Habitat: In drier parts of India; in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. The most important centers of Rosha Grass oil production are Betul and Mimar in Madhya Pradesh and Nasik in Maharashtra.
English: Rosha Grass, Palmarosa.Ayurvedic: Rohisha-trn, Dhyaama- ka.Siddha/Tamil: Kavathampillu.Action: Essential oil is used externally for stiff joints and lumbago, skin diseases, and in the treatment of baldness. Given internally in small doses in bilious complaints.
The essential oil obtained from mo- tia var. is rich in geraniol (79-95%).The oil is known as Palmarosa, alsoRusa. Sofia var. yields an oil with lesser geraniol. It is known as Gingergrass Oil.