Abscess of the rectum (anorectal, ischiorectal, perianal) can be exceedingly painful. Chiefly from E. Coli infection, it may be associated with piles, colitis, fissures or small tears in the mucosa from hard faeces. There may be throbbing pain on sitting or defecation. In all cases Echinacea should be given to sustain the immune system.
Alternatives: Abundant herb teas. Burdock leaves, Clivers, Comfrey leaves, Figwort, Gotu Kola, Ground Ivy, Horsetail, Marigold petals, Marshmallow leaves, Mullein, Plantain, Red Clover tops. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water: drink half-1 cup thrice daily.
Mixture: Tinctures. Echinacea 30ml; Blue Flag 15ml; Bayberry 5ml; Hydrastis can 1ml; Liquorice 1ml. Dose: One 5ml teaspoon in water, honey or fruit juice thrice daily.
Tablets/capsules. Blue Flag, Echinacea, Poke root, Red Clover, Seaweed and Sarsaparilla, Garlic (or capsules): dosage as on bottle.
Powders. Formula. Echinacea 1; Marshmallow root 1; Goldenseal quarter. Dose: 500mg (one-third teaspoon, or two 00 capsules), thrice daily.
Ointments or poultices: Aloe Vera, Comfrey, Marshmallow and Slippery Elm.
Abscess of the breast. Internal mixture as above.
Abscess of the kidney. Mixture: tinctures. Equal parts: Echinacea, Bearberry, Valerian. Dose: 1-2 5ml teaspoons, thrice daily.
Topical. Ointments or poultices: Aloe Vera, Comfrey, Marshmallow and Slippery Elm.
Diet: Regular raw food days. Vitamin C (oranges, lemons, etc.). Fish oils, oily fish or other vitamin A- rich foods.
Supplements. Vitamins A, B and E. ... abscess
Causes: constipation, sluggish liver, grumbling appendix, pregnancy, etc. Underlying cause must be treated. Pilewort and Stone root are key remedies.
Alternatives. Teas from any of the following: Butcher’s Broom, Balmony, Bilberry, Beth root, Bistort, Comfrey, Cranesbill, Figwort, Ground Ivy, Horsechestnut, Ladies Mantle, Nettles, Oak bark, Pilewort, Plantain, Silverweed, Stone root, Tormentil, Wild Yam, Witch Hazel, St John’s Wort.
Alternative formulae. Tea. (1) Equal parts, Yarrow, Witch Hazel leaves, German Chamomile. (2) Equal parts, Yarrow, Pilewort, Mullein. (3) Equal parts, Plantain, Figwort, Pilewort. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily before meals.
Tablets/capsules. Pilewort. Cranesbill. Wild Yam. Blue Flag root.
Powders. Formula. Equal parts, Pilewort 1; Figwort 1; Stone root half. Dose: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon) thrice daily.
Tinctures. Formula. Butternut 1; Figwort 1; Cascara quarter. One 5ml teaspoon in water thrice daily. Alternative: Combine Hawthorn 2; Stone root 1. Dose: 30-60 drops in water thrice daily.
Enema. Strong infusion of Raspberry leaves: 2oz to 2 pints boiling water. Steep 20 minutes, strain. Improves with addition of 5 drops Tincture Myrrh.
Suppositories. 1 part Liquid Extract Witch Hazel or German Chamomile to 5 parts Cocoa butter. Ointments: Pilewort, Chickweed, Figwort, Aloe Vera, Horse Chestnut, Houseleek.
Psyllium seeds (light) (Ispaghula) increases bulk of the stools making them softer and easier to pass.
To alleviate itching and assist healing: insert into the anus fresh peeled Aloe Vera or Houseleek. Alternatives: make a paste of quarter of a teaspoon of any of the following powders with few drops of milk: Comfrey, Pilewort, Stone root and apply externally, holding in position with a binder.
Vitamin E capsules. Piles that had resisted all other forms of treatment rapidly cleared. Insert one capsule into rectum night and morning.
Diet: Low salt, low fat, high fibre.
Supplements. Vitamins A, B-complex, B6, C, and E. Calcium. Zinc.
Supportives. Sitz bath. Sponge anus with cold water. ... haemorrhoids
Treatment. Same as for acute infectious hepatitis. ... liver – hepatitis a
Constituents: mucilage, triterpenes, alkaloids.
Action: gentle bulk laxative without irritation; antidiarrhoeal, demulcent, bacteriostatic. Increases stool output while decreasing transit time in healthy people. Anti-inflammatory.
Uses: Chronic constipation, particularly in the elderly. Irritable bowel syndrome, mucous colitis. Amoebic dysentery. (Indian traditional) To assist management of diverticular disease. To reduce incidence of bowel complaints. An alternative to constant use of purgatives that decrease sensitivity of alimentary mucous membranes. Useful in pregnancy. Hyperlipaemia. Lowers cholesterol level by eliminating excess bile salts. To assist slimming regime in obesity.
Preparations: Average dose: 3-5 grams (2 grams, children).
Seeds: 1-2 teaspoons once or twice daily, helped down with sips of water. (May be soaked overnight in warm water.) In the intestines seeds swell into a gelatinous mass many times their normal size thus ‘lubricating’ contents of the bowel for easy defecation. Isogel.
“Regulan” Ispaghula husk BP. Sachets containing 3-6 grams. Average dose: 1 sachet thrice daily. Psyllium seed husks, plus pectin, Vitamin C and Guar gum to cleanse the colon while leaving behind important nutrients. Aids detoxification and absorption of iron. Regulates blood sugar levels and nutrient absorption. (JAM. Nov 86, p.23) Poultice. With Slippery Elm for boils, abscesses, etc. ... ispaghula seeds
Early symptoms are rectal bleeding during defecation and diarrhoea or constipation. Later, pain may occur. Left untreated, the cancer may eventually cause severe bleeding and pain and block the intestine. It may also spread to other organs.
The cancer may be detected by a rectal examination and confirmed with proctoscopy or sigmoidoscopy and biopsy.
Treatment is usually with surgery. For a tumour in the upper rectum, the affected area and the last part of the colon are removed and the 2 free ends of the intestine are sewn together. To promote healing, a temporary colostomy may be made. For a growth in the lower rectum, the entire rectum and anus are removed. Because there is no outlet for faeces, a permanent colostomy is created.
Radiotherapy and anticancer drugs may be used in addition to or instead of surgery.
Up to 40 per cent of people treated for rectal cancer live for 10 years or more.... rectum, cancer of