Desmoid Tumour: From 2 Different Sources
A growth, usually in the abdominal wall.
The tumour is hard, with a well-defined edge.
The tumours occur most frequently in women who have had children.
They may also arise at the sites of old surgical incisions.
Surgical removal is the usual treatment.
a dense connective-tissue tumour with a dangerous propensity for repeated local recurrence after treatment. Intra-abdominal desmoids have an association with familial adenomatous *polyposis (FAP).
A mass or swelling. The lump can be a neoplasm (benign or malignant) or a tumour can be a mass due to an infection or inflammation.... tumour
Also called nephroblastoma. This is the commonest kidney tumour in infancy. It is a malignant tumour, which occurs in around one per 10,000 live births. The survival rate with modern treatment (removal of the kidney followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy) is now around 80 per cent.... wilms’ tumour
A growth comprised of immature sperm cells in the male testis or of immature ova in the female ovary. A seminoma is one type of germ cell tumour (see testis, cancer of).... germ cell tumour
A neoplasm with a number of different cell types undergoing cancerous change.... mixed tumour
See: ANTI-NEOPLASTICS. ... anti-tumours
Cancerous or noncancerous tumours in the adrenal glands, usually causing excess secretion of hormones. Adrenal tumours are rare. Tumours of the adrenal cortex may secrete aldosterone, causing primary aldosteronism, or hydrocortisone, causing Cushing’s syndrome. Tumours of the medulla may cause excess secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Two types of tumour affect the medulla: phaeochromocytoma and neuroblastoma, which affects children. These tumours cause intermittent hypertension and sweating attacks. Surgical removal of a tumour usually cures these conditions.... adrenal tumours
A growth composed of cells that produce various hormones. These cells, amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation (APUD) cells, occur in different parts of the body. Some tumours of the thyroid gland, pancreas, and lungs are cell tumours, as are a carcinoid tumour (see carcinoid syndrome) and phaeochromocytoma (a type of adrenal tumour).... apud cell tumour
See dermoid cyst.... dermoid tumour
Cancerous or noncancerous growths in the intestine. Cancerous tumours commonly affect the large intestine (see colon, cancer of; rectum, cancer of); the small intestine is only rarely affected. Lymphomas and carcinoid tumours (leading to carcinoid syndrome) may sometimes develop in the intestine; noncancerous tumours include polyps in the colon, and adenomas, leiomyomas, lipomas, and angiomas in the small intestine.... intestine, tumours of
A growth arising from the tissues that develop into the placenta. The most common type of trophoblastic tumour is a hydatidiform mole. (See also choriocarcinoma.)... trophoblastic tumour
A type of kidney cancer, also called nephroblastoma, that occurs mainly in children.... wilms’ tumour
an abnormal multiplication of brain cells. Any tumorous swelling tends to compress or even destroy the healthy brain cells surrounding it and – because of the rigid closed nature of the skull – increases the pressure on the brain tissue. Malignant brain tumours, which are much more common in children than in adults, include *medulloblastomas and *gliomas; these grow rapidly, spreading through the otherwise normal brain tissue and causing progressive neurological disability. Benign tumours, such as *meningiomas, grow slowly and compress the brain tissue. Both benign and malignant tumours commonly cause fits. Benign tumours are often cured by total surgical resection. Malignant tumours may be treated by neurosurgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, but the outcome for most patients remains poor.... cerebral tumour
a rare tumour of fetal remnants of the ovaries or testes. In women it is an aggressive malignant ovarian tumour that develops in adolescence and may secrete alpha-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotrophin, which can be used as *tumour markers. It is treated by oophorectomy with adjuvant chemotherapy.... endodermal sinus tumour
(GIST) a rare type of sarcoma arising from the gastrointestinal tract (usually the stomach), characterized by the presence of the receptor c-kit/CD117 on the surface of the tumour cells, which stimulates division of these cells. It displays a wide range of malignant behaviour. Specific treatment is available with *tyrosine kinase inhibitors.... gastrointestinal stromal tumour
see renal cell carcinoma. [P. A. Grawitz (1850–1932), German pathologist]... grawitz tumour
an androgen-producing tumour of the ovary found in older women and often resulting in *virilization. Such tumours are so called as they tend to occur around the area of the ovary where the blood vessels enter (the hilum). They are usually small and are treated by surgical removal, with resolution of most of the symptoms.... hilar cell tumour
a malignant tumour of the thyroid gland that arises from Hürthle (or Askanazy) cells, altered follicular cells of the gland that have large nuclei and stain deeply with eosin (these cells are also found in benign nodules and Hashimoto’s disease). Hürthle cell carcinoma is not as common as papillary, follicular, or anaplastic thyroid carcinomas (see thyroid cancer). [K. W. Hürthle (1860–1945), German histologist]... hürthle cell tumour
any tumour arising in a cell of the pancreatic *islets of Langerhans. These tumours, which include *insulinomas, *glucagonomas, and *somatostatinomas, form one of the two major subclasses of gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumours, the other being the *carcinoid tumours.... islet cell tumour
see cholangiocarcinoma. [G. Klatskin (20th century), US physician]... klatskin tumour
a rapidly developing malignant growth in one or (more often) both ovaries. It is caused by the *transcoelomic spread of a primary growth in the stomach or intestine, typically an adenocarcinoma. [F. E. Krukenberg]... krukenberg tumour
a tumour of the *interstitial (Leydig) cells of the testis. Such tumours often secrete testosterone, which in prepubertal boys causes *virilization and precocious puberty.... leydig tumour
see haemangioblastoma. [A. Lindau (1892–1958), Swedish pathologist]... lindau’s tumour
any one of a group of neoplasm tumour-like malformations arising from odontogenic tissues or their remnants. The most important example is the *ameloblastoma.... odontogenic tumour
1. an accumulation of fluid (pleural effusion) in the lung in patients with heart failure, which resembles a lung tumour on radiological examination. 2. a swelling in the abdomen or elsewhere, caused by local muscular contraction or the accumulation of gases, that mimics a swelling caused by a tumour.... phantom tumour
an *adenoma of the umbilicus.... raspberry tumour
a small painless nonmalignant swelling in the lower half of the *sternomastoid muscle, appearing a few days after birth. It occurs when the neck of the fetus is in an abnormal position in the uterus, which interferes with the blood supply to the affected muscle, and it is most common after breech births. The tumour may cause a slight tilt of the head towards the tumour and turning of the face to the other side. This can be corrected by physiotherapy aimed at increasing all movements of the body, but without stretching the neck.... sternomastoid tumour
a protein produced by cancer cells. Its presence in the blood can be revealed by means of a simple blood test, aiding the diagnosis of malignant melanoma and other cancers at their earliest – and most treatable – stages of development.... tumour-associated antigen
(TIL) a lymphoid cell that can infiltrate solid tumours. Such cells can be cultured in vitro, in the presence of *interleukin 2, and have been used as vehicles for *tumour necrosis factor in gene therapy trials for cancer.... tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte
a substance produced by a tumour that can be used to aid detection of the tumour and to monitor its size and the effects of treatment. An example is *alpha-fetoprotein, which is used to monitor treatment of malignant *teratomas. See also CA125; CA19-9; carcino-embryonic antigen; human chorionic gonadotrophin.... tumour marker
(TNF) either of two proteins, TNF-? or TNF-?, that function as *cytokines. Produced by macrophages, monocytes, T lymphocytes, and various other cells, they mediate many responses, including inflammation, and have a marked action against tumour cells. Anti-TNF drugs (see cytokine inhibitor) are used in the treatment of several disorders, especially rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.... tumour necrosis factor
(adenolymphoma) a tumour of the parotid salivary glands, containing epithelial and lymphoid tissues with cystic spaces. [A. S. Warthin (1866–1931), US pathologist]... warthin’s tumour