Delhi belly Health Dictionary

Delhi Belly: From 2 Different Sources

Another name for gastroenteritis and infective diarrhoea caused by ingesting contaminated food or water.
Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association

Delhi Boil

Delhi boil is a form of chronic body sore occurring in Eastern countries, caused by a protozoan parasite, Leishmania tropica. (See LEISHMANIASIS.)... delhi boil

Swollen Belly Syndrome

A condition seen in very young children in Papua New Guinea infected with a Strongyloides fu?lleborni-like species of intestinal nematode.... swollen belly syndrome


n. 1. the *abdomen or abdominal cavity. 2. the central fleshy portion of a muscle.... belly

Prune Belly Syndrome

(Eagle–Barrett syndrome) a hereditary condition, occurring exclusively in males, characterized by a deficiency of abdominal muscles, complex malformation of the urinary tract, and bilateral undescended testes. The lungs may be underdeveloped. The name derives from the typically wrinkled appearance of the skin over the abdomen.... prune belly syndrome

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