Dental Examination: From 1 Different Sources
An examination of the mouth, gums, and teeth by a dentist as a routine check or as part of the assessment a person complaining of a symptom. Routine examinations enable tooth decay and gum disease to be detected and treated at an early stage.
During a routine dental examination, the dentist uses a metal instrument to
probe for dental cavities, chipped teeth, or fillings. Dental X-rays are sometimes carried out to check for problems that may not be visible. Dentists also check how well the upper and lower teeth come together. Regular examinations in children enable the monitoring of the replacement of primary teeth by permanent, or secondary, teeth. Referral for orthodontic treatment may be made. dental extraction See tooth extraction. dental X-ray An image of the teeth and jaws that provides information for detecting, diagnosing, and treating conditions that can threaten oral and general health. There are 3 types of dental X-ray: periapical X-ray, bite-wing X-ray, and panoramic X-ray.
Periapical X-rays are taken using X-ray film held behind the teeth. They give detailed images of whole teeth and the surrounding tissues. They show unerupted or impacted teeth, root fractures, abscesses, cysts, and tumours, and can help diagnose some skeletal diseases. Bite-wing X-rays show the crowns of the teeth and can detect areas of decay and changes in bone due to periodontal disease. Panoramic X-rays show all the teeth and surrounding structures on one large film. They can show unerupted or impacted teeth, cysts, jaw fractures, or tumours. The amount of radiation received from dental X-rays is extremely small. However, dental X-rays should be avoided during pregnancy.
See TEETH, DISORDERS OF – Caries of the teeth.... decay, dental
Decay of teeth... dental caries
See TEETH, DISORDERS OF.... dental emergencies
A statutory body set up by the Dentists Act which maintains a register of dentists (see DENTAL SURGEON), promotes high standards of dental education, and oversees the professional conduct of dentists. Membership comprises elected and appointed dentists and appointed lay members. Like other councils responsible for registering health professionals, the General Dental Council now comes under the umbrella of the new Council for Regulatory Excellence, a statutory body. (See APPENDIX 7: STATUTORY ORGANISATIONS.)... general dental council
See DENTAL SURGEON.... general dental services
That part of a patient’s consultation with a doctor in which the doctor looks, feels (palpates) and listens to (auscultates) various parts of the patient’s body. Along with the history of the patient’s symptoms, this enables the doctor to assess the patient’s condition and decide whether an immediate diagnosis is possible or whether laboratory or imaging investigations are needed to reach a diagnosis. A full physical examination may take 30 minutes or more. Physical examination, along with certain standard investigations, is done when a person attends for a ‘preventive’ check-up of his or her state of health.... physical examination
See APPENDIX 8: PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS.... british dental association
A person quali?ed to carry out the scaling (removal of calculus [deposits]) from the teeth and to advise patients on how to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Hygienists usually work in a quali?ed dentist’s surgery.... dental hygienist
A dental surgeon, or dentist, is an individual trained to diagnose and treat disorders of the teeth and gums, as well as to advise on preventive measures to ensure that these areas remain healthy. Dentists qualify after a four-year course at dental school and then register with the GENERAL DENTAL COUNCIL, which is responsible for maintaining educational and professional standards. Around 25,000 dentists practise in the NHS and private sector.
Over the past four decades the ?nancial outlay on NHS dental services has been around 5 per cent of total NHS funding. This contrasts with 10 per cent during the service’s early years, when the NHS was coping with decades of ‘dental neglect’. The population’s dental health has, however, been steadily improving: in 1968 more than one-third of people had no natural teeth; by the late 1990s the proportion had fallen to 13 per cent.
Dentistry is divided into several groupings.
General dental practitioners Concerned with primary dental care, the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gums and teeth – for example, caries (see TEETH, DISORDERS OF). They also deal with diffculties in biting and the effects of trauma, and are aware that oral disorders may re?ect disease elsewhere in the body. They will refer to the hospital dental services, patients who require treatment that cannot be satisfactorily carried out in a primary-care setting.
Most routine dental prevention and treatment is carried out in general dental practitioners’ surgeries, where the dentists also supervise the work of hygienists and dental auxiliaries. Appliances, such as dentures, crowns, bridges and orthodontic appliances are constructed by dental technicians working in dental laboratories.
There are around 18,800 dentists providing general dental services in the UK. These practitioners are free to accept or reject any potential patient and to practise where they wish. Those dentists treating patients under an NHS contract (a mixture of capitation fees and items of service payments) can also treat patients privately (for an appropriate fee). Some dentists opt for full-time private practice, and their numbers are increasing in the wake of changes in 1990 in the contracts of NHS general dental practitioners.
Community dental practitioner Part of the public-health team and largely concerned with monitoring dental health and treating the young and the handicapped.
In the hospitals and dental schools are those who are involved in only one of the specialities.
Around 2,800 dentists work in NHS hospitals and 1,900 in the NHS’s community services. In some parts of the UK, people wanting NHS treatment are having diffculties ?nding dentists willing to provide such care.
Restorative dentist Concerned with the repair of teeth damaged by trauma and caries, and the replacement of missing teeth.
Orthodontist Correction of jaws and teeth which are misaligned or irregular. This is done with appliances which may be removable or ?xed to the teeth which are then moved with springs or elastics.... dental surgeon
See: TEETH DECAY, TEETH EXTRACTION, ALOE VERA. DEOBSTRUENT. That which clears obstruction by dilating natural passages of the body. Usually of the intestines (Ispaghula seeds) or colon (Buckbean). ... dental problems
The wearing away of tooth enamel, often accompanied by the erosion of dentine (the layer beneath the enamel) and cementum (the bonelike tissue that covers the tooth root), usually through too-vigorous brushing. Abraded areas are often sensitive to cold or hot food or drink, and a desensitizing toothpaste and/or protection with a bonding (see bonding, dental) agent or filling may be needed.... abrasion, dental
The movement of teeth by using either fixed or removable orthodontic appliances (braces) to correct malocclusion (incorrect bite).... alignment, dental
The bony cavity or socket supporting each tooth in the jaw.... alveolus, dental
A material, consisting of an alloy of mercury with other metals, that is used as fillings for teeth (see filling, dental).... amalgam, dental
Also called an autopsy (and less commonly, necropsy), this is an examination of a body to discover the causes of death. Such an examination is sometimes required by law. An unnatural death; a death occurring in suspicious circumstances; or a death when a doctor feels unable to complete a certi?cate about the cause – all must be reported to the CORONER (in Scotland, to the procurator ?scal). He or she may order an autopsy to be carried out as part of the inquiry into cause of death. Sometimes doctors may request the permission of relatives to perform a post-mortem so that they may discover something of value for the improvement of medical care. Relatives may refuse consent. (See also DEATH, CAUSES OF.)... post-mortem examination
See orthodontic appliances.... brace, dental
False teeth that are attached to natural teeth on either side of a gap left by a missing tooth or teeth. (See also denture.)... bridge, dental
The deposition of calcium salts in developing teeth. Primary teeth begin to calcify in a fetus at between 3 and 6 months gestation; calcification of permanent teeth (other than the wisdom teeth) begins between birth and 4 years. Abnormal calcification occurs in amelogenesis imperfecta, an inherited disorder of the enamel (see hypoplasia, enamel), and can also result from the absorption of high levels of fluoride (see fluorosis).... calcification, dental
A hard, crust-like deposit (also known as tartar) found on the crowns and roots of the teeth. Calculus forms when mineral salts in saliva are deposited in existing plaque. Supragingival calculus is a yellowish or white deposit that forms above the gum margin, on the crowns of teeth near the openings of salivary gland ducts. Subgingival calculus forms below the gum margin and is brown or black. Toxins in calculus cause gum inflammation (see gingivitis), which may progress to destruction of the supporting tissues (see periodontitis). Calculus is removed by professional scaling. Attention to oral hygiene reduces recurrence.... calculus, dental
See crown, dental.... capping, dental
A hole in a tooth, commonly caused by dental caries (see caries, dental).... cavity, dental
See overcrowding, dental.... crowding, dental
A protrusion on the grinding surface of a tooth.... cusp, dental
The hard outer layer of a tooth that covers and protects the inner structures.... enamel, dental
The process of replacing a chipped or decayed area of tooth with an inactive material. Dental filling is also used to describe the restorative material itself. Amalgam, a hard-wearing mixture of silver, mercury, and other metals is generally used for back teeth. If a front tooth is chipped, a bonding technique (see bonding, dental) may be used, in which plastic or porcelain tooth-coloured material is attached to the surface of the tooth.... filling, dental
A post, surgically embedded in the jaw for the attachment of a dental prosthesis (an artificial tooth). Titanium or synthetic materials may be used. A dental implant is fitted under local anaesthesia. A hole is drilled in the jaw and a post inserted. Several months later, an attachment that protrudes from the gum is screwed into the post; a few weeks after that, the prosthesis is fitted.... implant, dental
The deposition of calcium crystals and other mineral salts in developing teeth. (See calcification, dental.)... mineralization, dental
An alternative term for an autopsy.... postmortem examination
The soft tissue containing blood vessels and nerves in the middle of each tooth (see teeth).... pulp, dental
Replacement of a tooth in its socket after an accident so that it can become reattached to supporting tissues. The front teeth are most commonly involved. The tooth needs to be reimplanted soon after the accident and is maintained with a splint (see splinting, dental) while it heals. Healing may take several weeks.... reimplantation, dental
The reconstruction of part of a damaged tooth. Restoration also refers to the material or substitute part used to rebuild the tooth. Small repairs are usually made by filling the tooth. For extensive repairs, a dental inlay or a crown may be used. Chipped front teeth may be repaired by bonding (see bonding, dental).... restoration, dental
Removal of dental calculi (see calcuus, dental) from the teeth to prevent or treat periodontal disease.... scaling, dental
Plastic coatings that are applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to help prevent decay.... sealants, dental
The mechanical joining of several teeth to hold them firmly in place while an injury heals or while periodontal disease is treated.... splinting, dental
See implants, dental.... titanium dental implants
See dental X-rays.... x-rays, dental
any of several professionals supporting a dentist, formerly referred to as dental auxiliaries and professionals complementary to dentistry. A dental hygienist performs scaling and instruction in oral hygiene. A dental nurse helps the dentist at the chairside by preparing materials, passing instruments, and aspirating fluids from the patient’s mouth. A dental technician constructs dentures, crowns, and orthodontic appliances in the laboratory for the dentist. A clinical dental technician provides dentures directly to patients. A dental therapist performs non-complex treatment under the prescription of a dentist. In the UK dental care professionals are required to be statutorily registered with the General Dental Council (GDC).... dental care professional
a reclinable chair on which a patient lies for dental treatment. Electric switches change the position of the patient, and the chair is frequently attached to the *dental unit.... dental chair
a fine thread, usually of nylon, used to clean the surfaces between teeth. A thicker version is known as dental tape. It may be waxed to help the user slide it past the tooth contacts.... dental floss
a piece of dental equipment (high-speed or low-speed) for holding a dental *bur or *file. It is made of corrosion-resistant materials to allow sterilization. See drill.... dental handpiece
see implant.... dental implant
either of two nerves that supply the teeth; they are branches of the trigeminal nerve. The inferior dental nerve supplies the lower teeth and for most of its length exists as a single large bundle; thus anaesthesia of it has a widespread effect (see inferior dental block). The superior dental nerve, which supplies the upper teeth, breaks into separate branches at some distance from the teeth and it is possible to anaesthetize these individually with less widespread effect for the patient.... dental nerve
see dental care professional.... dental nurse
(DPT) a special form of tomogram (see tomography) that provides a picture of all the teeth of both jaws on one film. Newer equipment can produce three-dimensional images of part of the jaw.... dental pantomogram
a major fixed piece of dental equipment to which are attached the dental drills, aspirator, compressed air syringe, and ultrasonic scaler. It is frequently integral with the *dental chair.... dental unit
(inferior alveolar nerve block) a type of injection to anaesthetize the inferior *dental nerve. Inferior dental block is routinely performed to allow dental procedures to be carried out on the lower teeth on one side of the mouth.... inferior dental block
a bony canal in the *mandible on each side. It carries the inferior *dental nerve and vessels and for part of its length its outline is visible on a radiograph.... inferior dental canal
(MSE) a full psychiatric examination of signs and symptoms, which takes place during a psychiatric interview and should apply only to signs and symptoms elicited at that time; it should not take into account historical information. The examination is usually divided into the following subheadings: appearance and behaviour, speech, mood, *affect, thought and perception, *insight, and orientation. Usually it also includes a *risk assessment.... mental state examination
(MMSE) a brief 30-point questionnaire that is used to screen for cognitive impairment in the diagnosis of dementia. It is also used to estimate the severity of cognitive impairment and to follow the course of cognitive changes in an individual over time, thus making it an effective way to document response to treatment. It tests functions including arithmetic, memory, and orientation.... mini-mental state examination
(OSCE) a type of examination used increasingly in the health sciences (medicine, dentistry, nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy) to assess clinical skills in examination, communication, medical procedures, and interpretation of results. The examination usually takes the form of a circuit of stations around which each candidate moves after a specified time interval (5–10 minutes) at each station. Stations are a mixture of interactive and noninteractive tasks. Some have an examiner and a simulated patient, either an actor for assessment of communication or history-taking skills or a manikin of a specific part of the body (e.g. to demonstrate how to use an auriscope). Other stations have investigation results with a list of questions that are to be completed on computer-marked examination papers. Each station has a different examiner and the stations are standardized with specific marking criteria, thus enabling fairer comparison with peers.... objective structured clinical examination