Crista Health Dictionary

Crista: From 1 Different Sources

n. (pl. cristae) 1. the sensory structure within the ampulla of a *semicircular canal within the inner ear (see illustration). The cristae respond to changes in the rate of movement of the head, being activated by pressure from the fluid in the semicircular canals. 2. one of the infoldings of the inner membrane of a *mitochondrion. 3. any anatomical structure resembling a crest.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Barleria Cristata


Family: Acanthaceae.

Habitat: Subtropical Himalaya, Sikkim, Khasi Hills, Central and Southern India at 1,350 m.

Ayurvedic: Sahachara, Shveta- Rakta-pushpa Saireyaka (white- and red-flowered var.).

Siddha/Tamil: Ottamulli.

Folk: Katsaraiyaa. Raktajhinti.

Action: Extract of the plant— sasmogenic and hypoglycaemic. Root extract—given in anaemia. The leaves are chewed in toothache. Roots and leaves are applied to swellings. An infusion is given in cough.

The roots contain anthraquinones; flowers gave apigenin, naringenin, quercetin and malvindin.... barleria cristata

Celosia Cristata


Family: Amaranthaceae.

Habitat: Indian gardens, as ornamental.

English: Cock's Comb

Ayurvedic: Jataadhaari.

Folk: Laal Murgaa.

Action: Seeds—demulcent; used for painful micturition, dysentery Flowers—used in menorrhagia and diarrhoea.

The plant contains betanin, and several sterols. The inflorescence contain amarantin, isoamarantin, celosianin and isocelosianin. The seeds contain 10.1-12.8% of protein and yield 7.27.9% of a fatty oil.

Choline esters of hyaluronic acid from the plant, when fed to rats, showed antiulcer and gastro-protective effect.... celosia cristata


Gel; the clear gel from inside the leaves of Aloe vera; see Sábila.... cristal

Elsholtzia Cristata


Synonym: E. ciliata (Thunb.) Hyland.

Perilla polystachya D. Don.

Family: Labiatae; Lamiaceae.

Habitat: The Himalayas and Assam up to 3,000 m, introduced into the Nilgiris (Tamil Nadu).

Ayurvedic: Ajagandhaa (controversial synonym).

Folk: Ban-Tulasi, Bovai, Phoot- Kanda.

Action: Carminative, stomachic, astringent. Leaf—diuretic, antipyretic. Neutralizes after effects... elsholtzia cristata

Limnanthemum Cristatum

(Roxb.) Griseb.

Synonym: Menyanthes hydrophyl- lum Lour.

Nymphoides hydrophyllum Kuntze.

Family: Menyanthaceae.

Habitat: Throughout India, in fresh water ponds and tanks. (Considered by some authors a synonym of Nymphoides Hill.)

Folk: Ghainchu, Tagarmuula; Panchuli, Chandmalla (Bengal); Kumudini (Maharashtra).

Action: Plant—used in fevers and jaundice. Seeds—anthelmintic. Stalks and leaves—applied to ulcers and insect bites. A decoction is used as a wash for parasitic skin affections. The plant is used as a substitute for Swertia Chirata.

The rhizomes and roots of Nymphoides macrospermum Vasudevan (Family: Menyanthaceae) are sold in the market as Granthik Tagar. These are used as a substitute for Valeriana hard- wickii Wall. in neurological disorders and colic.... limnanthemum cristatum

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