Displacement activity Health Dictionary

Displacement Activity: From 1 Different Sources

The transference of feelings from one object or person to another.

This is usually performed consciously to obtain emotional relief in a manner that will not cause harm to oneself or to another person.

Some psychotherapists believe that displacement is an unconscious defence mechanism, which prevents disturbing feelings from entering consciousness.

Health Source: BMA Medical Dictionary
Author: The British Medical Association


A term used in psychological medicine to describe the mental process of attaching to one object, painful emotions associated with another object.... displacement

Activity Coordinator

A trained staff member who is responsible for leisure activities in a health care programme. Activity coordinators develop programmes for people based on individual abilities and interests.... activity coordinator

Physical Activity

Any form of exercise or movement.... physical activity

Optical Activity

the property possessed by some substances of rotating the plane of polarization of polarized light. A compound that rotates the plane to the left is described as laevorotatory (or l-); one that rotates the plane to the right is described as dextrorotatory (or d-).... optical activity

Pulseless Electrical Activity

(electromechanical dissociation) the appearance of normal-looking complexes on the electrocardiogram that are, however, associated with a state of *cardiac arrest. It is usually caused by large pulmonary emboli (see pulmonary embolism), *cardiac tamponade, tension *pneumothorax, severe disturbance of body salt levels, severe haemorrhage, or hypothermia causing severe lack of oxygen to the heart muscle.... pulseless electrical activity

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