. Potter, University of Birmingham, England) It is well-documented that a vegetarian diet is associated with a lower blood pressure.

Salt. The association of salt with blood pressure is larger than generally appreciated and increases with age and initial blood pressure. Even a small reduction in salt (3g) may reduce a systolic and diastolic pressure by 5mmHg and 2.5mmHg respectively. All processed foods containing salt should be avoided. Supplementation. Inositol, zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6. (Dr C. Pfeiffer) Vitamin E to improve circulation. Check with practitioner pressure level before starting 200iu increasing to 400iu daily. Magnesium: 300mg daily. Choline.

See: BLOOD PRESSURE. ... hypertension

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