(2) A drug which usually acts by relaxing smooth muscle to increase the diameter of blood vessels, the bronchial tree, or other organs.
(3) An instrument used to increase the diameter of an ori?ce or organ, either to treat a stricture or to allow surgical access.
Habitat: Coastal regions, particularly Orissa, Karnataka, Maharashtra and the Andamans. Also cultivated as an ornamental tree.
English: Indian Laurel, Alexandrian Laurel.Ayurvedic: Punnaaga, Tunga, Sultaan champaa, Naagchampaa, Raajchampaa.Siddha/Tamil: Punnai, Punnagam.Action: Oil of seeds—specific for scabies and other skin diseases, and for rheumatism. Used in the treatment of genitourinary and venereal diseases. Bark—juice is taken as purgative; pounded with water is applied in orchitis, and for dressing ulcers. Root bark— antibacterial, used for indolent ulcers. Leaf—used in vertigo and migraine, also for chicken pox, skin inflammations, scabies, sunburn. Flowers and stamens—used as a substitute for Naagakesara (Mesua ferrea Linn.)
The root bark and heartwood contain xanthones. The xanthones exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in rats against carrageenan-induce oedema; also CNS depressant activity. Jaca- reubin and 6-deoxy derivatives exhibited antiulcer activity in rats.Calophyllolide, a complex 5-Ph- coumarin isolated from nuts, showed antiarrhythmic (as effective as quini- dine), bradycardiac coronary dilator, and anticoagulant, also anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic activity.Dosage: Leaf, flower, bark—3-5 g powder; 50-100 ml decoction. (CCRAS.)... calophyllum inophyllumAction. Cardiac tonic. Emmenagogue. Anthelmintic. Coronary artery dilator. Diuretic. Hypertensive. Uses. For slowing the heart’s action, increasing force of the beat, and increasing blood pressure. Dropsy. ‘Heart asthma’. Palpitation. Mitral insufficiency.
Preparation. Tincture Adonis: 10-20 drops in water twice daily and when necessary. Pharmacy only medicine. ... adonis
Habitat: Native to eastern United States; imported into India.
English: Indian Tabacco, Pukeweed.Ayurvedic: Devanala (var.).Action: Antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, broncho-dilator, expectorant, mild sedative and relaxant. Used as a tabacco deterrent (as a major ingredient in many antismoking mixtures).
Key application: In the treatment of asthma, bronchitis. (German Commission E.) As respiratory stimulant. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.)Lobelia contains piperidine alkaloids, mainly lobeline, with lobelanine, lobelanidine, norlobelanine, isolobi- nine. Lobeline stimulates respiration in animals by stimulating respiratory centre and at high doses stimulates the vomiting centre.Lobeline has similar but less potent pharmacological properties to nicotine but 1/20-1/5 as potent.Lobeline (0.5%) has also been used as an active ingredient in skin-lightening preparations.Clinical research could not demonstrate lobeline efficacy greater than placebo in smoking cessation. It was disallowed as an ingredient in antismoking products in the US in 1993. (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, 2007.)The leaves contain beta-amyrin pal- mitate which possesses sedative and antidepressant properties comparable to the antidepressant drug mianserin. Methanolic extract of leaves exhibited antidepressant activity.The leaf powder is toxic at 0.6-1.0 , (Francis Brinker.)... lobelia inflataHabitat: Throughout Northern and Northwestern India, and in drier regions of Deccan.
English: Wild Rue; Foreign Henna, Syrian Rue.Ayurvedic: Haramal, Isband.Siddha/Tamil: Simaiyaravandi, Simaiyalavinai.Action: Plant—emmenagogue, abortifacient. Seeds—narcotic, hypnotic, antispasmodic, anodyne and emetic; used in asthma, hiccough, colic, neuralgia, hysteria, dysmenorrhoea; used as abortifa- cient (properties similar to ergot, savine and rue). (Dried seeds constitute the drug Harmal of Indian medicine.)
The plant gave flavonoids—kaem- pferol, quercetin and acacetin. Aerial parts and seeds contain alkaloids— harmine, harmaline and harmalol (called harman alkaloids). Harman alkaloids from the seeds have been suggested for use in nervous diseases, and as coronary dilators and embolic. Harmol exhibits hypertensive activity. Harmine, vasicinone, deoxyvasici- none and 8-hydroxy glucosylharmine exhibit antitumour activity.The alkaloids, harmine, harmaline and harmol exhibit antibacterial and antifungal activity.The aqueous extract of seeds exhibited significant antiviral activity in vitro against herpes virus hominis type 1, slight activity was also observed against influenza viruses A and B. The plant extract exhibits significant analgesic activity.... peganum harmalaVigorous respiratory movements are made to overcome the obstruction during each apnoea. These are associated with snoring and snorting noises. The apnoea ends with a mini-arousal from sleep. As a result, sleep becomes fragmented and sleep deprivation, manifested as sleepiness during the day, is common. This may result in accidents – for instance, at work or while driving – and sleep apnoea is also linked with an increased risk of STROKE, heart attacks and HYPERTENSION.
The diagnosis of sleep apnoea has recently been facilitated by linking specially designed software with ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY performed during sleep, with minimal disturbance of the subject.
Initial treatment is directed at correcting the cause (e.g. obesity), but if the apnoeas persist or are severe a nasal mask and pump which introduces air under slight pressure into the upper airway (continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP) is almost invariably e?ective.... sleep apnoeas
ASTHMA. Spasmodic contraction of the bronchi following exercise, emotional tension, infection, allergens, pollens, house dust, colds.
Symptoms. Obstruction of airways with wheezing, rales or whistling sounds with a sense of constriction. Often related to eczema – ‘eczema of the epithelium’. Infantile eczema treated with suppressive ointments may drive the condition ‘inwards’ and worsen asthma. “My son’s eczema has got better, but he now has asthma” is a common observation.
Causes: hypersensitivity to domestic animals, horses and pet birds. Common salt. Red or white wine allergy. An older generation of practitioners recognised a renal-bronchial asthma encouraged by faulty kidney function. With addition of a relaxing diuretic (Dandelion, Buchu or Parsley root) to a prescription, respiratory symptoms often abate.
Broncho-dilators such as Ephedra and Wild Thyme are widely used by the practitioner. To relieve spasm: Lobelia, Pleurisy root. White Horehound, Ammoniacum, Cramp bark, Garlic, Grindelia, Hyssop.
Anti-cough agents serve to remove sticky sputum: Coltsfoot, Garden Thyme, Slippery Elm bark, Maidenhair Fern, Linseed, Bayberry bark.
For the chronic asthmatic, bacterial invasion spells distress, when Echinacea or Balm of Gilead should be added. Where an irregular pulse reveals heart involvement, add: Hawthorn or Lily of the Valley.
Lobelia is of special value for the anxious patient with spasm of the bronchi. Should be tried before resorting to powerful spray mists which frequently produce gastro-intestinal disturbance.
Alternatives. Teas. Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Horehound (White), Mullein, Skullcap, Marshmallow, Thyme, Valerian, Wild Cherry bark, Elecampane, Plantain. Formula: equal parts herbs Coltsfoot, Mullein, Valerian. 1-2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes; dose, 1 cup twice daily and when necessary.
Antispasmodic Drops. See entry.
Practitioner. Ephedra, Lobelia, Gelsemium, Grindelia, Euphorbia (pill-bearing spurge), Skunk Cabbage, Senega, Pulsatilla, Lily of the Valley (cardiac asthma), Thyme. Formula. Equal parts, Tincture Lobelia simp; Tincture Belladonna; Tincture Ephedra. 5-10 drops thrice daily (maintenance), 10-20 drops for spasm.
Cockayne, Ernest, FNIMH. Hyssop tea for children throughout childhood to avoid respiratory disorders. Dr Finlay Ellingwood. Gelsemium 3.5ml; Lobelia 3.5ml. Distilled water to 120ml. One 5ml teaspoon in water every 3 hours.
Dr Alfred Vogel. Ephedra 20 per cent; Ipecac 15 per cent; Hawthorn berry 10 per cent; Blessed Thistle 5 per cent; Burnet Saxifrage 5 per cent; Garden Thyme 5 per cent; Grindelia 1 per cent. 10-15 drops in water thrice daily.
Dr Wm Thomson. 1 teaspoon Ephedra herb to cup boiling water; infuse 10-15 minutes. Half-1 cup 2-3 times daily.
Traditional. 2 teaspoons shredded Elecampane root in cup cold water; stand overnight. Next day, heat to boiling point when required. Strain. Sips, hot, with honey: 1 cup 2-3 times daily.
Potter’s Asthma & Bronchitis Compound 32. 40g medicinal teabags. Ingredients: Clove BPC 4.84 per cent; Elecampane root 17.24 per cent; Horehound 26.20 per cent; Hyssop 17.24 per cent; Irish Moss 17.24 per cent; Liquorice 17.24 per cent. Dose: 1-2 teaspoons when necessary.
Chinese Medicine. Decoction or extract from the Gingko tree widely used, as also is Ephedra, Garlic, Liquorice and Bailcalensis.
Tablets/capsules. Lobelia. Iceland Moss, (Gerard). Euphorbia (Blackmore).
Powders. Formula. Lobelia 2; Hyssop 1; Elderflowers 1; Grindelia quarter; Liquorice quarter: pinch Cayenne. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon) 2-3 times daily.
Aromatherapy. 6 drops Rosemary oil in 2 teaspoons Almond oil for massage upper chest to relieve congestion.
Nebulizer. A germicidal solution is made from 5 drops oil Eucalyptus in one cup boiling water. Use in nebulizer for droplet therapy.
Ioniser – use of.
Cider Vinegar. Sips of the vinegar in water for whoop.
Supportives. Yoga. Singing. Cures have been reported of patients on taking up singing. “During singing, up to 90 per cent of the vital capacity may be used without a conscious effort to increase tidal volume.” (Dr M. Judson, New England Journal of Medicine)
Diet. Low salt, low fat, high fibre, cod liver oil, carrots, watercress, Soya beans or flour, lecithin, sunflower seed oil, green vegetables, raw fruit, fresh fish. These foods are valuable sources of antioxidant vitamins and minerals essential for the body’s defence mechanism. A diet deficient in these reduces ability of the airways to withstand the ravages of cigarette smoke and other air pollutants.
Foods that are craved are ones often causing sensitivity. Among problem foods are: milk, corn, wheat, eggs, nuts, chocolate, all dairy products, fat of meats. Check labels for tartrazine artificial colouring.
Salt intake. Linked with chest diseases. “Those who eat a lot of salt had more sensitive airways than those with low salt intake . . . excess salt tended to cause most pronounced symptoms.” (Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Oavia, Italy)
Asthma mortality could be significantly reduced by sufferers lowering their salt consumption, an epidemiologist predicted.
Supplements. Daily. Vitamin B6 50-100mg. Vitamin C 500mg. Vitamin E 400iu. Magnesium, Zinc. Cod liver oil: 2 teaspoons.
Anti-allergic bedding. Provides a protective barrier against the house dust mite on mattresses and bedding. Droppings from the tiny pests are worse in the bedroom. ... asthenia
Action: relaxing nervine, sedative, spasmolytic, vaso-dilator, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory, anti- rheumatic, anti-cough, regulates autonomic system, emmenagogue, natural source of salicylic acid which has an aspirin-like effect. The agent works powerfully upon the female reproductive organs. Analgesic (mild).
Constituents: triterpine glycosides.
Uses: Cramps, sciatica, low back pain, facial and intercostal neuralgia, stiff neck, aches after strenuous exercise. Painful menstruation and menopausal symptoms, breast pains, threatened abortion, migraine of hormonal origin and pain in the ovaries. Tinnitus. Oestrogen-deficiency. Scarlet fever. Fatty heart.
Combines, equal parts with Bogbean for rheumatism; with Blue Cohosh for ovaries and womb; with Elecampane for whooping cough. Psychological: of value for melancholia, hysteria and nervous depression. Peter Smith, 19th century explorer, claimed the Indians used it with success for yellow fever. Contra-indicated in pregnancy and lactation.
Preparations: Unless otherwise prescribed, daily dose: dried rhizome and root, 40-200mg or by decoction; tincture (1:10, 60 per cent ethanol), 0.4-2ml. (British Herbal Compendium, Vol 1). Antispasmodic tincture (Potter’s) Used in traditional Chinese medicine. ... black cohosh
Diagnosis is confirmed by sputum test, chest X-ray, bronchoscopy or biopsy. Earliest symptoms are persistent cough, pain in the chest, hoarseness of voice and difficulty of breathing. Physical examination is likely to reveal sensitivity and swelling of lymph nodes under arms.
Symptoms. Tiredness, lack of energy, possible pains in bones and over liver area. Clubbing of finger-tips indicate congestion of the lungs. Swelling of arms, neck and face may be obvious. A haematologist may find calcium salts in the blood. The supportive action of alteratives, eliminatives and lymphatic agents often alleviate symptoms where the act of swallowing has not been impaired.
Broncho-dilators (Lobelia, Ephedra, etc) assist breathing. Mullein has some reputation for pain relief. To arrest bleeding from the lesion (Blood root).
According to Dr Madaus, Germany, Rupturewort is specific on lung tissue. To disperse sputum (Elecampane, Red Clover). In advanced cases there may be swollen ankles and kidney breakdown for which Parsley root, Parsley Piert or Buchu may be indicated. Cough (Sundew, Irish Moss). Soft cough with much sputum (Iceland Moss). To increase resistance (Echinacea).
Alternatives. Secondary to primary treatment. Of possible value.
Teas. Violet leaves, Mullein leaves, Yarrow leaves, Gotu Kola leaves, White Horehound leaves. Flavour with a little Liquorice if unpalatable.
Tablets/capsules. Lobelia, Iceland Moss, Echinacea, Poke root.
Formula. Equal parts: Violet, Red Clover, Garden Thyme, Yarrow, Liquorice. Dose: Powders: 750mg (three 00 capsules or half a teaspoon. Liquid Extracts: 1-2 teaspoons. Tinctures: 1-3 teaspoons. Thrice daily, and during the night if relief is sought.
Practitioner. Tinctures BHP (1983). Ephedra 4; Red Clover 4, Yellow Dock 2; Bugleweed 2; Blood root quarter; Liquorice quarter (liquid extract). Mix. Start low: 30-60 drops in water before meals and at bedtime increasing to maximum tolerance level.
Aromatherapy. Oils: Eucalyptus or Thyme on tissue to assist breathing. Inhale.
Diet. See: DIET – CANCER.
Treatment by a general medical practitioner or hospital specialist. ... cancer - bronchial carcinoma
Cardio-actives. Herbs exercising a direct action on the heart due to the cardiac glycosides they contain. They increase output by sustaining the heart muscle without a demand for more oxygen. This group includes: Motherwort, Hawthorn, Broom, Lily of the Valley, Figwort, Bugleweed, Squills.
Cardiac glycosides, especially those of the Foxglove (digitalis) which is administered by a physician only, tend to accumulate in the body and may prove toxic when their elimination is retarded. The most important cardio-active used by the Consulting Herbalist is Lily of the Valley which has an action similar to Foxglove but without toxic effect. It is a reliable alternative to Foxglove for failure of the heart with retention of water in the body.
Cardio-tonics. Herbalists use other plants that do not contain cardiac glycosides but which have an indirect effect upon the heart. These dilate arteries and peripheral vessels, speeding the circulation, reducing high blood pressure, relieving any back-pressure on the heart caused by accumulation of blood in the lungs. There are peripheral dilators to resolve any hold-up in the circulation and others that assist a failing heart by eliminating obstruction in the bowel (laxatives), liver and kidneys (hepatics and diuretics), skin (diaphoretics and alteratives, chief of which is Figwort). The heart also may feel the benefit of a timely relaxing nervine such as Skullcap or Lime flowers. Even treatment of varicose veins indirectly assists. All of these reduce the work-load of the muscle and tend to ‘normalise’ function of the heart. Cardio-tonics include Ephedra, Motherwort, Rosemary, Mistletoe, Hawthorn, Lime flowers, Cayenne, Yarrow, Garlic, Balm.
Bugleweed is often overlooked as a cardiac sedative to relax capillaries and soothe arterial excitement. ... cardiac
Alternatives. Internal. Prickly Ash, Hawthorn, Cayenne, Blue Flag, Ginger.
Tinctures. To tone the skin. Mix, equal parts: Yarrow, Blue Flag root, Prickly Ash. Few drops tincture Capsicum (Cayenne). One 5ml teaspoon in water before meals thrice daily.
Topical. Oak bark hand or foot baths: handful bark to each 1 pint (500ml) water simmered 20 minutes. Capsicum or Black Bryony (Tamus): cream or lotion.
Friar’s balsam: soak cotton wool and apply.
Traditional. Rub with raw onion. Bathe with potato water. Infusion of Wild Thyme wash (Dr Alfred Vogel). Cider vinegar.
Prophylactic measures: adequate footwear (socks and shoes) before winter comes.
Supplementation. 2 × 300mg Calcium lactate tablets at meals thrice daily. Vitamin E (400iu daily). Vitamin B-complex (500mg daily). ... chilblains
The womb goes into spasm with pains as in labour; teenager screams aloud. Causes may be glandular inadequacy, prolapse of the womb, inflammation and congestion of the lining, scars on the cervix, psychological disorders. The most likely cause is hormonal imbalance. Where due to a chill, a hot bath and herbal teas (Agnus Castus, Pennyroyal, or Raspberry leaves) are indicated. Where accompanied by emotional excitability, the addition of Skullcap or Motherwort is beneficial.
Cause of the pain is mostly a high concentration of prostaglandins – chemical hormone-like substances that have an astringent effect upon walls of the womb thus arresting blood supply. Herbal vaso-dilators or relaxants have an anti-prostaglandin effect.
Treatment. The first concern of the practitioner is to administer a uterine vaso-dilator to increase the capacity of the blood vessels to transport blood. This effect can be obtained by employing antispasmodics, and nerve relaxants. Those having a specific effect upon the womb are: Agnus Castus, Black Cohosh, Black Haw, Blue Cohosh, Butterbur, Caraway, Cramp bark, Helonias, Jamaica Dogwood, Goldenseal, Lovage, Motherwort, Mugwort, Peppermint, Pulsatilla, St John’s Wort, Skullcap, Squaw Vine, Valerian, Wild Thyme, Wild Yam.
Teas. Lovage, Motherwort, Mugwort, Peppermint, Skullcap, Chamomile, Wild Thyme, Agnus Castus, Raspberry leaves. Add a pinch of Ginger.
Decoctions. Black Cohosh, Black Haw, Blue Cohosh, Butterbur, Cramp bark, False Unicorn root, Jamaica Dogwood, Squaw Vine, Valerian, Wild Yam. A pinch of Ginger enhances action.
Formula. Skullcap 2; Black Cohosh 1; Cramp bark 1. Dosage. Powders: 500mg or one-third teaspoon. Liquid extracts: half-1 teaspoon. Tinctures: 1-2 teaspoons. In honey, water or fruit juice thrice daily, before meals.
In the absence of the above, the following are also reliable: Black Haw, Helonias, Squaw Vine. Jamaica Dogwood combines well with Black Haw.
Antispasmodic drops.
Supplements. B-complex, B6, Calcium, Magnesium.
Supportives: Heat to the feet. Hot water bottle and electric blanket. Bedrest helps relax pelvic tissues. ... dysmenorrhoea
May be associated with piles, Crohn’s disease or colitis. Appearance resembles crack at corner of the mouth.
Alternatives. Sometimes has to be resolved by surgical operation.
Tea. Formula. Equal parts: Chamomile, Comfrey herb, Figwort. 2 teaspoons to each cup boiling water. Infuse 15 minutes. 1 cup thrice daily.
Decoction. Equal parts. Bistort root. Cranesbill root. Frangula bark. 1 teaspoon to each cup water simmered gently 20 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.
Powders. Formula. Bistort root 1; Slippery Elm 2; Fenugreek 1. Pinch red pepper. Mix. Dose: 750mg (three 00 capsules, or half a teaspoon) thrice daily.
Liquid extracts. Formula. Bistort root 2; Marshmallow root 1; Frangula bark 1. Dose: 30-60 drops thrice daily, before meals.
Tincture. Tincture Bistort BHP (1983) (1:5 in 45 per cent alcohol). Dose: 30-60 drops, thrice daily. Topical. Comfrey or Calendula cream: smear on anal dilator or suppository to relieve spasm and heal. Vitamin E cream. Insert 1-4 Garlic capsules into rectum at night.
Practitioner ointment. Figwort 10; Belladonna 1. Ointment base to make 100 parts. Diet. Low residue. Dandelion coffee.
Supplements. Plenty of Vitamin C. (Oranges, citrus fruits)
Attention to bowels: Psyllium seeds. ... fissure, anal
Treatment. Circulatory stimulants. Vaso-dilators.
Alternatives. BHP (1983) – Prickly Ash bark, Cramp bark, Black Cohosh, Angelica root, Hawthorn, Wild Yam. Prophylactic – Garlic.
Decoction. Mix, equal parts: Black Cohosh, Prickly Ash bark, Hawthorn berries. One teaspoon to each cup of water simmered gently 20 minutes. Half-1 cup thrice daily.
Formula. Hawthorn 2; Black Cohosh 1; Prickly Ash 1. Dose: Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one- third teaspoon). Liquid Extracts: one 5ml teaspoon. Tinctures: two 5ml teaspoons. Thrice daily in water or honey.
Tablets/capsules. Prickly Ash. Hawthorn. Black Cohosh. Garlic, 2 at night. Cramp bark. Ginkgo.
Life Drops. 3-10 drops in cup of tea to relieve spasm.
Ginkgo biloba. “Walking distance is definitely increased.” (Rudolf F. Weiss MD. Herbal Medicine, Beaconsfield Publishers)
Garlic. 80 patients with symptomatic state II occlusive disease (claudication), randomised, to take either Garlic powder 800mg a day in tablet form (equivalent to Kwai) or placebo for 12 weeks. A significantly greater improvement in walking distance, apparent after just 4 weeks, occurred in the Garlic-treated group compared with the placebo group. (Professor H. Kiesewetter, Department of Clinical Haemostasiology, University of Saarland, Germany)
Diet. Lacto-vegetarian.
Supplements. Vitamin E, 400iu morning and evening.
General. Venesection sometimes necessary. No smoking or alcohol. See: BUERGER’S DISEASE, RAYNAUD’S DISEASE, ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, PHLEBITIS, THROMBOSIS. ... intermittent claudication
Causes: damage from gall-stones, aftermath of infections, drugs; the commonest is alcohol. Usually made up of three factors: toxaemia (self-poisoning), poor nutrition, infective bacteria or virus.
Symptoms. Loss of appetite, dyspepsia, low grade fever, nosebleeds, lethargy, spidery blood vessels on face, muscular weakness, jaundice, loss of sex urge, redness of palms of hands, unable to lie on left side. Mechanical pressure may cause dropsy and ascites. Alcohol-induced cirrhosis correlates with low phospholipid levels.
Treatment. Bitter herbs are a daily necessity to keep the bile fluid and flowing. Among other agents, peripheral vaso-dilators are indicated. Regulate bowels.
Teas. Balmony, Milk Thistle, Boldo, Bogbean. Dandelion coffee. Barberry tea (cold water). Tablets/capsules. Calamus, Blue Flag, Wild Yam.
Formula. Wahoo 2; Wild Yam 1; Blue Flag root 1. Dose: Liquid Extracts: one 5ml teaspoon. Tinctures: two 5ml teaspoons. Powders: 500mg (two 00 capsules or one-third teaspoon). Thrice daily.
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum). Based on its silymarin contents: 70-210mg, thrice daily.
Practitioner. For pain. Tincture Gelsemium: 5-10 drops in water when necessary.
Enema. Constipation may be severe for which warm water injection should be medicated with few drops Tincture Myrrh.
Diet. High protein, high starch, low fat. Reject alcohol. Accept: Dandelion coffee, artichokes, raw onion juice, turmeric as a table spice.
Lecithin. Soy-derived lecithin to antidote alcohol-induced cirrhosis. (Study: Bronx Veterans Affairs Medical Center & Mount Sinai Hospital School of Medicine, New York City)
Supplements. B-complex, B12, C (1g), K, Magnesium, Zinc.
Treatment by or in liaison with a general medical practitioner or gastro-enterologist. ... liver – cirrhosis
Constituents: lobeline, resin, wax, gum, lignin, fixed oil.
Action: antasthmatic, antispasmodic, mild sedative and gentle relaxant. Expectorant, diaphoretic, anti- cough. Broncho-dilator containing the alkaloid lobeline. Claimed to destroy pneumococcus. Amphoteric. Emetic. Smoking deterrent (tablets). Respiratory stimulant.
Uses: Broad spectrum therapy: chest, throat, sinuses, middle ear, urinary tract, chronic bronchitis. An effective means of controlling difficult breathing without risk of serious side-effects: croup, whooping cough, pleurisy, etc. For deteriorating asthma where there has been a declining response to routine broncho-dilator treatment. Well tolerated by those allergic to penicillin and for side-effects arising from that therapy. Tetanus (Dr H. Hart, Chi Med Journal). Irritability and hypersensitivity. Nicotine addiction. External. Use of tincture or liquid extract for gouty joints, big toe, etc.
Ear troubles in children: Inject 2 drops Oil Lobelia.
Preparations: Thrice daily.
Dried herb, 50 to 200mg in infusion (BHC Vol 1).
Liquid Extract: 0.2 to 0.6ml (3 to 10 drops).
Tincture Lobelia acid: 1 part to 10 parts cider vinegar; macerate 8 days; decant. Dose: 5 to 10ml (1-2 teaspoons).
Simple Tincture Lobelia BPC (1949), 1:8 in 60 per cent alcohol. Dose, 0.6 to 2ml.
Tablets/capsules. Lobelia compound. Powdered Lobelia BP 60mg; Powdered Gum Ammoniacum BPC 30mg; Powdered extract Squill 2:1, 30mg. Respiratory stimulant for blocked sinuses, catarrh and coughs. Contra-indicated: feeble pulse or nerve response, pregnancy, shock, paralysis. Large doses induce vomiting. ... lobelia