Disc, Slipped: From 1 Different Sources
See disc prolapse.
The ?brous disc that acts as a cushion between the bony vertebrae (see SPINAL COLUMN), enabling them to rotate and bend one on another. The disc tends to degenerate with age and may get ruptured and displaced – prolapsed or slipped disc – as a result of sudden strenuous action. Prolapsed disc occurs mainly in the lower back; it is more common in men than in women, and in the 30–40 age group.... intervertebral disc
Otherwise known as the blind spot of the EYE, the disc is the beginning of the optic nerve – the point where nerve ?bres from the retina’s rods and cones (the light- and colour-sensitive cells) leave the eyeball.... optic disc
An anatomical term describing a rounded ?attened structure. Examples are the cartilagenous disc positioned between two vertebrae (see SPINAL COLUMN) and the optic disc (see EYE).... disc
The popular name for a PROLAPSED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC. (See also SPINAL COLUMN; SCIATICA.)... slipped disc
See disc prolapse.... herniated disc
See femoral epiphysis, slipped.... slipped femoral epiphysis
an abnormal enlargement of the central depression of the *optic disc due to loss of nerve fibres, as occurs in glaucoma.... disc cupping
displacement of an intervertebral disc through a tear in the fibrous outer coat of the disc. See prolapsed intervertebral disc.... disc herniation
the early embryo before the formation of *somites. It is a flat disc of tissue bounded dorsally by the amniotic cavity and ventrally by the yolk sac. The formation of the *primitive streak and *archenteron in the embryonic disc determines the orientation of the embryo, which then becomes progressively elongated.... embryonic disc
a condition that occurs when the upper (capital) epiphysis of the femur slips in relation to the rest of the femur. It most commonly affects older teenage boys who are overweight. The main symptoms are pain in the hip or knee and limping gait. It can be diagnosed on X-ray. Treatment usually involves surgery to stabilize the epiphysis.... slipped capital femoral epiphysis
the most commonly used form of mechanical heart valve replacement.... tilting-disc valve