An advance directive based on the premise that a person may prefer to die than live when the quality of life available after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is likely to be worse than before. In such circumstances, a patient has the right not to be resuscitated and to be allowed to die.
Do Not Attempt Resuscitation order: an instruction, usually made by a patient while he or she has capacity and recorded in their notes, requesting that doctors desist from performing resuscitation in the event of physiological failure. By respecting a patient’s choice with regard to resuscitation, a doctor is respecting that patient’s *autonomy. If resuscitation is considered *futile, a decision not to attempt it may be taken; ideally, this should be communicated to the patient and the reasons explained sensitively.... dnar order
(in England) a legal order made by a magistrate on application by the local authority, in accordance with The Health Protection (Part 2A Orders) Regulations 2010, to exercise powers over a person, place, or thing that presents a risk to public health for a period of up to 28 days. Typically, fewer than ten such orders are issued annually. They may be used, for example, to detain an individual with infectious drug-resistant tuberculosis against their will in a setting with appropriate infection-control measures, or to seize equipment used by unregistered tattooists with poor infection-control practices.... part 2a order