Causes: faulty absorption of fats, bacterial or viral infection, nervous bowel, anxiety or psychosomatic disturbance, malfunction of the thyroid gland, etc.
Looseness of the bowels may sometimes occur as an acute cleansing eliminative effort by Nature to expel wastes and impurities. Dehydration can be serious in children. For presence of mucous or blood in the stool refer to DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS.
Differential diagnosis. Crohn’s disease, Gastroenteritis, Diverticulosis, Ulcerative colitis, Dysentery, Salmonella.
Travel diarrhoea: ‘blight of holiday and business trips abroad’ due to E. Coli. Acute, usually non- persistent self-limiting condition. Ginger, crystallised or powder in capsules or tablets is known to reduce the incidence in high risk areas.
Imported bloody diarrhoeas – salmonella, shigella or amoebic infections should receive special investigation by a competent authority, a consultant in infectious diseases. First-aid until the practitioner comes: 2-5 drops oil of Peppermint in water.
Children’s diarrhoea. Re-hydration after severe loss of fluids – glass of water containing 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons sugar.
Over 13,000 children die from this preventable disease every day, many in the developing countries. This simple combination of sugar and salt prevents dehydration, the most common cause of death from acute diarrhoea, and has helped save tens of thousands of lives.
Alternatives. Rest. Avoid caffeine and alcohol drinks. Plenty of astringent herb teas to reduce the associated hyperperistalsis. Children – half-dose.
Teas. Any one of the following: Agrimony, Avens, Burmarigold, Black Walnut leaves, Burnet (greater or garden), Ground Ivy, Ladysmantle, Hops (nervous bowel), Plantain, Peppermint, Periwinkle (vinca major), Meadowsweet, Silverweed, Shepherd’s Purse, Tormentil. Sage. Formulae: (1) equal parts; Raspberry leaves, Agrimony, Avens. Or (2) equal parts; Raspberry leaves, Plantain, Silverweed. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-15 minutes. Half-1 cup freely. For nerve exhaustion: add a sprinkle of Valerian.
Seeds. Coriander, Caraway or Fenugreek. Half a teaspoon to each cup water, brought to boil; vessel removed as soon as boiling point is reached. Half-1 cup freely.
Decoctions. Any one of the following: Bayberry, Cranesbill (American), Rhatany root, Sweet Chestnut leaves, Oak bark, Wild Yam, Iceland Moss.
Powders. Any one: Calamus, Bayberry, Oak bark, Cinnamon, Black Catechu, Wild Yam. Add pinch of Ginger.
Tinctures. (1) Combine Bayberry 2; Ginger 1. Or (2) Combine Bayberry 1; Raspberry leaves 2. One to two 5ml teaspoons thrice daily after meals.
Tincture, or spirits of Camphor: 5-10 drops in water every 3-4 hours for severe depletion of body fluids. Adults only.
Aloe Vera. Scientific papers confirm efficacy.
Dr Finlay Ellingwood. Castor oil: 5 drops every 2 hours.
Bilberry juice. Half-1 cup freely.
Goldenseal. Antibacterial. 5-10 drops, tincture, 3-4 times daily. Adults only.
Diet. Avoid cow’s milk. 3-day fast on fruit juices and herb teas alone, followed by gruel made from Slippery Elm, Oatmeal or Arrowroot. Yoghurt. Bilberry fruit. Carob bean products: chocolate or other preparations. Ensure adequate fluid intake.
Supplementation. Vitamins A, B12, C, D. Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc. Preventative. 2 drops oil of Peppermint morning and evening.