Crinum latifolium Health Dictionary

Crinum Latifolium: From 1 Different Sources


Family: Amaryllidaceae.

Habitat: Wild as well as cultivated as an ornamental.

English: Wide-leaved Crinum.

Ayurvedic: Sudarshana, Sukhadar- shana, Chakraangi, Somvalli, Madhuparnikaa.

Siddha/Tamil: Vishamoongil.

Action: Bulb—rubefacient, an- tirheumatic. Also used for piles and tubercular fistula.

The alkaloids, crinafoline and crina- folidine, have been isolated from the plant. These along with crinafoline methochloride exhibited significant tumour-inhibiting activity in vivo. The plant extract in also used in allergic condition. This activity is attributed to the presence of glucan A and phos- phatidyllycorine.

A related species, C. zeylanicum, is known as Milk-and-Wine Lily.

Dosage: Leaf, root—5-10 g paste. (CCRAS.)
Health Source: Indian Medicinal Plants
Author: Health Dictionary

Crinum Asiaticum


Family: Amaryllidaceae.

Habitat: Wild as well as cultivated as an ornamental.

English: St. John's Lily, Poison Bulb.

Ayurvedic: Naagadamani, Naa- gapatra, Sudarshana (var.). C. defixum Ker.-Gawl, is equated with Sukhadarshana.

Siddha/Tamil: Vishamoongil.

Action: Bulb—laxative (a substitute for ipecacuanha), expectorant. Used in biliousness, and in strangury and other urinary affections. Also used for the treatment of burns, whitlow and carbuncle. Fresh root—diaphoretic, emetic. Leaves— expectorant; externally, anti- inflammatory (used in skin diseases and for reducing inflammations). Seed—emmenagogue, diuretic.

The bark gave sterols and triter- penoids. Seeds contain alkaloids— lycorine, crinamine and crinasiatine.... crinum asiaticum

Lepidium Latifolium


Family: Curciferace; Brassicaceae.

Habitat: North-West Himalayas.

Folk: Gonyuch (Ladakh).

Action: Plant—depurative, antilith- ic, diuretic, stomachic, antiscorbutic. An infusion is given for liver and kidney diseases. Also used as a resolvent in skin affections.

The leaves show dose-dependent increase of diuretic activity; also increase in potassium excretion in urine.

The leaves contain cholesterol, stig- masterol and beta-sitosterol.... lepidium latifolium

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