Conus arteriosus Health Dictionary

Conus Arteriosus: From 1 Different Sources

Patent Ductus Arteriosus

See DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS.... patent ductus arteriosus

Ductus Arteriosus

The blood vessel in the fetus through which blood passes from the pulmonary artery to the aorta, thereby bypassing the lungs, which do not function during intra-uterine life. (See CIRCULATORY SYSTEM OF THE BLOOD.) The ductus normally ceases to function soon after birth and within a few weeks is converted into a ?brous cord. Occasionally this obliteration does not occur: a condition known as patent ductus arteriosus. This is one of the more common congenital defects of the heart, and one which responds particularly well to surgical treatment. Closure of the duct can also be achieved in some cases by the administration of indomethacin. (See HEART, DISEASES OF.)... ductus arteriosus

Conus Medullaris

the conical end of the spinal cord, at the level of the lower end of the first lumbar vertebra.... conus medullaris

Truncus Arteriosus

the main arterial trunk arising from the fetal heart. It develops into the aorta and pulmonary artery.... truncus arteriosus

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