Symptoms: difficult breathing. Breathing-in is noisy, spasmodic and prolonged. Effusion of a plastic-like material which coagulates to form a false membrane. Fretfulness. Symptoms of a ‘cold’ disappear but towards evening skin becomes hot, pulse rises, and a sense of anxiety takes over.
Laryngeal muscles are held in spasm, calling for antispasmodics. If the course of the disease has not been arrested on the third or fourth day a crisis is at hand and modern hospital treatment necessary. The condition is always worse at night. Treatment varies with each individual case. Stimulating diaphoretics induce gentle sweating, de-toxicate, and relieve tension on respiration.
Lobelia is unsurpassed as a croupal remedy and may be given alone either by infusion (tea) liquid extract or acid tincture. Given as a powder it works too slowly in a condition where speed saves lives.
While copious drinks of Catnep (Catmint) tea help, stronger medicines are indicated. Where resistance runs low, add Echinacea. Should any of these induce vomiting, it would be regarded as a favourable sign after which a measure of relief is felt.
Alternatives. Liquid extracts. Formula. Pleurisy root 2; Lobelia 1; Ginger half. Dose: one 5ml teaspoon in hot water every 2 hours. Infants: 10-30 drops.
Tinctures. Formula: Pleurisy root 2; Blue Cohosh 1; Lobelia 1. One to two 5ml teaspoons in hot water every 2 hours. Infants 10-20 drops.
Practitioner. Formula: 2 drops Tincture Belladonna BP 1980, 4 drops Tincture Ipecuanha BP 1973. Water to 2oz. One 5ml teaspoon in water every 15 minutes for 2 or 3 doses to enable child to sleep until morning; then once every hour or two for 3 days. Not to press medicines on children feeling comfortable. Inhalant. Friar’s Balsam. Steam kettle on hand. Or:–
Aromatherapy. Inhale. Drops. Thyme 1; Eucalyptus 2; Hyssop 1. In bowl of boiling water at the bedside at night or when necessary.
Drowsiness requires diffusive stimulants: Tinctures: Echinacea 2; Ginger quarter; Pleurisy root 1. One to two 5ml teaspoons in hot water every 2 hours; infants 5-20 drops according to age.
Collapse. When confronted with an ashen face, depression and collapse, powerful stimulants are necessary: tinctures – Formula. Prickly Ash bark 3; Blue Cohosh 2; Ginger 1. One 5ml teaspoon in hot water every 10 minutes; (infants 5-20 drops).
Topical. Relaxing oil. Ingredients: 3oz olive oil; half an ounce Liquid Extract or tincture Lobelia; Tincture Capsicum (Cayenne) 20 drops. Shake vigorously. Rub freely on throat, winding round a strip of suitable material wrung out in hot water. Cover with protective bandage or plastic film. Renew hot flannel every 10-15 minutes until paroxysms subside.
Poultice. Dissolve coffeespoon Cayenne powder or chillies in cup cider vinegar. Simmer gently 10 minutes. Strain. Saturate a piece of suitable material and wind round throat to relieve congested blood vessels.
Diet: No dairy foods which increase phlegm. No solid meals. Herb teas, vegetable and fruit juices only.
Steam kettle on hand, or Friar’s Balsam inhalation. See: FRIAR’S BALSAM. Regulate bowels. The condition is worsened in a dry hot atmosphere; reduce central heating to ensure adequate ventilation. Many a serious stridor and cough have been relieved by running some hot water into a bath or basin and sitting the child in a homemade Turkish bath.
Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner.