Paralysis affecting both sides of the body (both legs and, to a lesser extent, both arms).
Extensive PARALYSIS on both sides of the body but affecting the legs more than the arms.
n. paralysis involving both sides of the body and affecting the legs more severely than the arms. Cerebral diplegia is a form of *cerebral palsy in which there is widespread damage, in both cerebral hemispheres, of the brain cells that control the movements of the limbs. —diplegic adj.
n. muscle weakness that varies in its extent, its severity, and the degree of spasticity or flaccidity according to the nature of the underlying disease and its distribution in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, or muscles. See flaccid; spastic paralysis. See also diplegia; hemiplegia; paraplegia; poliomyelitis. —paralytic adj.... paralysis