Cough remedies Health Dictionary

Cough Remedies: From 1 Different Sources

Over-the-counter medications for treating a cough. There are various preparations, but the effectiveness of most is unproven. Expectorant cough remedies are purported to encourage expulsion of sputum. Cough suppressants, which control the coughing reflex, include some antihistamine drugs and codeine. All cough suppressants may cause drowsiness.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association


A natural re?ex reaction to irritation of the AIR PASSAGES and LUNGS. Air is drawn into the air passages with the GLOTTIS wide open. The inhaled air is blown out against the closed glottis, which, as the pressure builds up, suddenly opens, expelling the air – at an estimated speed of 960 kilometres (600 miles) an hour. This explosive exhalation expels harmful substances from the respiratory tract. Causes of coughing include infection – for example, BRONCHITIS or PNEUMONIA; in?ammation of the respiratory tract associated with ASTHMA; and exposure to irritant agents such as chemical fumes or smoke (see also CROUP).

The explosive nature of coughing results in a spray of droplets into the surrounding air and, if these are infective, hastens the spread of colds (see COLD, COMMON) and INFLUENZA. Coughing is, however, a useful reaction, helping the body to rid itself of excess phlegm (mucus) and other irritants. The physical e?ort of persistent coughing, however, can itself increase irritation of the air passages and cause distress to the patient. Severe and protracted coughing may, rarely, fracture a rib or cause PNEUMOTHORAX. Coughs can be classi?ed as productive – when phlegm is present – and dry, when little or no mucus is produced.

Most coughs are the result of common-cold infections but a persistent cough with yellow or green sputum is indicative of infection, usually bronchitis, and sufferers should seek medical advice as medication and postural drainage (see PHYSIOTHERAPY) may be needed. PLEURISY, pneumonia and lung CANCER are all likely to cause persistent coughing, sometimes associated with chest pain, so it is clearly important for people with a persistent cough, usually accompanied by malaise or PYREXIA, to seek medical advice.

Treatment Treatment of coughs requires treatment of the underlying cause. In the case of colds, symptomatic treatment with simple remedies such as inhalation of steam is usually as e?ective as any medicines, though ANALGESICS or ANTIPYRETICS may be helpful if pain or a raised temperature are among the symptoms. Many over-the-counter preparations are available and can help people cope with the symptoms. Preparations may contain an analgesic, antipyretic, decongestant or antihistamine in varying combinations. Cough medicines are generally regarded by doctors as ine?ective unless used in doses so large they are likely to cause sedation as they act on the part of the brain that controls the cough re?ex.

Cough suppressants may contain CODEINE, DEXTROMETHORPHAN, PHOLCODINE and sedating ANTIHISTAMINE DRUGS. Expectorant preparations usually contain subemetic doses of substances such as ammonium chloride, IPECACUANHA, and SQUILL (none of which have proven worth), while demulcent preparations contain soothing, harmless agents such as syrup or glycerol.

A list of systemic cough and decongestant preparations on sale to the public, together with their key ingredients, appears in the British National Formulary.... cough


Whooping-cough, or pertussis, is a respiratory-tract infection caused by Bordetella pertussis and spread by droplets. It may occur at all ages, but around 90 per cent of cases are children aged under ?ve. Most common during the winter months, it tends to occur in epidemics (see EPIDEMIC), with periods of increased prevalence occurring every three to four years. It is a noti?able disease (see NOTIFIABLE DISEASES). The routine vaccination of infants with TRIPLE VACCINE (see also VACCINE; IMMUNISATION), which includes the vaccine against whooping-cough, has drastically reduced the incidence of this potentially dangerous infection. In the 1990s over 90 per cent of children in England had been vaccinated against whooping-cough by their second birthday. In an epidemic of whooping-cough, which extended from the last quarter of 1977 to mid-1979, 102,500 cases of whooping-cough were noti?ed in the United Kingdom, with 36 deaths. This was the biggest outbreak since 1957 and its size was partly attributed to the fall in vaccination acceptance rates because of media reports suggesting that pertussis vaccination was potentially dangerous and ine?ective. In 2002, 105 cases were noti?ed in England.

Symptoms The ?rst, or catarrhal, stage is characterised by mild, but non-speci?c, symptoms of sneezing, conjunctivitis (see under EYE, DISORDERS OF), sore throat, mild fever and cough. Lasting 10–14 days, this stage is the most infectious; unfortunately it is almost impossible to make a de?nite clinical diagnosis, although analysis of a nasal swab may con?rm a suspected case. This is followed by the second, or paroxysmal, stage with irregular bouts of coughing, often prolonged, and typically more severe at night. Each paroxysm consists of a succession of short sharp coughs, increasing in speed and duration, and ending in a deep, crowing inspiration, often with a characteristic ‘whoop’. Vomiting is common after the last paroxysm of a series. Lasting 2–4 weeks, this stage is the most dangerous, with the greatest risk of complications. These may include PNEUMONIA and partial collapse of the lungs, and ?ts may be induced by cerebral ANOXIA. Less severe complications caused by the stress of coughing include minor bleeding around the eyes, ulceration under the tongue, HERNIA and PROLAPSE of the rectum. Mortality is greatest in the ?rst year of life, particularly among neonates – infants up to four weeks old. Nearly all patients with whooping-cough recover after a few weeks, with a lasting IMMUNITY. Very severe cases may leave structural changes in the lungs, such as EMPHYSEMA, with a permanent shortness of breath or liability to ASTHMA.

Treatment Antibiotics, such as ERYTHROMYCIN or TETRACYCLINES, may be helpful if given during the catarrhal stage – largely in preventing spread to brothers and sisters – but are of no use during the paroxysmal stage. Cough suppressants are not always helpful unless given in high (and therefore potentially narcotic) doses, and skilled nursing may be required to maintain nutrition, particularly if the disease is prolonged, with frequent vomiting.... whooping-cough

Cough Syncope

Temporary loss of consciousness that may be induced by a severe spasm of coughing. This is the result of the high pressure that may be induced in the chest – over 200 millimetres of mercury – by such a spasm, which prevents the return of blood to the heart. The veins in the neck begin to bulge and the blood pressure falls; this may so reduce the blood ?ow to the brain that the individual feels giddy and may then lose consciousness. (See FAINTING.)... cough syncope

Cough, Hectic

The dry and unproductive coughing in early bronchitis, when the mucosa is irritated but still too infected to secrete mucus... cough, hectic

Cough, Paroxysmal

Attacks of uncontrollable coughing or “whooping”, often relating to whooping cough or bronchiectasis, but they can also be caused by the smoke from burning plastics and (memories of yesteryear) hash oil.... cough, paroxysmal

Cough, Reflex

A cough induced by intestinal, gastric or uterine irritation, and not from respiratory causes.... cough, reflex

Tea For Cough

Cough is a response from your body to let you know that you have respiratory problems. Cough is very often associated with colds or pleurisy, but can also be triggered by both fungal and bacterial infections. At times, cough is consistent with phlegm, but you can also experience a very rare type of cough in which a virus makes your body think that you suffer from flu or colds. How a Tea for Cough Works A Tea for Cough’s main purpose is to dissolve the phlegm or make your body produce enough antibodies to fight all infections. Since cough is not a disease itself, you may want to try an herbal remedy before rushing to the drug store. However, not any tea is good for cough. When looking for a tea that could have a great effect on you and your body, you must keep in mind that you need a tea that’s both safe and very effective. Efficient Tea for Cough If you don’t know which teas to choose, here’s a list to guide you through: - Licorice Root Tea – brings relief to your bronchial tubes by stimulating your body to produce a thin layer of mucus and protect the membranes. You can also take it in case you’re suffering from other affections, such as menstrual and menopausal pains, stress, headaches, migraines and asthenia. - Marshmallow Root Tea – this Tea for Cough with a subtle Christmas scent can treat any respiratory system ailments, cleansing your body and inducing a state of relaxation. However, you must consult the specialist before taking this remedy in order to make sure everything will go as planned. - Sundew Tea – is also used as an anti-spastic and has anti-inflammatory properties. This particular Tea for Cough is rich in vitamins, minerals, volatile oils and nutrients and it’s good for any kind of problem that could affect your upper chest area. However, this is not a very safe tea and you should only take it while supervised. - Lemon Tea – make a decoction of lemons and drink it adding a hint of ginger, honey or mint in order to make it more pleasant. This is a good remedy for any auto-immune and inflammatory problems, starting with colds, flu and ending with sore throats. You may want to give it a try if you’re also suffering from loss of appetite, sleeplessness or asthenia. This tea can rejuvenate your skin and improve your general health in a heartbeat! Tea for Cough Side Effects When taken properly, these teas are generally safe. However, high dosage may lead to a number of problems such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or even hallucinations. Don’t take a Tea for Cough if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, on blood thinners (some of these teas will interfere with their action), anti coagulants or preparing for a surgery. When in doubt, always ask your doctor about the risks that an herbal remedy implies. If you have his permission and you’re feeling adventurous today, choose a Tea for Cough that fits you best and enjoy its health benefits!... tea for cough

Cough Syrup

Onion juice and honey. Slices of raw onion steeped overnight in 11b honey jar, quarter full, with screw cap. Taken by teaspoonful for obstructive airways disease, wheezing, etc. ... cough syrup

Licensing Of Herbal Remedies

See: PRODUCT LICENCE. ... licensing of herbal remedies

Licencing Of Herbal Remedies – Exemptions From

There are remedies that may be manufactured or assembled by any person carrying on a business or practice provided he or she is occupier of the premises which are closed to exclude the general public. The person (i.e. practitioner) supplies or sells the remedy to a particular person (i.e. patient) having been requested by or on behalf of that person and in that person’s presence to use his/her own judgement as to treatment.

Anyone may administer a herbal product to a human being, except by injection. Under Section 12 of the Medicines Act 1968, any remedy may be sold or supplied which only specifies the plant and the process. The remedy shall be called by no other name. This applies to the process producing the remedy consisting only of drying, crushing and comminuting. It must be sold without any written recommendation for use.

Those who have a manufacturer’s licence, or who notify the Enforcement Authority (the Secretary of State and the Pharmaceutical Society) can sell dried, crushed or comminuted herbs which have also been subjected to certain other limited processes (tablet-making, etc) but not those herbs contained in the Schedule to the Medicines (Retail Sale or Supply of Herbal Remedies) Order 1977 (SI 1977 No.2130).

This Schedule has three parts.

Part 1 contains substances that may only be sold by retail at registered pharmacies under the supervision of a pharmacist.

Part 2 refers to remedies that can be sold only in a registered pharmacy. There is, however, an important exception, as follows.

Part 3 contains a list of considered toxic herbs. A practitioner can prescribe all remedies that a shopkeeper can sell. He may also prescribe and sell remedies on Part 3 of the Schedule which a shopkeeper cannot. Such supply must be in premises closed to the public and subject to a clear and accurate indication of maximum dosage and strength. These remedies are as follows:... licencing of herbal remedies – exemptions from

Cold Remedies

Preparations for the relief of symptoms of the common cold (see cold, common). The main ingredient is usually a mild analgesic drug, such as paracetamol or aspirin, which helps to relieve aches and pains. Other common ingredients include antihistamine drugs and decongestant drugs to reduce nasal congestion; caffeine, which acts as a mild stimulant; and vitamin C.... cold remedies

Cough, Smoker’s

A recurrent cough in smokers.

The cough is usually triggered by the accumulation of thick sputum in the airways due to inflammation caused by smoking.

Giving up smoking usually stops the cough but it may take time.

In general, the longer a person has been smoking, the longer it will take.

Smokers with a cough should seek medical advice, particularly if their cough changes, because smoking is associated with lung cancer (see tobacco-smoking).... cough, smoker’s

Cough Suppressant

see antitussive.... cough suppressant

Bach Remedies

Prescribed according to mental symptoms or personality traits:

1. Agrimony. Those who suffer considerable inner torture which they try to dissemble behind a facade of cheerfulness.

2. Aspen. Apprehension and foreboding. Fears of unknown origin.

3. Beech. Critical and intolerant of others. Arrogant.

4. Centaury. Weakness of will; those who let themselves be exploited or imposed upon – become subservient; difficulty in saying ‘no’. Human doormat.

5. Cerato. Those who doubt their own judgement, seeks advice of others. Often influenced and misguided.

6. Cherry Plum. Fear of mental collapse/desperation/loss of control and fear of causing harm. Vicious rages.

7. Chestnut Bud. Refusal to learn by experience; continually repeating the same mistakes.

8. Chicory. The over-possessive, demands respect or attention (selfishness), likes others to conform to their standards. makes martyr of oneself.

9. Clematis. Indifferent, inattentive, dreamy, absent-minded. Mental escapist from reality.

10. Crab Apple. Cleanser. Feels unclean or ashamed of ailments. Self disgust/hatred. House proud.

11. Elm. Temporarily overcome by inadequacy or responsibility. Normally very capable.

12. Gentian. Despondent. Easily discouraged and dejected.

13. Gorse. Extreme hopelessness – pessimist – ‘Oh, what’s the use?’.

14. Heather. People who are obsessed with their own troubles and experiences. Talkative ‘bores’ – poor listeners.

15. Holly. For those who are jealous, envious, revengeful and suspicious. For those who hate.

16. Honeysuckle. For those with nostalgia and who constantly dwell in the past. Homesickness.

17. Hornbeam. ‘Monday morning’ feeling but once started, task is usually fulfilled. Procrastination.

18. Impatiens. Impatience, irritability.

19. Larch. Despondency due to lack of self-confidence; expectation of failure, so fails to make the attempt. Feels inferior though has the ability.

20. Mimulus. Fear of known things. Shyness, timidity.

21. Mustard. Deep gloom like an overshadowing dark cloud that descends for no known reason which can lift just as suddenly. Melancholy.

22. Oak. Brave determined types. Struggles on in illness and against adversity despite setbacks. Plodders.

23. Olive. Exhaustion – drained of energy – everything an effort.

24. Pine. Feelings of guilt. Blames self for mistakes of others. Feels unworthy.

25. Red Chestnut. Excessive fear and over caring for others especially those held dear.

26. Rock Rose. Terror, extreme fear or panic.

27. Rock Water. For those who are hard on themselves – often overwork. Rigid minded, self denying. 28. Scleranthus. Uncertainty/indecision/vacillation. Fluctuating moods.

29. Star of Bethlehem. For all the effect of serious news, or fright following an accident, etc.

30. Sweet Chestnut. Anguish of those who have reached the limit of endurance – only oblivion left.

31. Vervain. Over-enthusiasm, over-effort; straining. Fanatical and highly-strung. Incensed by injustices. 32. Vine. Dominating/inflexible/ambitious/tyrannical/autocratic. Arrogant Pride. Good leaders.

33. Walnut. Protection remedy from powerful influences, and helps adjustment to any transition or change, e.g. puberty, menopause, divorce, new surroundings.

34. Water Violet. Proud, reserved, sedate types, sometimes ‘superior’. Little emotional involvement but reliable/dependable.

35. White Chestnut. Persistent unwanted thoughts. Pre-occupation with some worry or episode. Mental arguments.

36. Wild Oat. Helps determine one’s intended path in life.

37. Wild Rose. Resignation, apathy. Drifters who accept their lot, making little effort for improvement – lacks ambition.

38. Willow. Resentment and bitterness with ‘not fair’ and ‘poor me’ attitude.

39. Rescue Remedy. A combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem. All purpose emergency composite for causes of trauma, anguish, bereavement, examinations, going to the dentist, etc. ... bach remedies

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