Denominator Health Dictionary

Denominator: From 2 Different Sources

1 The lower portion of a fraction used to calculate a rate or ratio. In a rate, the denominator is usually the population at risk. 2 For a performance measure, the sample of cases that will be observed (e.g. the number of patients discharged alive with a confirmed diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, excluding patients with bleeding or other specified conditions). See “numerator”.
Health Source: Community Health
Author: Health Dictionary
n. the part of the fetus that is used to describe positions for *presentation. For vertex (back of the head) presentation, it is the *occiput; for breech presentation, the sacrum; for face presentation, the mentum (chin).
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin


A measure of the frequency of a phenomenon. In epidemiology, demography and vital statistics, a rate is an expression of the frequency with which an event occurs in a defined population. Rates are usually expressed using a standard denominator such as 1000 or 100 000 persons. Rates may also be expressed as percentages. The use of rates rather than raw numbers is essential for comparison of experience between populations at different times or in different places, or among different classes of persons.... rate

Incidence Rate

A quotient, with the number of cases of a specified disease diagnosed or reported during a stated period of time as the numerator, and the number of persons in the population in which they occurred as the denominator.... incidence rate


1 The upper portion of a fraction used to calculate a rate or ratio. 2 For a performance measure, the cases in the denominator group that experience events specified in a review criterion. See “denominator”.... numerator

Prevalence Rate

quotient using as the numerator, the number of persons sick or portraying a certain condition, in a stated population, at a particular time, regardless of when that illness or condition began, and as the denominator, the number of persons in the population in which they occurred.... prevalence rate


The value obtained by dividing one quantity by another: a general term of which rate, proportion, percentage, etc. are subsets. A ratio is an expression of the relationship between a numerator and a denominator where the two usually are separate and distinct quantities, neither being included in the other.... ratio


n. the back of the head. In obstetrics, the occiput is used as a *denominator when a fetus presents by the vertex (see presentation). The most favourable position for delivery is occipitoanterior (or occipital anterior), with the occiput of the fetus presenting towards the anterior aspect of the maternal pelvis as it enters the pelvic inlet. In the occipitotransverse (or occipital transverse) and occipitoposterior (or occipital posterior) positions, the occiput presents towards the lateral and posterior aspects, respectively, of the maternal pelvis; these are *malpositions. —occipital adj.... occiput


n. the part of the fetus that is closest to the birth canal and can be felt on inserting a finger into the vagina. Normally the back of the head (vertex) presents, the most favourable position for delivery being occipital anterior (see occiput). However, the buttocks may present (see breech presentation) or, if the fetus lies transversely across the uterus, the shoulder or arm may present (see malpresentation). These abnormal presentations may cause complications during childbirth, and attempts may be made to correct them. See also denominator.... presentation

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