Corticosteroid Health Dictionary

Corticosteroid: From 1 Different Sources

(corticoid) n. any steroid hormone synthesized by the adrenal cortex. There are two main groups of corticosteroids. The glucocorticoids (e.g. *cortisol, *cortisone, and corticosterone) are essential for the utilization of carbohydrate, fat, and protein by the body and for a normal response to stress. Naturally occurring and synthetic glucocorticoids have very powerful anti-inflammatory effects and are used to treat conditions that involve inflammation. The mineralocorticoids (e.g. *aldosterone) are necessary for the regulation of salt and water balance.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


Natural steroid hormones or synthetic analogues, usually taken for suppressing inflammation (and immunity) and therefore having cortisone-like functions, or taken as analogues to adrenocortical androgen...or even testosterone, in order to impress the other gym members, make varsity by your junior year or to join the WWF and get newbie-mangled for two years by The Hangman or even the Hulkster Himself. Then, if your gonads don’t fall off and your back holds up you get promoted to Good Guy, have your chance to Take A Name and finally wear your chosen costume...a spandex violet nurse’s uniform.... corticosteroids

Corticosteroid Drugs

A group of drugs that are similar to the corticosteroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Corticosteroids are used as hormone replacement therapy in Addison’s disease and when the adrenal glands or pituitary gland have been destroyed or removed. They are also used to treat inflammatory intestinal disorders such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease and as an urgent treatment for inflammation in the artery supplying the retina in temporal arteritis. Other uses include treatment of autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, and treatment of asthma, eczema, and allergic rhinitis. Corticosteroid drugs are also used to prevent organ rejection after transplant surgery and in the treatment of some types of cancer, such as a lymphoma or leukaemia. Corticosteroid injections may relieve pain in disorders such as tennis elbow and arthritis.

Side effects are uncommon when corticosteroids are given as a cream or by inhaler, but tablets taken in high doses for long periods may cause oedema, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer, Cushing’s syndrome, inhibited growth in children, and, in rare cases, cataract or psychosis. High doses also impair the body’s immune system. Long-term treatment suppresses production of corticosteroid hormones by the adrenal glands, and sudden withdrawal may lead to adrenal failure.... corticosteroid drugs

Corticosteroid Hormones

A group of hormones produced by the adrenal glands that control the body’s use of nutrients and the excretion of salts and water in the urine.... corticosteroid hormones

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