A silicone-based substance, also known as simeticone, that is used in barrier creams and as an antifoaming agent in antacid preparations.
(dimethicone) n. a silicone preparation used to treat head lice; it forms a coating around the parasites that prevents their excretion of water. Dimeticone is also included in various *barrier creams (with antiseptics and astringents) to prevent undue drying of the skin and protect it against irritating external agents. See also simeticone.
a preparation used to protect the skin against water-soluble irritants (e.g. detergents, breakdown products of urine). Usually applied in the form of a cream or ointment and often containing a silicone (such as *dimeticone), barrier creams are useful in the alleviation of various skin disorders, including napkin rash and pressure sores.... barrier cream