Lam.Family: Tiliaceae.
Habitat: Throughout warmer parts of India.
Ayurvedic: Chanchuka, Chanchu.Folk: Chanchu shaaka, Baaphali.Action: Astringent, spasmolytic, restorative, mucilaginous.
The plant contains betulinic acid and beta-sitosterol. Seeds yield cardeno- lides including trilocularin. The glyco- sides of the plant were found to be devoid of any effect of its own on smooth muscle of guinea pig ileum, but produced spasmolytic effect against acetyl- choline, histamine and bradykinin. Direct action of the drug was observed on rabbit intestines. Slight cardiac depressant effect was found on isolated amphibian heart preparation.Corchorus depressus (L.) Christensen, found in drier parts of North India, is known as Bhauphali (Delhi).The Plant is used as a cooling medicine in fevers; its mucilage is prescribed in gonorrhoea, also for increasing the viscosity of seminal fluid. An extract of the plant is applied as a paste to wounds.The plant contains alpha-amyrin derivatives, together with apigenin, luteolin, sitosterol and its glucoside. Presence of quercetin and kaempferol has been reported in leaves and flowers.The plant exhibits antimicrobial and antipyretic activities.