A family of PROTEIN molecules that carry signals locally between cells. Cytokines are released by cells when activated by antigens (see ANTIGEN), behaving as enhancing mediators for immune response. These proteins include INTERLEUKINS (produced by LEUCOCYTES), lymphokines (produced by lymphocytes – see LYMPHOCYTE), INTERFERON, and tumour necrosis factor, one of whose many functions is killing tumour cells.
pl. n. protein molecules, released by cells when activated by antigen, that are involved in cell-to-cell communications, acting as enhancing mediators for immune responses through interaction with specific cell-surface receptors on leucocytes. Kinds of cytokines include *interleukins (produced by leucocytes), *lymphokines (produced by lymphocytes), *interferons, and *tumour necrosis factor.
n. division of the cytoplasm of a cell, which occurs at the end of cell division, after division of the nucleus, to form two daughter cells. Compare karyokinesis.... cytokinesis