Two types: (1) multiple pockets with no pain. (2) hypertrophy of muscles of the colon with chronic spasmodic pain. Also an occupational hazard of saxophone players.
Symptoms. Continuous cramp-like pain in the left abdomen (iliac fossa), distension, flatulence, incomplete emptying of rectum. Colon is tender to touch and mass may be palpated. Constipation and left- sided pain are the hallmarks. Complications include abscess, faecal peritonitis from burst pouch. Differential diagnosis. On rectal examination, ulcerative colitis has fever, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhoea.
Alternatives. Tea. Equal parts, herbs: Agrimony (to stimulate a healthy flow of bile). Avens (to check excessive secretion by toning-up of bowel tissue). Hops (an alvine nervine for strengthening the walls). Liquorice (to support the immune system). Red Clover (anti-neoplastic to discourage malignancy).
For local sepsis. Suggested by high white cell count. Echinacea, Wild Indigo or Goldenseal. Where general toxaemia co-exists: Myrrh. For the chronic case with a silent abdomen, Fenugreek seeds relieve in most cases.
Fenugreek Seeds. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup water gently simmered 10 minutes. Dose: 1 cup 2-3 times daily, seeds consumed as well as the liquor.
For constipation. Ispaghula seeds, (psyllium) in the form of Isogel, Normacol, Regulan or other brand. To increase bulk, soften and render stools easier to pass.
For abdominal discomfort. Peppermint oil: 1-2 drops in honey or milk.
Tinctures. Formula. Wild Yam 2; Marshmallow 1; Elderflowers (to reduce inflammation) 1; Ginger quarter. Dose: one teaspoon before meals thrice daily; every two hours acute cases.
Aloe Vera. Good responses observed.
Diet. The Hay Diet. Fluid intake important. For acute inflammatory cases food should be bland. Little muesli without bran. Bran makes an irritable bowel worse, fibre husk increasing irritability. Oatmeal porridge oats with mashed banana, molasses and honey. Arrowroot, Slippery Elm drinks. Fruit juices, grapes (no seeds), papaya fruit.
Avoid: ham, bacon, fried foods, pickles, caffeine drinks and alcohol. In chronic, non-inflammatory cases, bran relieves, producing soft easy-passing stool. On passing of the acute inflammatory stage the patient should gradually take into the diet fibre-rich foods with sufficient protein. See: DIET: HIGH- FIBRE.
Supplementation. Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, folic acid, Bromelain enzymes. Bioflora, Lactoflora. Surgical operative measures may be necessary.