Cotton Health Dictionary

Cotton: From 2 Different Sources

Luck, Healing, Protection, Rain, Fishing Magic
Health Source:
Author: Health Dictionary
(American) Resembling the comfortable fabric

Cotti, Cottie, Cotty, Cottey, Cottee, Cottea, Cotteah

Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary

Cotton Wool

Cotton wool, or absorbent cotton as it is now technically named by the British Pharmacopoeia, is a downy material made from the hairs on cotton plant seeds (Gossypium herbaceum). It is used in medicine in wound-dressing packs, skin-cleaning procedures, etc.... cotton wool

Cotton Root

Gossypium herbaceum L. German: Baumwollenbaum. French: Cotonnier en arbre. Italian: Cotone arbusto. Arabian: Kuttun. Indian: Karpas. Iranian: Pambah. Dried root bark. Cotton fibre leaves.

Constituents: mucilage, flavonoids, fixed oil, resin, tannin.

Action: abortifacient. Parturient. Traditional male contraceptive (unproven). Oxytocic, (fresh gathered). Uses. For procuring abortion. Claimed to contract the womb after the action of Ergot, but safer. Alabama Indian squaws made a tea of the freshly-gathered roots to ease pains of childbirth. For absent or painful menstruation. Pain in ovaries. Morning sickness. Reduces sperm count and sexual urge in the male. Reference. Rats were made temporarily infertile without change of mating behaviour, without reducing the male hormone (testosterone) and without heart abnormalities. (Dr Yun-feng-Ren, People’s Republic of China)

Not used in pregnancy. Hypokalaemia may follow overdose. Preparations. Liquid Extract, BPC (1934). Dose, 2-4ml. Tincture BPC (1934). Dose 30-60 drops. ... cotton root

Cotton-wool Spots

soft fluffy spots in the retina resulting from accumulations of *axoplasm in the nerve-fibre layer of the retina. These may indicate diseases causing hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) in the nerve-fibre layer (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, connective-tissue disease, or AIDS).... cotton-wool spots

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