Dermatology Health Dictionary

Dermatology: From 2 Different Sources

In essence, this is the study of the skin. As well as being an organ in its own right, the skin is a stage on which other organs as well as the emotions most visibly play out their roles. Changes in its blood vessels – and hence blood ?ow through the skin – may indicate a major immunological response to a range of potential factors (see SKIN, DISEASES OF).
Health Source: Medical Dictionary
Author: Health Dictionary
n. the medical specialty concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. —dermatological adj. —dermatologist n.
Health Source: Oxford | Concise Colour Medical Dictionary
Author: Jonathan Law, Elizabeth Martin

Dermatology Life Quality Index

(DLQI) a validated questionnaire designed by Finlay in 1994 to assess the impact of skin diseases on psychological and social wellbeing. It is the most common *quality of life tool used as an endpoint in dermatology clinical trials. DLQI scores of more than 10 (indicating a severe impact on life) are required before biological treatments for psoriasis may be administered in the UK.... dermatology life quality index

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